{@ddms.versions 11111} {@table.header History}None. {@table.footer}{@table.header Nested Elements}None. {@table.footer}{@table.header Attributes}{@child.info ism:classification|0..1|00011}{@child.info ism:ownerProducer|0..*|00011}{@child.info ism:<securityAttributes>|0..*|00011}{@child.info xlink:<xlinkAttributes>|0..*|11111}{@table.footer}{@table.header Validation Rules}{@ddms.rule The qualified name of this element must be correct.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule xlink:type must exist, and must be set to "locator".|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule xlink:href must exist.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule Security attributes must not be used before the DDMS version in which they were introduced.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule Warnings from any XLink attributes are claimed by this component.|Warning|11111}
When a Link is used by {@link RelatedResource}, it cannot have security attributes. When a Link is used by {@link RevisionRecall}, it must have security attributes. This is validated in the parent class.
A Link is a relationship between Locations, represented as a line between them. If you want to draw the endpoints, use a LocationHandler for them.
Although this class extends from Location, it doesn't handle displaying a name for the link that well. The name will appear as the first node's marker name, although it should declutter if needed.
This class provides the representation of a URL link. This class defines key properties of a URL: URL string, a MD5 has of the URL string, MIME-TYPE and the number of times the link is bookmarked.
The ID of the class uniquely identifies a Link, which is usually created by the database system when the Link is created for the first time.
Specifies the file to load and optional refresh parameters. See .
The element replaces the element of contained in earlier KML releases and adds functionality for the element (introduced in KML 2.1). In Google Earth releases 3.0 and earlier, the element is ignored.
The file is conditionally loaded and refreshed, depending on the refresh parameters supplied here. Two different sets of refresh parameters can be specified: one set is based on time ( and ) and one is based on the current "camera" view ( and ). In addition, Link specifies whether to scale the bounding box parameters that are sent to the server ( and provides a set of optional viewing parameters that can be sent to the server () as well as a set of optional parameters containing version and language information.
Tip: To display the top-level Folder or Document within a Network Link in the List View, assign an ID to the Folder or Document. Without this ID, only the child object names are displayed in the List View.
When a file is fetched, the URL that is sent to the server is composed of three pieces of information:
the href (Hypertext Reference) that specifies the file to load. an arbitrary format string that is created from (a) parameters that you specify in the element or (b) bounding box parameters (this is the default and is used if no element is included in the file). a second format string that is specified in the element.
Specifies the file to load and optional refresh parameters. See .
The element replaces the element of contained in earlier KML releases and adds functionality for the element (introduced in KML 2.1). In Google Earth releases 3.0 and earlier, the element is ignored.
The file is conditionally loaded and refreshed, depending on the refresh parameters supplied here. Two different sets of refresh parameters can be specified: one set is based on time ( and ) and one is based on the current "camera" view ( and ). In addition, Link specifies whether to scale the bounding box parameters that are sent to the server ( and provides a set of optional viewing parameters that can be sent to the server () as well as a set of optional parameters containing version and language information.
Tip: To display the top-level Folder or Document within a Network Link in the List View, assign an ID to the Folder or Document. Without this ID, only the child object names are displayed in the List View.
When a file is fetched, the URL that is sent to the server is composed of three pieces of information:
the href (Hypertext Reference) that specifies the file to load. an arbitrary format string that is created from (a) parameters that you specify in the element or (b) bounding box parameters (this is the default and is used if no element is included in the file). a second format string that is specified in the element.
Link class models a link an internal link on Wikipedia. The class contains two attributes: the target id : a string representing the name of the page pointed by the link (e.g., FIFA_World_Cup_awards), and the description , i.e., the anchor text used in a article for linking to the target id (e.g., golden shoe).
@author Diego Ceccarelli, diego.ceccarelli@isti.cnr.itcreated on 19/nov/2011
A Link leaf node allows an application to reference a shared graph, rooted by a SharedGroup node, from within a branch graph or another shared graph. Any number of Link nodes can refer to the same SharedGroup node.
Class representing hypermedia links. A hypermedia link may include additional parameters beyond its underlying URI. Parameters such as "rel" or "type" provide additional meta-data and can be used to create instances of {@link javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder} in order to follow links.
The methods {@link #toString} and {@link #valueOf} can be used to serializeand de-serialize a link into a link header (RFC 5988).
@author Marek Potociar
@author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen
@see javax.ws.rs.client.Client#invocation
@since 2.0
The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element. atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }
This class creates a <link> tag.
@version $Id: link.java,v 1.1 2000/11/28 17:35:36 jstoor Exp $
@author Stephan Nagy
@author Jon S. Stevens
@author Bojan Smojver
A link is the Tapestry representation of a URL or URI that triggers dynamic behavior. This link is in three parts: a path portion, an optional anchor, and a set of query parameters. A request for a link will ultimately be recognized by a {@link Dispatcher}. Query parameter values are kept separate from the path portion to support encoding those values into hidden form fields (where appropriate).
A link is the Tapestry representation of a URL or URI that triggers dynamic behavior. This link is in three parts: a path portion, an optional anchor, and a set of query parameters. A request for a link will ultimately be recognized by a {@link org.apache.tapestry5.services.Dispatcher}. Query parameter values are kept separate from the path portion to support encoding those values into hidden form fields (where appropriate).
The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element. atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }
TODO remove this file when JBoss AS includes RESTEasy 2.3.4.Final or higher
A representation of the model object 'Link'. Specifies the synchronization dependencies between activities in a flow. Each activity can be the source and/or target of any number of links. Links establish a predecessor/successor relationship between activities. Activities that are the source of a link are predecessors of activities that are targets of the same link. Parallel execution of activities in a flow is synchronized by requiring that all the source activities of an activity must complete before corresponding target activities of the same link can run. When an activity completes, all activities that are targets of links for which this activity is a source are now candidates for execution (assuming all their predecessor activities have completed).
Test class for PojoCache for circular references. Link is a POJO that will be instrumentet with CacheInterceptor
@version $Revision: 1584 $
Below is the annotation that signifies this class is "prepared" under JBossAop. This is used in conjunction with a special jboss-aop.xml (supplied by JBossCache). In addition, this is JDK1.4 style, so a annoc Ant build target is needed to pre-compile it.
To use this approach, just apply this line to your pojo and run annoc (and possibly aopc).
The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element. atomLink = element atom:link { atomCommonAttributes, attribute href { atomUri }, attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?, attribute title { text }?, attribute length { text }?, undefinedContent }
Joins glyphs and arrows to one another. Can have text attached to the 'to' end, and decoration at the 'to' end Set the drawDirection if the rendering system should draw the link in a particular orientation on the diagram.
@author robmoffat
The difference between a Link and a RecordId is that a Link can be relative. This means that the link needs to be resolved against the context it occurs in (= the record it occurs in) in order to get the actual id of the record it points to.
About relative links
As an example, suppose we have a record with a variant property 'language=en'. In this record, we want to link to another record, also having the 'language=en'. By using Link, we can specify only the master record ID of the target record, without the 'language=en' property. The 'language=en' will be inherited from the record in which the link occurs. The advantage is that if the link is copied to another record with e.g. 'language=fr', the link will automatically adjust to this context.
Links have the following possibilities to specify the relative link:
the master record id itself is optional, and can be copied (= inherited) from the context.
it is possible to specify that all variant properties from the context should be copied. This is specified by the "copyAll" property of this object.
it is possible to specify individual properties. For each individual property, you can specify one of the following:
an exact value
copy the value from the context (if any). This allows to selectively copy some variant properties from the context. This only makes sense when not using copyAll.
remove the value, if it would have been copied from the context. This is useful if you want to copy all variant properties from the context (not knowing how many there are), except some of them.
Creating links
If you just want a link to point to an exact record id, use the constructor new Link(recordId, false).
To have a link that copies variant properties from the context, use: new Link(recordId).
In such cases you might want to consider creating the link based only on the master record id new Link(recordId.getMaster()).
The Link class is immutable after construction. You have to either pass all properties through constructor arguments, or use the LinkBuilder class obtained via {@link #newBuilder}.
Example using LinkBuilder:
RecordId recordId = ...; Link link = Link.newBuilder().recordId(recordId).copyAll(false).copy("dev").set("foo", "bar").create();
Resolving links to RecordId's
To resolve a link to a RecordId, using the {@link #resolve(RecordId,IdGenerator)} method.
Instances of this class represent a link between a port and a relation, between two relations, or a between two ports. In the first two cases, the relations are represented by an explicit node in the graph. In the third case, there is no explicit node representing the relation and the edge runs directly from one port to the other. Connections are made and broken by the graph model depending on which of the above contexts the link is being used in.
@author Steve Neuendorffer
@version $Id: Link.java,v 1.19 2007/12/07 06:24:19 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 2.0
@Pt.ProposedRating Red (eal)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (johnr)
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