Examples of LocalAsgnNode

Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
                // NOTE: if 's' happens to the a class, this is effectively an assignment of a class instance variable
                s.addInstr(new PutFieldInstr(getSelf(s), ((InstAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case LOCALASGNNODE: {
                LocalAsgnNode localVariable = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = localVariable.getDepth();
                // SSS FIXME: Isn't it sufficient to use "getLocalVariable(variable.getName())"?
                v = getScopeNDown(s, depth).getLocalVariable(localVariable.getName());
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveClosureArgInstr(v, argIndex, isSplat));
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE:
                // SSS FIXME: Are we guaranteed that we splats dont head to multiple-assignment nodes!  i.e. |*(a,b)|?
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Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

        if (opt > 0) {
            ListNode optArgs = argsNode.getOptArgs();
            for (int j = 0; j < opt; j++, argIndex++) {
                    // Jump to 'l' if this arg is not null.  If null, fall through and build the default value!
                Label l = s.getNewLabel();
                LocalAsgnNode n = (LocalAsgnNode)optArgs.get(j);
                Variable av = s.getLocalVariable(n.getName());
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveOptionalArgumentInstr(av, argIndex));
                s.addInstr(new BNEInstr(av, Nil.NIL, l)); // if 'av' is not null, go to default
                build(n, s);
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
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Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

            //System.out.println("LASGN1: " + name + ", l: " + depth + ", i: " + slot);

            // mark as captured if from containing scope
            if (depth > 0) capture(slot);

            return new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, ((depth << 16) | slot), value);
        } else if (topScope == this) {
            slot = addVariable(name);
            //System.out.println("LASGN2: " + name + ", l: " + depth + ", i: " + slot);

            return new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, slot , value);
        // We know this is a block scope because a local scope cannot be within a local scope
        // If topScope was itself it would have created a LocalAsgnNode above.
        return ((BlockStaticScope) topScope).addAssign(position, name, value);
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Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

        int slot = exists(name);
        // We can assign if we already have variable of that name here or we are the only
        // scope in the chain (which Local scopes always are).
        if (slot >= 0) {
            return new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, ((depth << 16) | slot), value);
        } else if (topScope == this) {
            slot = addVariable(name);

            return new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, slot , value);
        // We know this is a block scope because a local scope cannot be within a local scope
        // If topScope was itself it would have created a LocalAsgnNode above.
        return ((BlockStaticScope) topScope).addAssign(position, name, value);
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Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

        // We can assign if we already have variable of that name here or we are the only
        // scope in the chain (which Local scopes always are).
        if (slot >= 0) {
            return isBlockOrEval ? new DAsgnNode(position, name, ((depth << 16) | slot), value)
                           : new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, ((depth << 16) | slot), value);
        } else if (!isBlockOrEval && (topScope == this)) {
            slot = addVariable(name);

            return new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, slot , value);
        // If we are not a block-scope and we go there, we know that 'topScope' is a block scope
        // because a local scope cannot be within a local scope
        // If topScope was itself it would have created a LocalAsgnNode above.
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Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

                if (isSplat) s.addInstr(new RestArgMultipleAsgnInstr(v, argsArray, preArgsCount, postArgsCount, index));
                else s.addInstr(new ReqdArgMultipleAsgnInstr(v, argsArray, preArgsCount, postArgsCount, index));
            case LOCALASGNNODE: {
                LocalAsgnNode localVariable = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                v = getArgVariable(s, localVariable.getName(), localVariable.getDepth());
                if (isSplat) s.addInstr(new RestArgMultipleAsgnInstr(v, argsArray, preArgsCount, postArgsCount, index));
                else s.addInstr(new ReqdArgMultipleAsgnInstr(v, argsArray, preArgsCount, postArgsCount, index));
            case MULTIPLEASGN19NODE: {
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Examples of org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode

        // We can assign if we already have variable of that name here or we are the only
        // scope in the chain (which Local scopes always are).
        if (slot >= 0) {
            return isBlockOrEval ? new DAsgnNode(position, name, ((depth << 16) | slot), value)
                    : new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, ((depth << 16) | slot), value);
        } else if (!isBlockOrEval && (topScope == this)) {
            slot = addVariable(name);

            return new LocalAsgnNode(position, name, slot, value);

        // If we are not a block-scope and we go there, we know that 'topScope' is a block scope
        // because a local scope cannot be within a local scope
        // If topScope was itself it would have created a LocalAsgnNode above.
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Examples of org.jrubyparser.ast.LocalAsgnNode

        if (optional != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < optional.size(); i++) {
                Node node = optional.get(i);
                if (!(node instanceof LocalAsgnNode))
                LocalAsgnNode lan = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                Node valueNode = lan.getValueNode();
                if ((valueNode instanceof StrNode))
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), argEncode(((StrNode) valueNode).getValue().toString()), Type.STRING));
                else if (valueNode instanceof RegexpNode)
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), ((RegexpNode) valueNode).getValue().toString(), Type.REGEX));
                else if (valueNode instanceof BignumNode)
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), "" + ((BignumNode) valueNode).getValue().toString(), Type.NUMBER));
                else if (valueNode instanceof FixnumNode)
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), ((FixnumNode) valueNode).getValue() + "", Type.NUMBER));
                else if (valueNode instanceof FloatNode)
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), ((FloatNode) valueNode).getValue() + "", Type.NUMBER));
                else if (valueNode instanceof TrueNode)
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), ((TrueNode) valueNode).getName(), Type.BOOLEAN));
                else if (valueNode instanceof FalseNode)
                    args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), ((FalseNode) valueNode).getName(), Type.BOOLEAN));
                else if (valueNode instanceof ArrayNode && ((ArrayNode) valueNode).size() > 0) {
                    ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) valueNode;
                    List<String> argValue = getListValue(arrayNode);
                    if (argValue != null) {
                        Node node2 = arrayNode.get(0);
                        Type type = Type.NONE;
                        if (node2 instanceof StrNode)
                            type = Type.STRING;
                        else if (node2 instanceof RegexpNode)
                            type = Type.REGEX;
                        else if (node instanceof BignumNode || node instanceof FixnumNode || node instanceof FloatNode)
                            type = Type.NUMBER;
                        args.add(new Argument(lan.getName(), argValue, type));
                    } else
                } else {
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