Examples of LogMath

Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath


    public float calculateScore(Data data) {
        float logTotal = LogMath.LOG_ZERO;
        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        for (Float mixtureScore : calculateComponentScore(data))
            logTotal = logMath.addAsLinear(logTotal, mixtureScore);

        return logTotal;
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

        logProbabilities = parser.getFloatArray();

        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        for (int i = 0; i < logProbabilities.length; ++i)
            logProbabilities[i] = logMath.lnToLog(logProbabilities[i]);
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

     * @param cluster the cluster to sum over
     * @return the probability sum
    protected double clusterProbability(List<Node> cluster) {
        float p = LogMath.LOG_ZERO;
        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();

        for (Node node : cluster)
            p = logMath.addAsLinear(p, (float)node.getPosterior());

        return p;
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

     * Adds skip elements for each word slot in which the word posteriors do not add up to linear 1.
    public void fillInBlanks() {
        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        int index = 0;
        for (ConfusionSet set : confusionSets) {
            float sum = LogMath.LOG_ZERO;
            for (Double val : set.keySet()) {
                sum = logMath.addAsLinear(sum, val.floatValue());
            if (sum < LogMath.LOG_ONE - 10) {
                float remainder = logMath.subtractAsLinear
                    (LogMath.LOG_ONE, sum);
                addWordHypothesis(index, "<skip>", remainder);
            } else {
                ConfusionSet newSet = new ConfusionSet();
                for (Map.Entry<Double, Set<WordResult>> entry : set.entrySet()) {
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

        String location = "";
        InputStream inputStream = StreamFactory.getInputStream(location, path);

        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        logger.info("Loading transition matrices from: ");

        Pool<float[][]> pool = new Pool<float[][]>(path);
        ExtendedStreamTokenizer est = new ExtendedStreamTokenizer(inputStream, '#', false);

        int numMatrices = est.getInt("numMatrices");
        // numStates = est.getInt("numStates");

        for (int i = 0; i < numMatrices; i++) {
            est.expectString("[" + i + ']');
            // Number of emitting states + 1, final non-emitting state
            int numStates = est.getInt("numStates") + 1;
            float[][] tmat = new float[numStates][numStates];

            for (int j = 0; j < numStates; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < numStates; k++) {

                    // the last row is just zeros, so we just do
                    // the first (numStates - 1) rows

                    if (j < numStates - 1) {
                         if (k == j || k == j + 1) {
                             tmat[j][k] = est.getFloat("tmat value");

                    tmat[j][k] = logMath.linearToLog(tmat[j][k]);

                    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        logger.fine("tmat j " + j + " k "
                                + k + " tm " + tmat[j][k]);
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

            return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        float totalSim = LogMath.LOG_ZERO;
        float wordPairCount = (float) 0.0;
        HashSet<String> wordsSeen1 = new HashSet<String>();
        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();

        for (Node node1 : c1.getElements()) {
            String word1 = node1.getWord().getSpelling();
            if (wordsSeen1.contains(word1)) {
            HashSet<String> wordsSeen2 = new HashSet<String>();
            for (Node node2 : c2.getElements()) {
                String word2 = node2.getWord().getSpelling();
                if (wordsSeen2.contains(word2)) {
                float sim = (float) computePhoneticSimilarity(node1, node2);
                sim = logMath.linearToLog(sim);
                sim += wordSubClusterProbability(c1, word1);
                sim += wordSubClusterProbability(c2, word2);
                totalSim = logMath.addAsLinear(totalSim, sim);
        return totalSim - logMath.logToLinear(wordPairCount);
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

     * @param cluster2 the second cluster
     * @return The intra-cluster distance, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if the clusters should never be clustered
     *         together.
    protected double intraClusterDistance(Cluster cluster1, Cluster cluster2) {
        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        double maxSim = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

        for (Node node1 : cluster1.getElements()) {
            for (Node node2 : cluster2.getElements()) {
                if (!node1.getWord().getSpelling().equals(
                    return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

                if (node1.hasAncestralRelationship(node2))
                    return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

                double overlap = getOverlap(node1, node2);
                if (overlap > 0.0) {
                    overlap = logMath.logToLinear((float) overlap);
                    overlap += node1.getPosterior() + node2.getPosterior();
                    if (overlap > maxSim) {
                        maxSim = overlap;
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath


        Pool<float[][]> pool = new Pool<float[][]>(path);
        ExtendedStreamTokenizer est =
            new ExtendedStreamTokenizer(inputStream, '#', false);
        LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        int numMatrices = est.getInt("numMatrices");
        int numStates = est.getInt("numStates");
        logger.fine("with " + numMatrices + " and " + numStates + " states");

        // read in the matrices
        for (int i = 0; i < numMatrices; i++) {
            est.expectString("[" + i + ']');
            float[][] tmat = new float[numStates][numStates];
            for (int j = 0; j < numStates; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < numStates; k++) {
                    // the last row is just zeros, so we just do
                    // the first (numStates - 1) rows
                    if (j < numStates - 1) {
                        if (k == j || k == j + 1) {
                            tmat[j][k] = est.getFloat("tmat value");
                    tmat[j][k] = logMath.linearToLog(tmat[j][k]);
                    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        logger.fine("tmat j " + j + " k " + k + " tm " + tmat[j][k]);
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

    this.logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
    this.acousticModel = acousticModel;
    this.grammar = grammar;
    this.unitManager = unitManager;

    LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
    this.logWordInsertionProbability = logMath
    this.logSilenceInsertionProbability = logMath
    this.logUnitInsertionProbability = logMath
    this.logFillerInsertionProbability = logMath
    this.languageWeight = languageWeight;
    this.addOutOfGrammarBranch = addOutOfGrammarBranch;
    this.logOutOfGrammarBranchProbability = logMath

    this.logPhoneInsertionProbability = logMath
    if (addOutOfGrammarBranch) {
      this.phoneLoopAcousticModel = phoneLoopAcousticModel;
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Examples of edu.cmu.sphinx.util.LogMath

    grammar = (Grammar) ps.getComponent(GRAMMAR);
    unitManager = (UnitManager) ps.getComponent(UNIT_MANAGER);

    // get the rest of the configuration data
    LogMath logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
    logWordInsertionProbability = logMath.linearToLog(ps
    logSilenceInsertionProbability = logMath.linearToLog(ps
    logUnitInsertionProbability = logMath.linearToLog(ps
    logFillerInsertionProbability = logMath.linearToLog(ps
    languageWeight = ps.getFloat(Linguist.PROP_LANGUAGE_WEIGHT);
    addOutOfGrammarBranch = ps.getBoolean(ADD_OUT_OF_GRAMMAR_BRANCH);
    logOutOfGrammarBranchProbability = logMath.linearToLog(ps

    logPhoneInsertionProbability = logMath.linearToLog(ps
    if (addOutOfGrammarBranch) {
      phoneLoopAcousticModel = (AcousticModel) ps
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