Examples of LoggingStatus

Examples of org.jets3t.service.model.cloudfront.LoggingStatus

        // Update distribution to enable it, add a CNAME, update comment, enable logging,
        // set default root object, set default cache behavior, add additional cache behavior
        cnames = new String[] {callerId + originBucket, callerId + "2" + originBucket};
        comment = "Updated comment";
        LoggingStatus logging = new LoggingStatus("log-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com", "log-prefix/");
        DistributionConfig testDistributionConfig = new DistributionConfig(
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Examples of org.jets3t.service.model.cloudfront.LoggingStatus

            null, // origin -- null for no changes
            new String[] {"test1.jamesmurty.com", "test2.jamesmurty.com"}, // CNAME aliases for distribution
            "Another comment for testing", // Comment
            true, // Distribution enabled?
            new LoggingStatus("log-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com", "log-prefix/"// Distribution logging
        System.out.println("Updated Distribution Config: " + updatedDistributionConfig);

        // Update a distribution's configuration to require secure HTTPS
        // connections, using the RequiredProtocols feature
        updatedDistributionConfig = cloudFrontService.updateDistributionConfig(
            null, // origin -- null for no changes
            new String[] {"test1.jamesmurty.com", "test2.jamesmurty.com"}, // CNAME aliases for distribution
            "HTTPS Only!", // Comment
            true, // Distribution enabled?
            new LoggingStatus("log-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com", "log-prefix/")// Distribution logging
            false, // URLs self-signing disabled
            null,  // No other AWS users can sign URLs
            new String[] {"https"}, // RequiredProtocols with HTTPS protocol
            "index.html" // Default Root Object
        System.out.println("HTTPS only distribution Config: " + updatedDistributionConfig);

        // Update a distribution's configuration to change the time-to-live (MinTTL) setting.
        updatedDistributionConfig.setMinTTL(5L)// Set TTL to 5 seconds
        updatedDistributionConfig = cloudFrontService.updateDistributionConfig(
            testDistributionId, updatedDistributionConfig);
        System.out.println("Distribution Config with custom MinTTL: " + updatedDistributionConfig);

        // Disable a distribution, e.g. so that it may be deleted.
        // The CloudFront service may take some time to disable and deploy the distribution.
        DistributionConfig disabledDistributionConfig = cloudFrontService.updateDistributionConfig(
            testDistributionId, null, new String[] {}, "Deleting distribution", false, null);
        System.out.println("Disabled Distribution Config: " + disabledDistributionConfig);

        // Check whether a distribution is deployed
        distribution = cloudFrontService.getDistributionInfo(testDistributionId);
        System.out.println("Distribution is deployed? " + distribution.isDeployed());

        // Convenience method to disable a distribution prior to deletion

        // Delete a distribution (the distribution must be disabled and deployed first)

        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        // CloudFront Private Distributions - Origin Access Identities
        // -----------------------------------------------------------

        // Create a new origin access identity
        OriginAccessIdentity originAccessIdentity =
            cloudFrontService.createOriginAccessIdentity(null, "Testing");

        // List your origin access identities
        List<OriginAccessIdentity> originAccessIdentityList =

        // Obtain an origin access identity ID for future use
        OriginAccessIdentity identity = originAccessIdentityList.get(1);
        String originAccessIdentityId = identity.getId();
        System.out.println("originAccessIdentityId: " + originAccessIdentityId);

        // Lookup information about a specific origin access identity
        originAccessIdentity =

        // Lookup config details for an origin access identity
        OriginAccessIdentityConfig originAccessIdentityConfig =

        // Update configuration for an origin access identity
        OriginAccessIdentityConfig updatedConfig =
                originAccessIdentityId, "New Comment");

        // Delete an origin access identity

        // --------------------------------------------------------
        // CloudFront Private Distributions - Private Distributions
        // --------------------------------------------------------

        // Create a new private distribution for which signed URLs are *not* required
        originBucket = "jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com";
        Distribution privateDistribution = cloudFrontService.createDistribution(
            new S3Origin(originBucket, originAccessIdentityId),
            "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), // Caller reference - a unique string value
            new String[] {}, // CNAME aliases for distribution
            "New private distribution -- URL signing not required", // Comment
            true,  // Distribution is enabled?
            null,  // Logging status of distribution (null means disabled)
            false, // URLs self-signing disabled
            null,  // No other AWS users can sign URLs
            null,   // No required protocols
            null // No default root object
        System.out.println("New Private Distribution: " + privateDistribution);

        // Update an existing distribution to make it private and require URL signing
        updatedDistributionConfig = cloudFrontService.updateDistributionConfig(
            new S3Origin(originBucket, originAccessIdentityId),
            new String[] {}, // CNAME aliases for distribution
            "Now a private distribution -- URL Signing required", // Comment
            true, // Distribution enabled?
            null, // No distribution logging
            true, // URLs can be self-signed
            null, // No other AWS users can sign URLs
            null,  // No required protocols
            "index.html" //Default Root Object
        System.out.println("Made distribution private: " + updatedDistributionConfig);

        // List active trusted signers for a private distribution
        distribution = cloudFrontService.getDistributionInfo(testDistributionId);
        System.out.println("Active trusted signers: " + distribution.getActiveTrustedSigners());

        // Obtain one of your own (Self) keypair ids that can sign URLs for the distribution
        List selfKeypairIds = (List) distribution.getActiveTrustedSigners().get("Self");
        String keyPairId = (String) selfKeypairIds.get(0);
        System.out.println("Keypair ID: " + keyPairId);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // CloudFront Private Distributions - Signed URLs for a private distribution
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        String distributionDomain = "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7.cloudfront.net";
        String privateKeyFilePath = "/path/to/rsa-private-key.pem";
        String s3ObjectKey = "s3/object/key.txt";
        String policyResourcePath = "http://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey;

        // Convert an RSA PEM private key file to DER bytes
        byte[] derPrivateKey = EncryptionUtil.convertRsaPemToDer(
            new FileInputStream(privateKeyFilePath));

        // Generate a "canned" signed URL to allow access to a specific distribution and object
        String signedUrlCanned = CloudFrontService.signUrlCanned(
            "http://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey, // Resource URL or Path
            keyPairId,     // Certificate identifier, an active trusted signer for the distribution
            derPrivateKey, // DER Private key data
            ServiceUtils.parseIso8601Date("2009-11-14T22:20:00.000Z") // DateLessThan

        // Build a policy document to define custom restrictions for a signed URL
        String policy = CloudFrontService.buildPolicyForSignedUrl(
            policyResourcePath, // Resource path (optional, may include '*' and '?' wildcards)
            ServiceUtils.parseIso8601Date("2009-11-14T22:20:00.000Z"), // DateLessThan
            "", // CIDR IP address restriction (optional, means everyone)
            ServiceUtils.parseIso8601Date("2009-10-16T06:31:56.000Z"// DateGreaterThan (optional)

        // Generate a signed URL using a custom policy document
        String signedUrl = CloudFrontService.signUrl(
            "http://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey, // Resource URL or Path
            keyPairId,     // Certificate identifier, an active trusted signer for the distribution
            derPrivateKey, // DER Private key data
            policy // Access control policy

        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // CloudFront Streaming Distributions
        // The methods for interacting with streaming distributions are
        // very similar to those for standard distributions
        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        // List your streaming distributions
        StreamingDistribution[] streamingDistributions =
        for (int i = 0; i < streamingDistributions.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("Streaming distribution " + (i + 1) + ": " + streamingDistributions[i]);

        // Create a new streaming distribution
        String streamingBucket = "jets3t-streaming.s3.amazonaws.com";
        StreamingDistribution newStreamingDistribution = cloudFrontService.createStreamingDistribution(
            new S3Origin(streamingBucket),
            "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), // Caller reference - a unique string value
            null, // CNAME aliases for distribution
            "Test streaming distribution", // Comment
            true,  // Distribution is enabled?
            null   // Logging status
        System.out.println("New Streaming Distribution: " + newStreamingDistribution);

        // Streaming distributions can be made private just like standard non-streaming
        // distributions. Create a new private streaming distribution for which signed
        // URLs are *not* required
        StreamingDistribution newPrivateStreamingDistribution =
                new S3Origin(streamingBucket, originAccessIdentityId),
                "" + System.currentTimeMillis(), // Caller reference - a unique string value
                new String[] {}, // CNAME aliases for distribution
                "New private streaming distribution -- URL signing not required", // Comment
                true, // Distribution is enabled?
                null, // Logging status
                true, // URLs self-signing enabled
                null // No other AWS users can sign URLs
        System.out.println("New Private Streaming Distribution: " + newPrivateStreamingDistribution);

        // The ID of the streaming distribution we will use for testing
        String testStreamingDistributionId = newStreamingDistribution.getId();

        // List information about a streaming distribution
        StreamingDistribution streamingDistribution =
        System.out.println("Streaming Distribution: " + streamingDistribution);

        // List configuration information about a streaming distribution
        StreamingDistributionConfig streamingDistributionConfig =
        System.out.println("Streaming Distribution Config: " + streamingDistributionConfig);

        // Update a streaming distribution's configuration to add an extra CNAME alias
        // and to enable access logging -- logs will be written to '
        StreamingDistributionConfig updatedStreamingDistributionConfig =
                null, // origin -- null for no changes
                new String[] {"cname.jets3t-streaming.com"}, // CNAME aliases for distribution
                "Updated this streaming distribution", // Comment
                true, // Distribution enabled?
                new LoggingStatus("jets3t-streaming-logs.s3.amazonaws.com", "sdlog-") // Logging
        System.out.println("Updated Streaming Distribution Config: "
            + updatedStreamingDistributionConfig);

        // Disable a streaming distribution, e.g. so that it may be deleted.
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Examples of org.jets3t.service.model.cloudfront.LoggingStatus

                                null, 0, 0, null, null);

                    try {
                        LoggingStatus loggingStatus = null;
                        if (loggingBucketComboBox.getSelectedIndex() > 0) {
                            String loggingBucket = (String) loggingBucketComboBox.getSelectedItem()
                                + CloudFrontService.DEFAULT_BUCKET_SUFFIX;
                            loggingStatus = new LoggingStatus(

                        String[] requiredProtocols = null;
                        if (httpsOnlyCheckbox.isSelected()) {
                            requiredProtocols = new String[] {"https"};
                        } else {
                            requiredProtocols = new String[0];

                        String defaultRootObject = defaultRootObjectTextField.getText();
                        if (defaultRootObject.length() == 0) {
                            defaultRootObject = null;

                        Long minTTL = null;
                        if (minTTLTextField.isEnabled()) {
                            try {
                                minTTL = new Long(minTTLTextField.getText());
                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
                            if (minTTL == null || minTTL < 0) {
                                throw new Exception("Minimum TTL must be an integer value 0 or greater");

                            new S3Origin(bucketName), null,
                            cnamesTableModel.getCnames(), commentTextArea.getText(),
                            enabledCheckbox.isSelected(), loggingStatus,
                            false, // trustedSignerSelf
                            null,  // trustedSignerAwsAccountNumbers
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {

                        String errorMessage = "Failed to create distribution";
                        if (e instanceof CloudFrontServiceException) {
                            errorMessage = ((CloudFrontServiceException)e).getErrorMessage();
                        ErrorDialog.showDialog(ownerFrame, null, errorMessage, e);
                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
        } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("UpdateDistribution")) {
            final Distribution distribution = distributionListTableModel.getDistributionAtRow(

            (new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    final ProgressDialog progressDialog =
                        new ProgressDialog(ownerFrame, "Updating Distribution", null);

                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            progressDialog.startDialog("Updating distribution: " + distribution.getDomainName(),
                                null, 0, 0, null, null);

                    try {
                        LoggingStatus loggingStatus = null;
                        if (loggingBucketComboBox.getSelectedIndex() > 0) {
                            String loggingBucket = (String) loggingBucketComboBox.getSelectedItem()
                                + CloudFrontService.DEFAULT_BUCKET_SUFFIX;
                            loggingStatus = new LoggingStatus(

                        String[] requiredProtocols = null;
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