When a Link is used by {@link RelatedResource}, it cannot have security attributes. When a Link is used by {@link RevisionRecall}, it must have security attributes. This is validated in the parent class.
{@table.footer} @author Brian Uri! @since 0.9.bHTML
Although this class extends from Location, it doesn't handle displaying a name for the link that well. The name will appear as the first node's marker name, although it should declutter if needed.
atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }
For Channel: The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the channel.
For Item: The URL of the item.
@author Bill BrownThis class provides the representation of a URL link. This class defines key properties of a URL: URL string, a MD5 has of the URL string, MIME-TYPE and the number of times the link is bookmarked.
The ID of the class uniquely identifies a Link
, which is usually created by the database system when the Link
is created for the first time.
ID : MIME-TYPE 0000: Unknown 1001: text/xml 1002: text/plain 1003: text/html 2001: image/jpeg 2002: image/png 2003: image/tiff 2004: image/gif 3001: application/rss+xml 3002: application/rdf+xml 3003: application/owl-xml@author Harry Chen
@author Alejandro Abdelnur @author Dave Johnson (updated for Atom 1.0)
@author Alejandro Abdelnur @author Dave Johnson (updated for Atom 1.0)
Specifies the file to load and optional refresh parameters. See .
The element replaces the
The file is conditionally loaded and refreshed, depending on the refresh parameters supplied here. Two different sets of refresh parameters can be specified: one set is based on time (
Tip: To display the top-level Folder or Document within a Network Link in the List View, assign an ID to the Folder or Document. Without this ID, only the child object names are displayed in the List View.
When a file is fetched, the URL that is sent to the server is composed of three pieces of information:
the href (Hypertext Reference) that specifies the file to load. an arbitrary format string that is created from (a) parameters that you specify in the
<Link id="ID"> <!-- specific to Link --> <href>...</href> <!-- string --> <refreshMode>onChange</refreshMode> <!-- refreshModeEnum: onChange, onInterval, or onExpire --> <refreshInterval>4</refreshInterval> <!-- float --> <viewRefreshMode>never</viewRefreshMode> <!-- viewRefreshModeEnum: never, onStop, onRequest, onRegion --> <viewRefreshTime>4</viewRefreshTime> <!-- float --> <viewBoundScale>1</viewBoundScale> <!-- float --> <viewFormat>BBOX=[bboxWest],[bboxSouth],[bboxEast],[bboxNorth]</viewFormat> <!-- string --> <httpQuery>...</httpQuery> <!-- string --> </Link>
@see : Specifies the file to load and optional refresh parameters. See .
The element replaces the
The file is conditionally loaded and refreshed, depending on the refresh parameters supplied here. Two different sets of refresh parameters can be specified: one set is based on time (
Tip: To display the top-level Folder or Document within a Network Link in the List View, assign an ID to the Folder or Document. Without this ID, only the child object names are displayed in the List View.
When a file is fetched, the URL that is sent to the server is composed of three pieces of information:
the href (Hypertext Reference) that specifies the file to load. an arbitrary format string that is created from (a) parameters that you specify in the
<Link id="ID"> <!-- specific to Link --> <href>...</href> <!-- string --> <refreshMode>onChange</refreshMode> <!-- refreshModeEnum: onChange, onInterval, or onExpire --> <refreshInterval>4</refreshInterval> <!-- float --> <viewRefreshMode>never</viewRefreshMode> <!-- viewRefreshModeEnum: never, onStop, onRequest, onRegion --> <viewRefreshTime>4</viewRefreshTime> <!-- float --> <viewBoundScale>1</viewBoundScale> <!-- float --> <viewFormat>BBOX=[bboxWest],[bboxSouth],[bboxEast],[bboxNorth]</viewFormat> <!-- string --> <httpQuery>...</httpQuery> <!-- string --> </Link>
@see : The following features are supported:
Class representing hypermedia links. A hypermedia link may include additional parameters beyond its underlying URI. Parameters such as "rel" or "type" provide additional meta-data and can be used to create instances of {@link javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder} in order to follow links.
The methods {@link #toString} and {@link #valueOf} can be used to serializeand de-serialize a link into a link header (RFC 5988).
@author Marek Potociar @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen @see javax.ws.rs.client.Client#invocation @since 2.0Represents an Atom Link element.
Per RFC4287:
The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element. atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }
<a href="#" wicket:id="myLink">click here</a>or:
<td wicket:id="myLink">my clickable column</td>The following snippet shows how to pass a parameter from the Page creating the Page to the Page responded by the Link.
add(new Link<MyObject>("link", listItem.getModel()) { public void onClick() { MyObject obj = getModelObject(); setResponsePage(new MyPage(obj)); }@author Jonathan Locke @author Eelco Hillenius @param < T> type of model object
Per RFC4287:
The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element. atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }TODO remove this file when JBoss AS includes RESTEasy 2.3.4.Final or higher
The following features are supported:
The following features are supported:
Below is the annotation that signifies this class is "prepared" under JBossAop. This is used in conjunction with a special jboss-aop.xml (supplied by JBossCache). In addition, this is JDK1.4 style, so a annoc Ant build target is needed to pre-compile it.
To use this approach, just apply this line to your pojo and run annoc (and possibly aopc).
Per RFC4287:
The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element. atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }@author Bill Burke @version $Revision: 1 $
<xs:complexType name="LinkType">@author Adrian Cole
The difference between a Link and a RecordId is that a Link can be relative. This means that the link needs to be resolved against the context it occurs in (= the record it occurs in) in order to get the actual id of the record it points to.
As an example, suppose we have a record with a variant property 'language=en'. In this record, we want to link to another record, also having the 'language=en'. By using Link, we can specify only the master record ID of the target record, without the 'language=en' property. The 'language=en' will be inherited from the record in which the link occurs. The advantage is that if the link is copied to another record with e.g. 'language=fr', the link will automatically adjust to this context.
Links have the following possibilities to specify the relative link:
If you just want a link to point to an exact record id, use the constructor new Link(recordId, false).
To have a link that copies variant properties from the context, use: new Link(recordId).
In such cases you might want to consider creating the link based only on the master record id new Link(recordId.getMaster()).
The Link class is immutable after construction. You have to either pass all properties through constructor arguments, or use the LinkBuilder class obtained via {@link #newBuilder}.
Example using LinkBuilder:
RecordId recordId = ...; Link link = Link.newBuilder().recordId(recordId).copyAll(false).copy("dev").set("foo", "bar").create();
To resolve a link to a RecordId, using the {@link #resolve(RecordId,IdGenerator)} method.
Initial Date: July 06, 2006
@author Alexander Schneider, Patrick Brunner
The following features are supported:
The following features are supported: