An ownable synchronizer is a synchronizer that may be exclusively owned by a thread and uses {@link AbstractOwnableSynchronizer AbstractOwnableSynchronizer} (or its subclass) to implement its synchronization property. {@link ReentrantLock ReentrantLock} and{@link ReentrantReadWriteLock ReentrantReadWriteLock} aretwo examples of ownable synchronizers provided by the platform.
is used to transport lock information across the SPI boundary.
@see RepositoryService#getLockInfo(SessionInfo,NodeId)
@see RepositoryService#lock(SessionInfo,NodeId,boolean,boolean)
is a simple utility class encapsulating the information passed with a LOCK request. It combines both the request body (which if present is required to by a 'lockinfo' Xml element) and the lock relevant request headers ' {@link DavConstants#HEADER_TIMEOUT Timeout}' and ' {@link DavConstants#HEADER_DEPTH Depth}'.lockinfo
XML element per the WebDAV specification [RFC 4918] Name: lockinfo Namespace: DAV: Purpose: The lockinfo XML element is used with a LOCK method to specify the type of lock the client wishes to have created. <!ELEMENT lockinfo (lockscope, locktype, owner?) >