sender.sendMessage(ERROR_COLOR + "Plugin is not enabled for this world.");
return true;
LocalBiome biome = world.getBiome(x, z);
BiomeIds biomeIds = biome.getIds();
sender.sendMessage(MESSAGE_COLOR + "According to the biome generator, you are in the " + VALUE_COLOR + biome.getName() + MESSAGE_COLOR + " biome, with id " + VALUE_COLOR
+ biomeIds.getGenerationId());
if (args.contains("-f"))
sender.sendMessage(MESSAGE_COLOR + "The base temperature of this biome is " + VALUE_COLOR + biome.getBiomeConfig().biomeTemperature + MESSAGE_COLOR + ", \nat your height it is " + VALUE_COLOR
+ biome.getTemperatureAt(x, y, z));
if (args.contains("-s"))
LocalBiome savedBiome = world.getSavedBiome(x, z);
BiomeIds savedIds = savedBiome.getIds();
sender.sendMessage(MESSAGE_COLOR + "According to the world save files, you are in the " + VALUE_COLOR
+ savedBiome.getName() + MESSAGE_COLOR + " biome, with id " + VALUE_COLOR
+ savedIds.getSavedId());
} catch (BiomeNotFoundException e)
sender.sendMessage(ERROR_COLOR + "An unknown biome (" + e.getBiomeName() + ") was saved to the save files here.");