public static void addRule(TerminalNode tn, InternalWorkingMemory[] wms, InternalKnowledgeBase kBase) {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Adding Rule {}", tn.getRule().getName() );
LeftTupleSource splitStartLeftTupleSource = getNetworkSplitPoint(tn);
for (InternalWorkingMemory wm : wms) {
if (splitStartLeftTupleSource.getAssociations().size() > 1) {
List<PathMemory> pathMems = new ArrayList<PathMemory>();
collectRtnPathMemories(splitStartLeftTupleSource, wm, pathMems, tn); // get all PathMemories, except current
PathMemory newPmem = (PathMemory) wm.getNodeMemory((MemoryFactory) tn);
int s = getSegmentPos(splitStartLeftTupleSource, null);
LeftTupleSink[] sinks = splitStartLeftTupleSource.getSinkPropagator().getSinks();
if (sinks.length == 2 || (sinks.length == 3 && NodeTypeEnums.isBetaNode(sinks[2])) && ((BetaNode) sinks[2]).isRightInputIsRiaNode()) {
List<SegmentMemory[]> previousSmems = reInitPathMemories(wm, pathMems, null);
// can only be two if the adding node caused the split to be created
int p = 0;
SegmentMemory splitSmem = null;
for (PathMemory pmem : pathMems) {
SegmentMemory[] smems = previousSmems.get(p);
for (int i = 0; i < smems.length; i++) {
SegmentMemory sm = smems[i];
if (sm == null) {
continue; // SegmentMemory is not yet initialized
if (i < s) {
correctSegmentBeforeSplitOnAdd(wm, newPmem, p, pmem, sm);
} else if (i == s) {
splitSmem = correctSegmentOnSplitOnAdd(splitStartLeftTupleSource, wm, newPmem, p, splitSmem, pmem, sm);
} else if (i > s) {
correctSegmentAfterSplitOnAdd(wm, pmem, i, sm);
} else {
SegmentMemory sm = pathMems.get(0).getSegmentMemories()[s];
if (sm == null) {
continue; // Segments are initialised lazily, so the SM may not yet exist yet, and thus no processing needed
initNewSegment(splitStartLeftTupleSource, wm, sm);
correctSegmentBeforeSplitOnAdd(wm, newPmem, 0, pathMems.get(0), sm);
if (NodeTypeEnums.LeftInputAdapterNode == splitStartLeftTupleSource.getType() && splitStartLeftTupleSource.getAssociations().size() == 1) {
// rule added with no sharing
insertLiaFacts(splitStartLeftTupleSource, wm);
insertFacts( splitStartLeftTupleSource.getSinkPropagator().getLastLeftTupleSink(), wm);