Examples of LOFilter

Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( lp );
        Assert.assertEquals("checking partition filter:",            
                    "((mrkt == 'us') and (srcid == 10))",
        LOFilter filter = (LOFilter)newLogicalPlan.getSinks().get(0);
        String actual = PColFilterExtractor.getExpression(
        Assert.assertEquals("checking trimmed filter expression:",
                "((f5 >= 20) and (f3 == 15))", actual);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( lp );

        Assert.assertEquals("checking partition filter:",            
        LOFilter filter = (LOFilter) newLogicalPlan.getSinks().get(0);
        String actual = PColFilterExtractor.getExpression(
                (LogicalExpression) filter.getFilterPlan().
        Assert.assertEquals("checking trimmed filter expression:",
                "(((f5 >= 20) and (f2 == 'us')) and (f3 == 15))", actual);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( lp );
        Assert.assertEquals("checking partition filter:",            
                    "((mrkt == 'us') and (srcid == 10))",
        LOFilter filter = (LOFilter) newLogicalPlan.getSinks().get(0);
        String actual = PColFilterExtractor.getExpression(
                (LogicalExpression) filter.getFilterPlan().getSources().get(0)).
        Assert.assertEquals("checking trimmed filter expression:",
                "((age >= 20) and (f3 == 15))", actual);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

    private PColFilterExtractor test(org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan lp, List<String> partitionCols,
            String expPartFilterString, String expFilterString)
    throws IOException {
      LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migratePlan( lp );
        LOFilter filter = (LOFilter)newLogicalPlan.getSinks().get(0);
        PColFilterExtractor pColExtractor = new PColFilterExtractor(
                filter.getFilterPlan(), partitionCols);
        if(expPartFilterString == null) {
           Assert.assertEquals("Checking partition column filter:", null,
        } else  {
           Assert.assertEquals("Checking partition column filter:",
        if(expFilterString == null) {
           Assert.assertTrue("Check that filter can be removed:",
        } else {
            String actual = PColFilterExtractor.getExpression(
            Assert.assertEquals("checking trimmed filter expression:", expFilterString,
        return pColExtractor;
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

    private void negativeTest(org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan lp, List<String> partitionCols,
            int expectedErrorCode) throws VisitorException {
      LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migratePlan( lp );
        LOFilter filter = (LOFilter)newLogicalPlan.getSinks().get(0);
        PColFilterExtractor pColExtractor = new PColFilterExtractor(
                filter.getFilterPlan(), partitionCols);
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
           Assert.assertEquals("Checking if exception has right error code",
                    expectedErrorCode, LogUtils.getPigException(e).getErrorCode());
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter


    protected OperatorPlan buildPattern() {       
        LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();
        LogicalRelationalOperator op1 = new LOFilter(plan);
        plan.add( op1 );
        return plan;
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

          lp.connect(A, C);
          lp.connect(B, C);
          // D = filter
          LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          LOFilter D = new LOFilter(lp, filterPlan);
          ProjectExpression fx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 0, D);
          ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, new Integer(0), new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          EqualExpression eq1 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fx, fc0);
          ProjectExpression fanotherx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 0, D);
          ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 2, D);
          EqualExpression eq2 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fanotherx, fa);
          AndExpression and1 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, eq1, eq2);
          ProjectExpression fb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 3, D);
          ConstantExpression fc1 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, new Integer(1),new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          EqualExpression eq3 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fb, fc1);
          AndExpression and2 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, and1, eq3);
          ProjectExpression fanotherb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 3, D);
          ProjectExpression fy = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 1, D);
          EqualExpression eq4 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fy, fanotherb);
          new AndExpression(filterPlan, and2, eq4);
          // Connect D to B, since the transform has happened.
          lp.connect(C, D);
        LogicalPlanOptimizer optimizer = new LogicalPlanOptimizer(lp, 500, null);
        LogicalPlan expected = new LogicalPlan();
            // A = load
          LogicalSchema aschema = new LogicalSchema();
          aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "x", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "y", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          LOLoad A = new LOLoad(new FileSpec("bla", new FuncSpec("PigStorage", "\t")), aschema, expected, null);
          // DA = filter
          LogicalExpressionPlan DAfilterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          LOFilter DA = new LOFilter(expected, DAfilterPlan);
          ProjectExpression fx = new ProjectExpression(DAfilterPlan, 0, 0, DA);
          fx.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(DAfilterPlan, new Integer(0), new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          new EqualExpression(DAfilterPlan, fx, fc0);
          expected.connect(A, DA);
          // B = load
          LogicalSchema bschema = new LogicalSchema();
          bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "a", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "b", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          LOLoad B = new LOLoad(new FileSpec("morebla", new FuncSpec("PigStorage", "\t")), bschema, expected, null);
          // DB = filter
          LogicalExpressionPlan DBfilterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            LOFilter DB = new LOFilter(expected, DBfilterPlan);
          ProjectExpression fb = new ProjectExpression(DBfilterPlan, 0, 1, DB);
          fb.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          ConstantExpression fc1 = new ConstantExpression(DBfilterPlan, new Integer(1), new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          new EqualExpression(DBfilterPlan, fb, fc1);

          expected.connect(B, DB);
          // C = join
          LogicalSchema cschema = new LogicalSchema();
          cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "D::x", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "D::y", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "null::a", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
              "null::b", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          cschema.getField(0).uid = 1;
          cschema.getField(1).uid = 2;
          cschema.getField(2).uid = 3;
          cschema.getField(3).uid = 4;
          LogicalExpressionPlan aprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> mm =
                new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
            LOJoin C = new LOJoin(expected, mm, JOINTYPE.HASH, new boolean[] {true, true});

          ProjectExpression x = new ProjectExpression(aprojplan, 0, 0, C);
          x.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          LogicalExpressionPlan bprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          ProjectExpression y = new ProjectExpression(bprojplan, 1, 0, C);
          y.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          mm.put(0, aprojplan);
          mm.put(1, bprojplan);
          expected.connect(DA, C);
          expected.connect(DB, C);
          // D = filter
          LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            LOFilter D = new LOFilter(expected, filterPlan);
          ProjectExpression fanotherx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 0, D);
          fanotherx.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 2, D);
          fa.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          EqualExpression eq2 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fanotherx, fa);
          ProjectExpression fanotherb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 3, D);
          fanotherb.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          ProjectExpression fy = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 1, D);
          fy.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
          EqualExpression eq4 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fy, fanotherb);
          new AndExpression(filterPlan, eq2, eq4);
          expected.connect(C, D);
        assertTrue( lp.isEqual(expected) );
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

    protected OperatorPlan buildPattern() {
        // the pattern that this rule looks for
        // is foreach -> filter
        LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();
        LogicalRelationalOperator foreach = new LOForEach(plan);
        LogicalRelationalOperator filter = new LOFilter(plan);
        plan.connect(foreach, filter);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

                pred instanceof LOFilter || pred instanceof LOSplit || pred instanceof LOSplitOutput ||
                pred instanceof LOLimit  || pred instanceof LONative || pred instanceof LOForEach) {
                return false;
            LOFilter filter = (LOFilter)current;           
            List<Operator> preds = currentPlan.getPredecessors( pred );
            LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = filter.getFilterPlan();
            // collect all uids used in the filter plan
            Set<Long> uids = collectUidFromExpPlan(filterPlan);
            if( pred instanceof LOCogroup ) {
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Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter

        public void transform(OperatorPlan matched) throws FrontendException {
            subPlan = new OperatorSubPlan(currentPlan);

            LOFilter filter = (LOFilter)matched.getSources().get(0);
            // This is the one that we will insert filter btwn it and it's input.
            Operator predecessor = this.findNonFilterPredecessor( filter );
            subPlan.add( predecessor) ;
            // Disconnect the filter in the plan without removing it from the plan.
            Operator predec = currentPlan.getPredecessors( filter ).get( 0 );
            Operator succed;
            if (currentPlan.getSuccessors(filter)!=null)
                succed = currentPlan.getSuccessors(filter).get(0);
                succed = null;
            Pair<Integer, Integer> p1 = currentPlan.disconnect(predec, filter);
            if (succed!=null) {
                Pair<Integer, Integer> p2 = currentPlan.disconnect(filter, succed);
                currentPlan.connect(predec, p1.first, succed, p2.second);
            if( predecessor instanceof LOSort || predecessor instanceof LODistinct ||
                ( predecessor instanceof LOCogroup && currentPlan.getPredecessors( predecessor ).size() == 1 ) ) {
                // For sort, put the filter in front of it.
                Operator prev = currentPlan.getPredecessors( predecessor ).get( 0 );
                insertFilter( prev, predecessor, filter );

            // Find the predecessor of join that contains all required uids.
            LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = filter.getFilterPlan();
            List<Operator> preds = currentPlan.getPredecessors( predecessor );
            Map<Integer, Operator> inputs = findInputsToAddFilter( filterPlan, predecessor, preds );
            LOFilter newFilter = null;               
            for( Entry<Integer, Operator> entry : inputs.entrySet() ) {
                int inputIndex = entry.getKey();
                Operator pred = entry.getValue();
                // Find projection field offset
                int columnOffset = 0;
                if( predecessor instanceof LOJoin || predecessor instanceof LOCross ) {
                    for( int i = 0; i < inputIndex; i++ ) {
                        columnOffset += ( (LogicalRelationalOperator)preds.get( i ) ).getSchema().size();
                // Reuse the filter for the first match. For others, need to make a copy of the filter
                // and add it between input and predecessor.
                newFilter = newFilter == null ? filter : new LOFilter( (LogicalPlan)currentPlan );
                currentPlan.add( newFilter );
                subPlan.add( newFilter );
                subPlan.add( pred );
                LogicalExpressionPlan fPlan = filterPlan.deepCopy();
                List<Operator> sinks = fPlan.getSinks();
                List<ProjectExpression> projExprs = new ArrayList<ProjectExpression>();
                for( Operator sink : sinks ) {
                    if( sink instanceof ProjectExpression )
                        projExprs.add( (ProjectExpression)sink );
                if( predecessor instanceof LOCogroup ) {
                    for( ProjectExpression projExpr : projExprs ) {
                        // Need to merge filter condition and cogroup by expression;
                        LogicalExpressionPlan plan = ((LOCogroup) predecessor).getExpressionPlans().get( inputIndex ).iterator().next();
                        LogicalExpressionPlan copy = plan.deepCopy();
                        LogicalExpression root = (LogicalExpression)copy.getSinks().get( 0 );
                        List<Operator> predecessors = fPlan.getPredecessors( projExpr );
                        if( predecessors == null || predecessors.size() == 0 ) {
                            fPlan.remove( projExpr );
                            fPlan.add( root );
                        } else {
                            fPlan.add( root );
                            Operator pred1 = predecessors.get( 0 );
                            Pair<Integer, Integer> pair = fPlan.disconnect( pred1, projExpr );
                            fPlan.connect( pred1, pair.first, root, pair.second );
                            fPlan.remove( projExpr );
                // Now, reset the projection expressions in the new filter plan.
                sinks = fPlan.getSinks();
                for( Operator sink : sinks ) {
                    if( sink instanceof ProjectExpression ) {
                        ProjectExpression projE = (ProjectExpression)sink;
                         projE.setAttachedRelationalOp( newFilter );
                         projE.setInputNum( 0 );
                         projE.setColNum( projE.getColNum() - columnOffset );
                newFilter.setFilterPlan( fPlan );
                insertFilter( pred, predecessor, newFilter );
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