browserViewBot.expandEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users" );
assertFalse( browserViewBot.existsEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users", "cn=refresh" ) );
// add the entry directly in the server
ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( ldapServer.getDirectoryService().getRegistries() );
entry.setDn( new LdapDN( "cn=refresh,ou=users,ou=system" ) );
entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "person" );
entry.add( "cn", "refresh" );
entry.add( "sn", "refresh" );
ldapServer.getDirectoryService().getAdminSession().add( entry );
// check the entry still isn't visible in the tree
assertFalse( browserViewBot.existsEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users", "cn=refresh" ) );
// refresh parent
browserViewBot.selectEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users" );
// check the entry exists now
browserViewBot.expandEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users" );
assertTrue( browserViewBot.existsEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users", "cn=refresh" ) );
browserViewBot.selectEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users", "cn=refresh" );
// delete the entry directly in the server
ldapServer.getDirectoryService().getAdminSession().delete( new LdapDN( "cn=refresh,ou=users,ou=system" ) );
// check the entry still is now visible in the tree
assertTrue( browserViewBot.existsEntry( "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users", "cn=refresh" ) );
// refresh parent