Examples of LdifValueLineBase

Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase


        LdifPart[] parts = getSelectedLdifParts();
        if ( parts.length == 1 && ( parts[0] instanceof LdifValueLineBase ) )
            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0];

            String attributeDescription = getAttributeDescription();
            Object rawValue = getValueEditorRawValue();

            if ( valueEditor instanceof AbstractDialogValueEditor )
                AbstractDialogValueEditor cellEditor = ( AbstractDialogValueEditor ) valueEditor;
                cellEditor.setValue( rawValue );
                Object newValue = cellEditor.getValue();

                if ( newValue != null && newValue instanceof String || newValue instanceof byte[] )
                    IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument( editor.getEditorInput() );

                    LdifValueLineBase newLine;
                    if ( line instanceof LdifControlLine )
                        LdifControlLine oldControlLine = ( LdifControlLine ) line;
                        if ( newValue instanceof String )
                            newLine = LdifControlLine.create( oldControlLine.getUnfoldedOid(), oldControlLine
                                .getUnfoldedCriticality(), ( String ) newValue );
                            newLine = LdifControlLine.create( oldControlLine.getUnfoldedOid(), oldControlLine
                                .getUnfoldedCriticality(), ( byte[] ) newValue );
                        if ( newValue instanceof String )
                            newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( attributeDescription, ( String ) newValue );
                            newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( attributeDescription, ( byte[] ) newValue );

                        document.replace( line.getOffset(), line.getLength(), newLine.toFormattedString() );
                    catch ( BadLocationException e )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

        LdifPart[] parts = getSelectedLdifParts();
        Object oldValue = null;
        if ( parts.length == 1 && ( parts[0] instanceof LdifValueLineBase ) )
            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0];
            oldValue = line.getValueAsObject();

            if ( line instanceof LdifControlLine )
                oldValue = ( ( LdifControlLine ) line ).getUnfoldedControlValue();
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

        String attributeDescription = null;
        LdifPart[] parts = getSelectedLdifParts();
        if ( parts.length == 1 && ( parts[0] instanceof LdifValueLineBase ) )
            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0];

            if ( line instanceof LdifControlLine )
                attributeDescription = "";
                attributeDescription = line.getUnfoldedLineStart();
        return attributeDescription;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

                        // calculate selected range
                        int[] range = null;
                        if ( part instanceof LdifValueLineBase )
                            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) part;
                            range = getRange( relativePos, part.getOffset(), new String[]
                                { line.getRawLineStart(), line.getRawValueType(), line.getRawValue() } );
                        else if ( part instanceof LdifLineBase )
                            LdifLineBase line = ( LdifLineBase ) part;
                            range = new int[]
                                { part.getOffset(), part.getLength() - line.getRawNewLine().length() };

                        // set range on viewer, add global offset
                        int start = range != null ? range[OFFSET] : part.getOffset();
                        start += offset;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

                LdifPart part = LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, hoverRegion.getOffset() );
                if ( part != null )
                    if ( part instanceof LdifValueLineBase )
                        LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) part;
                        if ( line.isValueTypeBase64() )
                            return line.getValueAsString();
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

            && containers.length == 1
            && ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord ) )
                LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0];
                String attributeDescription = null;
                String oldValue = null;
                if ( modSpec != null && line instanceof LdifModSpecTypeLine )
                    LdifModSpecTypeLine oldLine = ( LdifModSpecTypeLine ) line;
                    attributeDescription = oldLine.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription();
                    oldValue = null;
                    LdifAttrValLine oldLine = ( LdifAttrValLine ) line;
                    attributeDescription = oldLine.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription();
                    oldValue = oldLine.getValueAsString();

                Schema schema = editor.getConnection() != null ? editor.getConnection().getSchema()
                    : Schema.DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
                IConnection dummyConnection = new DummyConnection( schema );

                IEntry dummyEntry = null;
                if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord )
                    dummyEntry = ModelConverter.ldifContentRecordToEntry( ( LdifContentRecord ) containers[0],
                        dummyConnection );
                else if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord )
                    dummyEntry = ModelConverter.ldifChangeAddRecordToEntry( ( LdifChangeAddRecord ) containers[0],
                        dummyConnection );
                else if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord )
                    dummyEntry = new DummyEntry( new DN(), dummyConnection );

                AttributeWizard wizard = new AttributeWizard( "Edit Attribute Description", true, false,
                    attributeDescription, dummyEntry );
                WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog( Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), wizard );
                dialog.setBlockOnOpen( true );
                if ( dialog.open() == Dialog.OK )
                    String newAttributeDescription = wizard.getAttributeDescription();

                    if ( newAttributeDescription != null )
                        IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument( editor.getEditorInput() );

                        if ( modSpec != null )
                            LdifModSpecTypeLine oldTypeLine = modSpec.getModSpecType();
                            LdifModSpecTypeLine newTypeLine = null;
                            if ( oldTypeLine.isAdd() )
                                newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createAdd( newAttributeDescription );
                            else if ( oldTypeLine.isDelete() )
                                newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createDelete( newAttributeDescription );
                            else if ( oldTypeLine.isReplace() )
                                newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createReplace( newAttributeDescription );

                            LdifAttrValLine[] oldAttrValLines = modSpec.getAttrVals();
                            LdifAttrValLine[] newAttrValLines = new LdifAttrValLine[oldAttrValLines.length];
                            for ( int i = 0; i < oldAttrValLines.length; i++ )
                                LdifAttrValLine oldAttrValLine = oldAttrValLines[i];
                                newAttrValLines[i] = LdifAttrValLine.create( newAttributeDescription, oldAttrValLine
                                    .getValueAsString() );


                            LdifModSpecSepLine newSepLine = LdifModSpecSepLine.create();

                            String text = newTypeLine.toFormattedString();
                            for ( int j = 0; j < newAttrValLines.length; j++ )
                                text += newAttrValLines[j].toFormattedString();
                            text += newSepLine.toFormattedString();
                                document.replace( modSpec.getOffset(), modSpec.getLength(), text );
                            catch ( BadLocationException e )

                        { // LdifContentRecord ||
                            // LdifChangeAddRecord
                            LdifAttrValLine newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( newAttributeDescription, oldValue );
                                document.replace( line.getOffset(), line.getLength(), newLine.toFormattedString() );
                            catch ( BadLocationException e )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

                        // calculate selected range
                        int[] range = null;
                        if ( part instanceof LdifValueLineBase )
                            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) part;
                            range = getRange( relativePos, part.getOffset(), new String[]
                                { line.getRawLineStart(), line.getRawValueType(), line.getRawValue() } );
                        else if ( part instanceof LdifLineBase )
                            LdifLineBase line = ( LdifLineBase ) part;
                            range = new int[]
                                { part.getOffset(), part.getLength() - line.getRawNewLine().length() };

                        // set range on viewer, add global offset
                        int start = range != null ? range[OFFSET] : part.getOffset();
                        start += offset;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

                LdifPart part = LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, hoverRegion.getOffset() );
                if ( part != null )
                    if ( part instanceof LdifValueLineBase )
                        LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) part;
                        if ( line.isValueTypeBase64() )
                            return line.getValueAsString();
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase

            && containers.length == 1
            && ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord ) )
                LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0];
                String attributeDescription = null;
                String oldValue = null;
                if ( modSpec != null && line instanceof LdifModSpecTypeLine )
                    LdifModSpecTypeLine oldLine = ( LdifModSpecTypeLine ) line;
                    attributeDescription = oldLine.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription();
                    oldValue = null;
                    LdifAttrValLine oldLine = ( LdifAttrValLine ) line;
                    attributeDescription = oldLine.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription();
                    oldValue = oldLine.getValueAsString();

                Schema schema = editor.getConnection() != null ? editor.getConnection().getSchema()
                    : Schema.DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
                IConnection dummyConnection = new DummyConnection( schema );

                IEntry dummyEntry = null;
                if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord )
                    dummyEntry = ModelConverter.ldifContentRecordToEntry( ( LdifContentRecord ) containers[0],
                        dummyConnection );
                else if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord )
                    dummyEntry = ModelConverter.ldifChangeAddRecordToEntry( ( LdifChangeAddRecord ) containers[0],
                        dummyConnection );
                else if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord )
                    dummyEntry = new DummyEntry( new DN(), dummyConnection );

                AttributeWizard wizard = new AttributeWizard( "Edit Attribute Description", true, false,
                    attributeDescription, dummyEntry );
                WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog( Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), wizard );
                dialog.setBlockOnOpen( true );
                if ( dialog.open() == Dialog.OK )
                    String newAttributeDescription = wizard.getAttributeDescription();

                    if ( newAttributeDescription != null )
                        IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument( editor.getEditorInput() );

                        if ( modSpec != null )
                            LdifModSpecTypeLine oldTypeLine = modSpec.getModSpecType();
                            LdifModSpecTypeLine newTypeLine = null;
                            if ( oldTypeLine.isAdd() )
                                newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createAdd( newAttributeDescription );
                            else if ( oldTypeLine.isDelete() )
                                newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createDelete( newAttributeDescription );
                            else if ( oldTypeLine.isReplace() )
                                newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createReplace( newAttributeDescription );

                            LdifAttrValLine[] oldAttrValLines = modSpec.getAttrVals();
                            LdifAttrValLine[] newAttrValLines = new LdifAttrValLine[oldAttrValLines.length];
                            for ( int i = 0; i < oldAttrValLines.length; i++ )
                                LdifAttrValLine oldAttrValLine = oldAttrValLines[i];
                                newAttrValLines[i] = LdifAttrValLine.create( newAttributeDescription, oldAttrValLine
                                    .getValueAsString() );


                            LdifModSpecSepLine newSepLine = LdifModSpecSepLine.create();

                            String text = newTypeLine.toFormattedString();
                            for ( int j = 0; j < newAttrValLines.length; j++ )
                                text += newAttrValLines[j].toFormattedString();
                            text += newSepLine.toFormattedString();
                                document.replace( modSpec.getOffset(), modSpec.getLength(), text );
                            catch ( BadLocationException e )

                        { // LdifContentRecord ||
                            // LdifChangeAddRecord
                            LdifAttrValLine newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( newAttributeDescription, oldValue );
                                document.replace( line.getOffset(), line.getLength(), newLine.toFormattedString() );
                            catch ( BadLocationException e )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.ldapstudio.browser.core.model.ldif.lines.LdifValueLineBase


        LdifPart[] parts = getSelectedLdifParts();
        if ( parts.length == 1 && ( parts[0] instanceof LdifValueLineBase ) )
            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0];

            String attributeDescription = getAttributeDescription();
            Object rawValue = getValueEditorRawValue();

            if ( valueEditor instanceof AbstractDialogValueEditor )
                AbstractDialogValueEditor cellEditor = ( AbstractDialogValueEditor ) valueEditor;
                cellEditor.setValue( rawValue );
                Object newValue = cellEditor.getValue();

                if ( newValue != null && newValue instanceof String || newValue instanceof byte[] )
                    IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument( editor.getEditorInput() );

                    LdifValueLineBase newLine;
                    if ( line instanceof LdifControlLine )
                        LdifControlLine oldControlLine = ( LdifControlLine ) line;
                        if ( newValue instanceof String )
                            newLine = LdifControlLine.create( oldControlLine.getUnfoldedOid(), oldControlLine
                                .getUnfoldedCriticality(), ( String ) newValue );
                            newLine = LdifControlLine.create( oldControlLine.getUnfoldedOid(), oldControlLine
                                .getUnfoldedCriticality(), ( byte[] ) newValue );
                        if ( newValue instanceof String )
                            newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( attributeDescription, ( String ) newValue );
                            newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( attributeDescription, ( byte[] ) newValue );

                        document.replace( line.getOffset(), line.getLength(), newLine.toFormattedString() );
                    catch ( BadLocationException e )
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