Examples of LinearScale

Examples of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.scales.LinearScale

    int size = curve.size();
    double range = xminmax.getMax() - xminmax.getMin();
    double binwidth = range / (size - 1);

    LinearScale xscale = new LinearScale(xminmax.getMin() - binwidth / 2, xminmax.getMax() + binwidth / 2);
    LinearScale yscale = new LinearScale(yminmax.getMin(), yminmax.getMax());

    SVGPath[] path = new SVGPath[dim];
    for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      path[i] = new SVGPath(sizex * xscale.getScaled(xminmax.getMin() - binwidth / 2), sizey);

    // draw curves.
    for(NumberVector<?, ?> vec : curve) {
      for(int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
        path[d].lineTo(sizex * (xscale.getScaled(vec.doubleValue(1) - binwidth / 2)), sizey * (1 - yscale.getScaled(vec.doubleValue(d + 2))));
        path[d].lineTo(sizex * (xscale.getScaled(vec.doubleValue(1) + binwidth / 2)), sizey * (1 - yscale.getScaled(vec.doubleValue(d + 2))));

    // close all histograms
    for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
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Examples of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.scales.LinearScale

    // Ensure we have a valid range
    if(range.isValid()) {
    return new LinearScale(range.getMin(), range.getMax());
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Examples of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.scales.LinearScale

    for(Pair<Double, D> pair : tempcache) {
      min = Math.min(min, pair.first);
      max = Math.max(max, pair.first);
    // use the LinearScale magic to round to "likely suiteable" step sizes.
    LinearScale scale = new LinearScale(min, max);
    min = scale.getMin();
    max = scale.getMax();
    this.base = min;
    this.max = max;
    this.binsize = (max - min) / this.destsize;
    // initialize array
    this.data = new ArrayList<T>(this.destsize * 2);
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Examples of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.scales.LinearScale

    final OPTICSPlot<D> opticsplot = optics.getOPTICSPlot(context);
    final List<ClusterOrderEntry<D>> co = getClusterOrder();
    final OPTICSDistanceAdapter<D> adapter = opticsplot.getDistanceAdapter();
    final LinearScale scale = opticsplot.getScale();
    for(OPTICSXi.SteepArea area : areas) {
      final int st = area.getStartIndex();
      final int en = area.getEndIndex();
      // Note: make sure we are using doubles!
      final double x1 = (st + .25) / co.size();
      final double x2 = (en + .75) / co.size();
      final double d1 = adapter.getDoubleForEntry(co.get(st));
      final double d2 = adapter.getDoubleForEntry(co.get(en));
      final double y1 = (!Double.isInfinite(d1) && !Double.isNaN(d1)) ? (1. - scale.getScaled(d1)) : 0.;
      final double y2 = (!Double.isInfinite(d2) && !Double.isNaN(d2)) ? (1. - scale.getScaled(d2)) : 0.;
      Element e = svgp.svgLine(plotwidth * x1, plotheight * y1, plotwidth * x2, plotheight * y2);
      if(area instanceof OPTICSXi.SteepDownArea) {
        SVGUtil.addCSSClass(e, CSS_STEEP_DOWN);
      else {
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Examples of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.scales.LinearScale

      for(double val : bin.second) {

    LinearScale yscale = new LinearScale(0, minmax.getMax());
    LinearScale xscale = new LinearScale(histogram.getCoverMinimum(), histogram.getCoverMaximum());

    // Axis. TODO: Use AxisVisualizer for this?
    try {
      SVGSimpleLinearAxis.drawAxis(svgp, layer, yscale, 0, ysize, 0, 0, true, false, context.getStyleLibrary());

      // draw axes that are non-trivial
      final int dimensionality = DatabaseUtil.dimensionality(relation);
      double orig = proj.fastProjectScaledToRender(new Vector(dimensionality));
      for(int d = 0; d < dimensionality; d++) {
        Vector v = new Vector(dimensionality);
        v.set(d, 1);
        // projected endpoint of axis
        double ax = proj.fastProjectScaledToRender(v);
        if(ax != orig) {
          final double left = (orig / Projection.SCALE + 0.5) * xsize;
          final double right = (ax / Projection.SCALE + 0.5) * xsize;
          SVGSimpleLinearAxis.drawAxis(svgp, layer, proj.getScale(d), left, ysize, right, ysize, true, true, context.getStyleLibrary());
    catch(CSSNamingConflict e) {
      LoggingUtil.exception("CSS class exception in axis class.", e);

    double binwidth = histogram.getBinsize();
    // Visualizing
    if(!curves) {
      for(Pair<Double, double[]> bin : histogram) {
        double lpos = xscale.getScaled(bin.getFirst() - binwidth / 2);
        double rpos = xscale.getScaled(bin.getFirst() + binwidth / 2);
        double stack = 0.0;
        final int start = numc > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        for(int key = start; key < cols; key++) {
          double val = yscale.getScaled(bin.getSecond()[key]);
          Element row = SVGUtil.svgRect(svgp.getDocument(), xsize * lpos, ysize * (1 - (val + stack)), xsize * (rpos - lpos), ysize * val);
          stack = stack + val;
          SVGUtil.addCSSClass(row, BIN + (key - 1));
    else {
      double left = xscale.getScaled(histogram.getCoverMinimum());
      double right = left;

      SVGPath[] paths = new SVGPath[cols];
      double[] lasty = new double[cols];
      for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
        paths[i] = new SVGPath(xsize * left, ysize * 1);
        lasty[i] = 0;

      // draw histogram lines
      for(Pair<Double, double[]> bin : histogram) {
        left = xscale.getScaled(bin.getFirst() - binwidth / 2);
        right = xscale.getScaled(bin.getFirst() + binwidth / 2);
        for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
          double val = yscale.getScaled(bin.getSecond()[i]);
          if(lasty[i] != val) {
            paths[i].lineTo(xsize * left, ysize * (1 - lasty[i]));
            paths[i].lineTo(xsize * left, ysize * (1 - val));
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Examples of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.scales.LinearScale

   * Produces a simple linear scale and verifies the tick lines are placed as
   * expected.
  public final void testLinearScale() {
    LinearScale a = new LinearScale(3, 97);
    assertEquals("Minimum for scale 3-97 not as expected.", 0.0, a.getMin(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
    assertEquals("Maximum for scale 3-97 not as expected.", 100.0, a.getMax(), Double.MIN_VALUE);

    LinearScale b = new LinearScale(-97, -3);
    assertEquals("Minimum for scale -97 : -3 not as expected.", -100.0, b.getMin(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
    assertEquals("Maximum for scale -97 : -3 not as expected.", 0.0, b.getMax(), Double.MIN_VALUE);

    LinearScale c = new LinearScale(-3, 37);
    assertEquals("Minimum for scale -3 : 37 not as expected.", -10.0, c.getMin(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
    assertEquals("Maximum for scale -3 : 37 not as expected.", 40.0, c.getMax(), Double.MIN_VALUE);

    LinearScale d = new LinearScale(-37, 3);
    assertEquals("Minimum for scale -37 : 3 not as expected.", -40.0, d.getMin(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
    assertEquals("Maximum for scale -37 : 3 not as expected.", 10.0, d.getMax(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
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