Examples of LdifPart

Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.ldif.LdifPart

        List proposalList = new ArrayList();

        LdifFile model = editor.getLdifModel();
        LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, offset );
        LdifContainer innerContainer = container != null ? LdifFile.getInnerContainer( container, offset ) : null;
        LdifPart part = container != null ? LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, offset ) : null;
        int documentLine = -1;
        int documentLineOffset = -1;
        String prefix = "";
            documentLine = viewer.getDocument().getLineOfOffset( offset );
            documentLineOffset = viewer.getDocument().getLineOffset( documentLine );
            prefix = viewer.getDocument().get( documentLineOffset, offset - documentLineOffset );
        catch ( BadLocationException e )
        // TemplateContextType contextType = getContextType(viewer, new
        // Region(offset, 0));

        // Add context dependend template proposals
        ICompletionProposal[] templateProposals = super.computeCompletionProposals( viewer, offset );
        if ( templateProposals != null )
            proposalList.addAll( Arrays.asList( templateProposals ) );

        // changetype: xxx
        if ( container instanceof LdifRecord )
            LdifRecord record = ( LdifRecord ) container;
            LdifPart[] parts = record.getParts();
            if ( parts.length > 1 && ( !( parts[1] instanceof LdifChangeTypeLine ) || !parts[1].isValid() ) )
                if ( CT_ADD.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_ADD, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(), CT_ADD
                        .length(), LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage( LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_ADD ), CT_ADD
                        .substring( 0, CT_ADD.length() - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null, null ) );
                if ( CT_MODIFY.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_MODIFY, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                        LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage( LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_MODIFY ), CT_MODIFY
                            .substring( 0, CT_MODIFY.length() - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null,
                        null ) );
                if ( CT_DELETE.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_DELETE, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                        LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage( LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_DELETE ), CT_DELETE
                            .substring( 0, CT_DELETE.length() - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null,
                        null ) );
                if ( CT_MODDN.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_MODDN, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                        CT_MODDN.length(), LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage( LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_RENAME ),
                        CT_MODDN.substring( 0, CT_MODDN.length() - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ),
                        null, null ) );


        // changetype: modify
        if ( container instanceof LdifChangeModDnRecord )
            LdifChangeModDnRecord record = ( LdifChangeModDnRecord ) container;
            if ( ( record.getNewrdnLine() == null || !record.getNewrdnLine().isValid() )
                && MD_NEWRDN.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( MD_NEWRDN, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                    MD_NEWRDN.length(), null, null, null, null ) );
            if ( ( record.getDeloldrdnLine() == null || !record.getDeloldrdnLine().isValid() )
                && MD_DELETEOLDRDN_TRUE.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( MD_DELETEOLDRDN_TRUE, offset - prefix.length(), prefix
                    .length(), MD_DELETEOLDRDN_TRUE.length(), null, null, null, null ) );
            if ( ( record.getNewsuperiorLine() == null || !record.getNewsuperiorLine().isValid() )
                && MD_NEWSUPERIOR.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( MD_NEWSUPERIOR, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                    MD_NEWSUPERIOR.length(), null, null, null, null ) );

        // modspecs
        if ( innerContainer instanceof LdifModSpec )
            LdifModSpec modSpec = ( LdifModSpec ) innerContainer;
            String att = modSpec.getModSpecType().getRawAttributeDescription();
            if ( att != null && att.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( att, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(), att.length(),
                    null, null, null, null ) );

        // attribute descriptions
        if ( container instanceof LdifContentRecord || container instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord )

            if ( part instanceof LdifInvalidPart
                || part instanceof LdifAttrValLine
                || ( part instanceof LdifSepLine && ( container instanceof LdifContentRecord || container instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord ) ) )

                String rawAttributeDescription = prefix;
                String rawValueType = "";

                if ( part instanceof LdifAttrValLine )
                    LdifAttrValLine line = ( LdifAttrValLine ) part;
                    rawAttributeDescription = line.getRawAttributeDescription();
                    rawValueType = line.getRawValueType();

                if ( offset <= part.getOffset() + rawAttributeDescription.length() )
                    Schema schema = editor.getConnection() != null ? editor.getConnection().getSchema()
                        : Schema.DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
                    String[] attributeNames = schema.getAttributeTypeDescriptionNames();
                    Arrays.sort( attributeNames );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.ldif.LdifPart

        int offset = region.getOffset();

        LdifFile model = editor.getLdifModel();
        LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, offset );
        LdifContainer innerContainer = container != null ? LdifFile.getInnerContainer( container, offset ) : null;
        LdifPart part = container != null ? LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, offset ) : null;
        int documentLine = -1;
        int documentLineOffset = -1;
        String prefix = "";
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.ldif.LdifPart


        LdifFile model = editor.getLdifModel();
        LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, c.offset );
        LdifContainer innerContainer = container != null ? LdifFile.getInnerContainer( container, c.offset ) : null;
        LdifPart part = container != null ? LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, c.offset ) : null;

        boolean smartInsertAttributeInModSpec = LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(
        if ( smartInsertAttributeInModSpec )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.ldif.LdifPart

                String s = document.get( partition.getOffset(), partition.getLength() );
                LdifFile model = parser.parse( s );
                LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, relativePos );
                if ( container != null )
                    LdifPart part = LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, relativePos );

                    if ( part != null && !( part instanceof LdifSepLine ) && !( part instanceof LdifInvalidPart )
                        && !( part instanceof LdifEOFPart ) )

                        // calculate selected range
                        int[] range = null;
                        if ( part instanceof LdifValueLineBase )
                            LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) part;
                            range = getRange( relativePos, part.getOffset(), new String[]
                                { line.getRawLineStart(), line.getRawValueType(), line.getRawValue() } );
                        else if ( part instanceof LdifLineBase )
                            LdifLineBase line = ( LdifLineBase ) part;
                            range = new int[]
                                { part.getOffset(), part.getLength() - line.getRawNewLine().length() };

                        // set range on viewer, add global offset
                        int start = range != null ? range[OFFSET] : part.getOffset();
                        start += offset;
                        int length = range != null ? range[LENGTH] : part.getLength();
                        viewer.setSelectedRange( start, length );
                        // use default double click strategy
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart


    public final int getLength()
        LdifPart lastPart = this.getLastPart();
        return lastPart.getOffset() + lastPart.getLength() - getOffset();
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart

    public final void adjustOffset( int adjust )
        for ( Iterator it = this.parts.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            LdifPart part = ( LdifPart ) it.next();
            part.adjustOffset( adjust );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart

        List<ICompletionProposal> proposalList = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>();

        LdifFile model = editor.getLdifModel();
        LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, offset );
        LdifContainer innerContainer = container != null ? LdifFile.getInnerContainer( container, offset ) : null;
        LdifPart part = container != null ? LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, offset ) : null;
        int documentLine = -1;
        int documentLineOffset = -1;
        String prefix = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
            documentLine = viewer.getDocument().getLineOfOffset( offset );
            documentLineOffset = viewer.getDocument().getLineOffset( documentLine );
            prefix = viewer.getDocument().get( documentLineOffset, offset - documentLineOffset );
        catch ( BadLocationException e )
        // TemplateContextType contextType = getContextType(viewer, new
        // Region(offset, 0));

        // Add context dependend template proposals
        ICompletionProposal[] templateProposals = super.computeCompletionProposals( viewer, offset );
        if ( templateProposals != null )
            proposalList.addAll( Arrays.asList( templateProposals ) );

        // changetype: xxx
        if ( container instanceof LdifRecord )
            LdifRecord record = ( LdifRecord ) container;
            LdifPart[] parts = record.getParts();
            if ( parts.length > 1 && ( !( parts[1] instanceof LdifChangeTypeLine ) || !parts[1].isValid() ) )
                if ( CT_ADD.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_ADD, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(), CT_ADD
                        .length(), LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage( LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_ADD ),
                        CT_ADD.substring( 0, CT_ADD.length() - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null,
                        null ) );
                if ( CT_MODIFY.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_MODIFY, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                        CT_MODIFY.length(), LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage(
                            LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_MODIFY ), CT_MODIFY.substring( 0, CT_MODIFY.length()
                            - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null, null ) );
                if ( CT_DELETE.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_DELETE, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                        CT_DELETE.length(), LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage(
                            LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_DELETE ), CT_DELETE.substring( 0, CT_DELETE.length()
                            - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null, null ) );
                if ( CT_MODDN.startsWith( prefix ) )
                    proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( CT_MODDN, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                        CT_MODDN.length(), LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getImage(
                            LdifEditorConstants.IMG_LDIF_RENAME ), CT_MODDN.substring( 0, CT_MODDN.length()
                            - BrowserCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ), null, null ) );


        // changetype: modify
        if ( container instanceof LdifChangeModDnRecord )
            LdifChangeModDnRecord record = ( LdifChangeModDnRecord ) container;
            if ( ( record.getNewrdnLine() == null || !record.getNewrdnLine().isValid() )
                && MD_NEWRDN.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( MD_NEWRDN, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                    MD_NEWRDN.length(), null, null, null, null ) );
            if ( ( record.getDeloldrdnLine() == null || !record.getDeloldrdnLine().isValid() )
                && MD_DELETEOLDRDN_TRUE.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( MD_DELETEOLDRDN_TRUE, offset - prefix.length(), prefix
                    .length(), MD_DELETEOLDRDN_TRUE.length(), null, null, null, null ) );
            if ( ( record.getNewsuperiorLine() == null || !record.getNewsuperiorLine().isValid() )
                && MD_NEWSUPERIOR.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( MD_NEWSUPERIOR, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(),
                    MD_NEWSUPERIOR.length(), null, null, null, null ) );

        // modspecs
        if ( innerContainer instanceof LdifModSpec )
            LdifModSpec modSpec = ( LdifModSpec ) innerContainer;
            String att = modSpec.getModSpecType().getRawAttributeDescription();
            if ( att != null && att.startsWith( prefix ) )
                proposalList.add( new CompletionProposal( att, offset - prefix.length(), prefix.length(), att.length(),
                    null, null, null, null ) );

        // attribute descriptions
        if ( container instanceof LdifContentRecord || container instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord )

            if ( part instanceof LdifInvalidPart
                || part instanceof LdifAttrValLine
                || ( part instanceof LdifSepLine && ( container instanceof LdifContentRecord || container instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord ) ) )

                String rawAttributeDescription = prefix;
                String rawValueType = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

                if ( part instanceof LdifAttrValLine )
                    LdifAttrValLine line = ( LdifAttrValLine ) part;
                    rawAttributeDescription = line.getRawAttributeDescription();
                    rawValueType = line.getRawValueType();

                if ( offset <= part.getOffset() + rawAttributeDescription.length() )
                    Schema schema = editor.getConnection() != null ? editor.getConnection().getSchema()
                        : Schema.DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
                    String[] attributeNames = SchemaUtils.getNamesAsArray( schema.getAttributeTypeDescriptions() );
                    Arrays.sort( attributeNames );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart

        int offset = region.getOffset();

        LdifFile model = editor.getLdifModel();
        LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, offset );
        LdifContainer innerContainer = container != null ? LdifFile.getInnerContainer( container, offset ) : null;
        LdifPart part = container != null ? LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, offset ) : null;
        int documentLine = -1;
        int documentLineOffset = -1;
        String prefix = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart


        LdifFile model = editor.getLdifModel();
        LdifContainer container = LdifFile.getContainer( model, c.offset );
        LdifContainer innerContainer = container != null ? LdifFile.getInnerContainer( container, c.offset ) : null;
        LdifPart part = container != null ? LdifFile.getContainerContent( container, c.offset ) : null;

        boolean smartInsertAttributeInModSpec = LdifEditorActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(
        if ( smartInsertAttributeInModSpec )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart

                StringBuffer errorText = null;

                LdifPart[] parts = container.getParts();
                for ( int k = 0; k < parts.length; k++ )
                    LdifPart part = parts[k];
                    if ( !part.isValid() )
                        if ( errorOffset == -1 )
                            // errorPart = part;
                            errorOffset = part.getOffset();
                            errorLength = part.getLength();
                            errorText = new StringBuffer();
                            errorText.append( part.toRawString() );
                            errorLength += part.getLength();
                            errorText.append( part.toRawString() );

                if ( errorOffset == -1 && !container.isValid() )
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