Examples of LegacyCommunicationManager

Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

     *            requested RPC calls.
    private void handleInvocations(UI uI, int lastSyncIdSeenByClient,
            JsonArray invocationsData) {
        // TODO PUSH Refactor so that this is not needed
        LegacyCommunicationManager manager = uI.getSession()

        try {
            ConnectorTracker connectorTracker = uI.getConnectorTracker();

            Set<Connector> enabledConnectors = new HashSet<Connector>();

            List<MethodInvocation> invocations = parseInvocations(
                    uI.getConnectorTracker(), invocationsData,
            for (MethodInvocation invocation : invocations) {
                final ClientConnector connector = connectorTracker

                if (connector != null && connector.isConnectorEnabled()) {

            for (int i = 0; i < invocations.size(); i++) {
                MethodInvocation invocation = invocations.get(i);

                final ClientConnector connector = connectorTracker
                if (connector == null) {
                                    "Received RPC call for unknown connector with id {0} (tried to invoke {1}.{2})",
                                    new Object[] { invocation.getConnectorId(),
                                            invocation.getMethodName() });

                if (!enabledConnectors.contains(connector)) {

                    if (invocation instanceof LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation) {
                        LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation legacyInvocation = (LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation) invocation;
                        // TODO convert window close to a separate RPC call and
                        // handle above - not a variable change

                        // Handle special case where window-close is called
                        // after the window has been removed from the
                        // application or the application has closed
                        Map<String, Object> changes = legacyInvocation
                        if (changes.size() == 1 && changes.containsKey("close")
                                && Boolean.TRUE.equals(changes.get("close"))) {
                            // Silently ignore this

                    // Connector is disabled, log a warning and move to the next
                            getIgnoredDisabledError("RPC call", connector));
                // DragAndDropService has null UI
                if (connector.getUI() != null && connector.getUI().isClosing()) {
                    String msg = "Ignoring RPC call for connector "
                            + connector.getClass().getName();
                    if (connector instanceof Component) {
                        String caption = ((Component) connector).getCaption();
                        if (caption != null) {
                            msg += ", caption=" + caption;
                    msg += " in closed UI";


                if (invocation instanceof ServerRpcMethodInvocation) {
                    try {
                                (ServerRpcMethodInvocation) invocation);
                    } catch (RpcInvocationException e) {
                        manager.handleConnectorRelatedException(connector, e);
                } else {

                    // All code below is for legacy variable changes
                    LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation legacyInvocation = (LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation) invocation;
                    Map<String, Object> changes = legacyInvocation
                    try {
                        if (connector instanceof VariableOwner) {
                            // The source parameter is never used anywhere
                            changeVariables(null, (VariableOwner) connector,
                        } else {
                            throw new IllegalStateException(
                                    "Received legacy variable change for "
                                            + connector.getClass().getName()
                                            + " ("
                                            + connector.getConnectorId()
                                            + ") which is not a VariableOwner. The client-side connector sent these legacy varaibles: "
                                            + changes.keySet());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        manager.handleConnectorRelatedException(connector, e);
        } catch (JsonException e) {
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Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

        VaadinServlet servlet = new VaadinServlet();
        servlet.init(new MockServletConfig());
        VaadinServletService vss = new VaadinServletService(servlet,
                new MockDeploymentConfiguration());
        servlet.init(new MockServletConfig());
        return new LegacyCommunicationManager(
                new AlwaysLockedVaadinSession(vss));
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Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

        // to write out

        ArrayList<ClientConnector> dirtyVisibleConnectors = ui
        LegacyCommunicationManager manager = session.getCommunicationManager();
        // Paints components
        ConnectorTracker uiConnectorTracker = ui.getConnectorTracker();
        getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "* Creating response to client");

                "Found " + dirtyVisibleConnectors.size()
                        + " dirty connectors to paint");
        for (ClientConnector connector : dirtyVisibleConnectors) {
            boolean initialized = uiConnectorTracker

        try {

            int syncId = service.getDeploymentConfiguration()
                    .isSyncIdCheckEnabled() ? uiConnectorTracker
                    .getCurrentSyncId() : -1;
            writer.write("\"" + ApplicationConstants.SERVER_SYNC_ID + "\": "
                    + syncId + ", ");

            writer.write("\"changes\" : ");

            JsonPaintTarget paintTarget = new JsonPaintTarget(manager, writer,

            new LegacyUidlWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);

            writer.write(", "); // close changes

            // send shared state to client

            // for now, send the complete state of all modified and new
            // components

            // Ideally, all this would be sent before "changes", but that causes
            // complications with legacy components that create sub-components
            // in their paint phase. Nevertheless, this will be processed on the
            // client after component creation but before legacy UIDL
            // processing.

            new SharedStateWriter().write(ui, writer);
            writer.write(", "); // close states

            // TODO This should be optimized. The type only needs to be
            // sent once for each connector id + on refresh. Use the same cache
            // as
            // widget mapping

            new ConnectorTypeWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);
            writer.write(", "); // close states

            // Send update hierarchy information to the client.

            // This could be optimized aswell to send only info if hierarchy has
            // actually changed. Much like with the shared state. Note though
            // that an empty hierarchy is information aswell (e.g. change from 1
            // child to 0 children)

            new ConnectorHierarchyWriter().write(ui, writer);
            writer.write(", "); // close hierarchy

            // send server to client RPC calls for components in the UI, in call
            // order

            // collect RPC calls from components in the UI in the order in
            // which they were performed, remove the calls from components

            writer.write("\"rpc\" : ");
            new ClientRpcWriter().write(ui, writer);
            writer.write(", "); // close rpc


            writer.write("\"meta\" : ");

            SystemMessages messages = ui.getSession().getService()
                    .getSystemMessages(ui.getLocale(), null);
            // TODO hilightedConnector
            new MetadataWriter().write(ui, writer, repaintAll, async, messages);
            writer.write(", ");

            writer.write("\"resources\" : ");
            new ResourceWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);

            Collection<Class<? extends ClientConnector>> usedClientConnectors = paintTarget
            boolean typeMappingsOpen = false;
            ClientCache clientCache = manager.getClientCache(ui);

            List<Class<? extends ClientConnector>> newConnectorTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends ClientConnector>>();

            for (Class<? extends ClientConnector> class1 : usedClientConnectors) {
                if (clientCache.cache(class1)) {
                    // client does not know the mapping key for this type, send
                    // mapping to client

                    if (!typeMappingsOpen) {
                        typeMappingsOpen = true;
                        writer.write(", \"typeMappings\" : { ");
                    } else {
                        writer.write(" , ");
                    String canonicalName = class1.getCanonicalName();
                    writer.write("\" : ");
            if (typeMappingsOpen) {
                writer.write(" }");

            // TODO PUSH Refactor to TypeInheritanceWriter or something
            boolean typeInheritanceMapOpen = false;
            if (typeMappingsOpen) {
                // send the whole type inheritance map if any new mappings
                for (Class<? extends ClientConnector> class1 : usedClientConnectors) {
                    if (!ClientConnector.class.isAssignableFrom(class1
                            .getSuperclass())) {
                    if (!typeInheritanceMapOpen) {
                        typeInheritanceMapOpen = true;
                        writer.write(", \"typeInheritanceMap\" : { ");
                    } else {
                        writer.write(" , ");
                    writer.write("\" : ");
                            .getTagForType((Class<? extends ClientConnector>) class1
                if (typeInheritanceMapOpen) {
                    writer.write(" }");

            // TODO Refactor to DependencyWriter or something
             * Ensure super classes come before sub classes to get script
             * dependency order right. Sub class @JavaScript might assume that
             * @JavaScript defined by super class is already loaded.
            Collections.sort(newConnectorTypes, new Comparator<Class<?>>() {
                public int compare(Class<?> o1, Class<?> o2) {
                    // TODO optimize using Class.isAssignableFrom?
                    return hierarchyDepth(o1) - hierarchyDepth(o2);

                private int hierarchyDepth(Class<?> type) {
                    if (type == Object.class) {
                        return 0;
                    } else {
                        return hierarchyDepth(type.getSuperclass()) + 1;

            List<String> scriptDependencies = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<String> styleDependencies = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (Class<? extends ClientConnector> class1 : newConnectorTypes) {
                JavaScript jsAnnotation = class1
                if (jsAnnotation != null) {
                    for (String uri : jsAnnotation.value()) {

                StyleSheet styleAnnotation = class1
                if (styleAnnotation != null) {
                    for (String uri : styleAnnotation.value()) {

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Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

    public void write(UI ui, Writer writer, JsonPaintTarget target)
            throws IOException {

        // TODO PUSH Refactor so that this is not needed
        LegacyCommunicationManager manager = ui.getSession()

        // Precache custom layouts

        // TODO We should only precache the layouts that are not
        // cached already (plagiate from usedPaintableTypes)

        int resourceIndex = 0;
        for (final Iterator<Object> i = target.getUsedResources().iterator(); i
                .hasNext();) {
            final String resource = (String) i.next();
            InputStream is = null;
            try {
                is = ui.getSession()
                        .getThemeResourceAsStream(ui, manager.getTheme(ui),
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                // FIXME: Handle exception
                        "Failed to get theme resource stream.", e);
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Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

        // to write out

        ArrayList<ClientConnector> dirtyVisibleConnectors = ui
        LegacyCommunicationManager manager = session.getCommunicationManager();
        // Paints components
        ConnectorTracker uiConnectorTracker = ui.getConnectorTracker();
        getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "* Creating response to client");

                "Found " + dirtyVisibleConnectors.size()
                        + " dirty connectors to paint");
        for (ClientConnector connector : dirtyVisibleConnectors) {
            boolean initialized = uiConnectorTracker

        try {
            writer.write("\"changes\" : ");

            JsonPaintTarget paintTarget = new JsonPaintTarget(manager, writer,

            new LegacyUidlWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);

            writer.write(", "); // close changes

            // send shared state to client

            // for now, send the complete state of all modified and new
            // components

            // Ideally, all this would be sent before "changes", but that causes
            // complications with legacy components that create sub-components
            // in their paint phase. Nevertheless, this will be processed on the
            // client after component creation but before legacy UIDL
            // processing.

            new SharedStateWriter().write(ui, writer);
            writer.write(", "); // close states

            // TODO This should be optimized. The type only needs to be
            // sent once for each connector id + on refresh. Use the same cache
            // as
            // widget mapping

            new ConnectorTypeWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);
            writer.write(", "); // close states

            // Send update hierarchy information to the client.

            // This could be optimized aswell to send only info if hierarchy has
            // actually changed. Much like with the shared state. Note though
            // that an empty hierarchy is information aswell (e.g. change from 1
            // child to 0 children)

            new ConnectorHierarchyWriter().write(ui, writer);
            writer.write(", "); // close hierarchy

            // send server to client RPC calls for components in the UI, in call
            // order

            // collect RPC calls from components in the UI in the order in
            // which they were performed, remove the calls from components

            writer.write("\"rpc\" : ");
            new ClientRpcWriter().write(ui, writer);
            writer.write(", "); // close rpc


            writer.write("\"meta\" : ");

            SystemMessages messages = ui.getSession().getService()
                    .getSystemMessages(ui.getLocale(), null);
            // TODO hilightedConnector
            new MetadataWriter().write(ui, writer, repaintAll, async, messages);
            writer.write(", ");

            writer.write("\"resources\" : ");
            new ResourceWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);

            Collection<Class<? extends ClientConnector>> usedClientConnectors = paintTarget
            boolean typeMappingsOpen = false;
            ClientCache clientCache = manager.getClientCache(ui);

            List<Class<? extends ClientConnector>> newConnectorTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends ClientConnector>>();

            for (Class<? extends ClientConnector> class1 : usedClientConnectors) {
                if (clientCache.cache(class1)) {
                    // client does not know the mapping key for this type, send
                    // mapping to client

                    if (!typeMappingsOpen) {
                        typeMappingsOpen = true;
                        writer.write(", \"typeMappings\" : { ");
                    } else {
                        writer.write(" , ");
                    String canonicalName = class1.getCanonicalName();
                    writer.write("\" : ");
            if (typeMappingsOpen) {
                writer.write(" }");

            // TODO PUSH Refactor to TypeInheritanceWriter or something
            boolean typeInheritanceMapOpen = false;
            if (typeMappingsOpen) {
                // send the whole type inheritance map if any new mappings
                for (Class<? extends ClientConnector> class1 : usedClientConnectors) {
                    if (!ClientConnector.class.isAssignableFrom(class1
                            .getSuperclass())) {
                    if (!typeInheritanceMapOpen) {
                        typeInheritanceMapOpen = true;
                        writer.write(", \"typeInheritanceMap\" : { ");
                    } else {
                        writer.write(" , ");
                    writer.write("\" : ");
                            .getTagForType((Class<? extends ClientConnector>) class1
                if (typeInheritanceMapOpen) {
                    writer.write(" }");

            // TODO Refactor to DependencyWriter or something
             * Ensure super classes come before sub classes to get script
             * dependency order right. Sub class @JavaScript might assume that
             * @JavaScript defined by super class is already loaded.
            Collections.sort(newConnectorTypes, new Comparator<Class<?>>() {
                public int compare(Class<?> o1, Class<?> o2) {
                    // TODO optimize using Class.isAssignableFrom?
                    return hierarchyDepth(o1) - hierarchyDepth(o2);

                private int hierarchyDepth(Class<?> type) {
                    if (type == Object.class) {
                        return 0;
                    } else {
                        return hierarchyDepth(type.getSuperclass()) + 1;

            List<String> scriptDependencies = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<String> styleDependencies = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (Class<? extends ClientConnector> class1 : newConnectorTypes) {
                JavaScript jsAnnotation = class1
                if (jsAnnotation != null) {
                    for (String uri : jsAnnotation.value()) {

                StyleSheet styleAnnotation = class1
                if (styleAnnotation != null) {
                    for (String uri : styleAnnotation.value()) {

            // Include script dependencies in output if there are any
            if (!scriptDependencies.isEmpty()) {
                writer.write(", \"scriptDependencies\": "
                        + new JSONArray(scriptDependencies).toString());

            // Include style dependencies in output if there are any
            if (!styleDependencies.isEmpty()) {
                writer.write(", \"styleDependencies\": "
                        + new JSONArray(styleDependencies).toString());

            if (manager.getDragAndDropService() != null) {

            for (ClientConnector connector : dirtyVisibleConnectors) {
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Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

    public void write(UI ui, Writer writer, JsonPaintTarget target)
            throws IOException {

        // TODO PUSH Refactor so that this is not needed
        LegacyCommunicationManager manager = ui.getSession()

        // Precache custom layouts

        // TODO We should only precache the layouts that are not
        // cached already (plagiate from usedPaintableTypes)

        int resourceIndex = 0;
        for (final Iterator<Object> i = target.getUsedResources().iterator(); i
                .hasNext();) {
            final String resource = (String) i.next();
            InputStream is = null;
            try {
                is = ui.getSession()
                        .getThemeResourceAsStream(ui, manager.getTheme(ui),
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                // FIXME: Handle exception
                        "Failed to get theme resource stream.", e);
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Examples of com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager

     * @param burst
     *            the content of the burst as a String to be parsed
    private void handleBurst(UI uI, String burst) {
        // TODO PUSH Refactor so that this is not needed
        LegacyCommunicationManager manager = uI.getSession()

        try {
            Set<Connector> enabledConnectors = new HashSet<Connector>();

            List<MethodInvocation> invocations = parseInvocations(
                    uI.getConnectorTracker(), burst);
            for (MethodInvocation invocation : invocations) {
                final ClientConnector connector = manager.getConnector(uI,

                if (connector != null && connector.isConnectorEnabled()) {

            for (int i = 0; i < invocations.size(); i++) {
                MethodInvocation invocation = invocations.get(i);

                final ClientConnector connector = manager.getConnector(uI,
                if (connector == null) {
                                    "Received RPC call for unknown connector with id {0} (tried to invoke {1}.{2})",
                                    new Object[] { invocation.getConnectorId(),
                                            invocation.getMethodName() });

                if (!enabledConnectors.contains(connector)) {

                    if (invocation instanceof LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation) {
                        LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation legacyInvocation = (LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation) invocation;
                        // TODO convert window close to a separate RPC call and
                        // handle above - not a variable change

                        // Handle special case where window-close is called
                        // after the window has been removed from the
                        // application or the application has closed
                        Map<String, Object> changes = legacyInvocation
                        if (changes.size() == 1 && changes.containsKey("close")
                                && Boolean.TRUE.equals(changes.get("close"))) {
                            // Silently ignore this

                    // Connector is disabled, log a warning and move to the next
                            getIgnoredDisabledError("RPC call", connector));
                // DragAndDropService has null UI
                if (connector.getUI() != null && connector.getUI().isClosing()) {
                    String msg = "Ignoring RPC call for connector "
                            + connector.getClass().getName();
                    if (connector instanceof Component) {
                        String caption = ((Component) connector).getCaption();
                        if (caption != null) {
                            msg += ", caption=" + caption;
                    msg += " in closed UI";


                if (invocation instanceof ServerRpcMethodInvocation) {
                    try {
                                (ServerRpcMethodInvocation) invocation);
                    } catch (RpcInvocationException e) {
                        manager.handleConnectorRelatedException(connector, e);
                } else {

                    // All code below is for legacy variable changes
                    LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation legacyInvocation = (LegacyChangeVariablesInvocation) invocation;
                    Map<String, Object> changes = legacyInvocation
                    try {
                        if (connector instanceof VariableOwner) {
                            // The source parameter is never used anywhere
                            changeVariables(null, (VariableOwner) connector,
                        } else {
                            throw new IllegalStateException(
                                    "Received legacy variable change for "
                                            + connector.getClass().getName()
                                            + " ("
                                            + connector.getConnectorId()
                                            + ") which is not a VariableOwner. The client-side connector sent these legacy varaibles: "
                                            + changes.keySet());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        manager.handleConnectorRelatedException(connector, e);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
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