* @param pLocation location to lookup the restrictor
* @return the restrictor to use.
protected Restrictor createRestrictor(String pLocation) {
LogHandler log = getLogHandler();
try {
Restrictor newRestrictor = RestrictorFactory.lookupPolicyRestrictor(pLocation);
if (newRestrictor != null) {
log.info("Using access restrictor " + pLocation);
return newRestrictor;
} else {
log.info("No access restrictor found at " + pLocation + ", access to all MBeans is allowed");
return new AllowAllRestrictor();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error while accessing access restrictor at " + pLocation +
". Denying all access to MBeans for security reasons. Exception: " + e, e);
return new DenyAllRestrictor();