Wait() and notify() operations in a sequence can be processed with a Lock object. @author Alexis CLERC<alexis.clerc@sysaware.com>
A lock is used to protect access to a particular resource within a JDBC repository. It can be in one of two states, locked or unlocked. When it is locked there is a row in a lock table that contains the identifier of the resource that is locked and the name of the principal that owns the lock. If no such row exists then the lock is not locked.
A lock can be created in an unlocked state using {@link LockManager#getLock(String)}. When it is locked a row is created in the lock table and when it is unlocked the entry is removed. If concurrent requests are made to lock the same lock then one request will succeed and the rest will fail.
Lock implementations provide additional functionality over the use of synchronized methods and statements by providing a non-blocking attempt to acquire a lock ( {@link #tryLock()}), an attempt to acquire the lock that can be interrupted ( {@link #lockInterruptibly}, and an attempt to acquire the lock that can timeout ( {@link #tryLock(long,TimeUnit)}).
A Lock class can also provide behavior and semantics that is quite different from that of the implicit monitor lock, such as guaranteed ordering, non-reentrant usage, or deadlock detection. If an implementation provides such specialized semantics then the implementation must document those semantics.
Note that Lock instances are just normal objects and can themselves be used as the target in a synchronized statement. Acquiring the monitor lock of a Lock instance has no specified relationship with invoking any of the {@link #lock} methods of that instance.It is recommended that to avoid confusion you never use Lock instances in this way, except within their own implementation.
Except where noted, passing a null value for any parameter will result in a {@link NullPointerException} beingthrown.
All Lock implementations must enforce the same memory synchronization semantics as provided by the built-in monitor lock, as described in The Java Language Specification, Third Edition (17.4 Memory Model):
The three forms of lock acquisition (interruptible, non-interruptible, and timed) may differ in their performance characteristics, ordering guarantees, or other implementation qualities. Further, the ability to interrupt the ongoing acquisition of a lock may not be available in a given Lock class. Consequently, an implementation is not required to define exactly the same guarantees or semantics for all three forms of lock acquisition, nor is it required to support interruption of an ongoing lock acquisition. An implementation is required to clearly document the semantics and guarantees provided by each of the locking methods. It must also obey the interruption semantics as defined in this interface, to the extent that interruption of lock acquisition is supported: which is either totally, or only on method entry.
As interruption generally implies cancellation, and checks for interruption are often infrequent, an implementation can favor responding to an interrupt over normal method return. This is true even if it can be shown that the interrupt occurred after another action may have unblocked the thread. An implementation should document this behavior. @see ReentrantLock @see Condition @see ReadWriteLock @since 1.5 @author Doug Lea
{@code Lock} implementations provide additional functionalityover the use of {@code synchronized} methods and statements byproviding a non-blocking attempt to acquire a lock ( {@link #tryLock()}), an attempt to acquire the lock that can be interrupted ( {@link #lockInterruptibly}, and an attempt to acquire the lock that can timeout ( {@link #tryLock(long,TimeUnit)}).
A {@code Lock} class can also provide behavior and semanticsthat is quite different from that of the implicit monitor lock, such as guaranteed ordering, non-reentrant usage, or deadlock detection. If an implementation provides such specialized semantics then the implementation must document those semantics.
Note that {@code Lock} instances are just normal objects and canthemselves be used as the target in a {@code synchronized} statement.Acquiring the monitor lock of a {@code Lock} instance has no specified relationshipwith invoking any of the {@link #lock} methods of that instance.It is recommended that to avoid confusion you never use {@code Lock}instances in this way, except within their own implementation.
Except where noted, passing a {@code null} value for anyparameter will result in a {@link NullPointerException} beingthrown.
All {@code Lock} implementations must enforce the samememory synchronization semantics as provided by the built-in monitor lock, as described in The Java Language Specification (17.4 Memory Model):
The three forms of lock acquisition (interruptible, non-interruptible, and timed) may differ in their performance characteristics, ordering guarantees, or other implementation qualities. Further, the ability to interrupt the ongoing acquisition of a lock may not be available in a given {@code Lock}class. Consequently, an implementation is not required to define exactly the same guarantees or semantics for all three forms of lock acquisition, nor is it required to support interruption of an ongoing lock acquisition. An implementation is required to clearly document the semantics and guarantees provided by each of the locking methods. It must also obey the interruption semantics as defined in this interface, to the extent that interruption of lock acquisition is supported: which is either totally, or only on method entry.
As interruption generally implies cancellation, and checks for interruption are often infrequent, an implementation can favor responding to an interrupt over normal method return. This is true even if it can be shown that the interrupt occurred after another action may have unblocked the thread. An implementation should document this behavior. @see ReentrantLock @see Condition @see ReadWriteLock @since 1.5 @author Doug Lea
Typical use might look like:
new Lock.With(directory.makeLock("my.lock")) { public Object doBody() { ... code to execute while locked ... } }.run();@see Directory#makeLock(String)