this.cachedMap = new LinkedHashMap<Object,Object>();
} else {
LazyMapObjectInspector lazyMoi = getInspector();
Text cf = new Text(columnMapping.getColumnFamily());
for (ColumnTuple tuple : sourceRow.getTuples()) {
String cq = tuple.getCq().toString();
if (!cf.equals(tuple.getCf()) || !cq.startsWith(columnMapping.getColumnQualifierPrefix())) {
// A column family or qualifier we don't want to include in the map
// Because we append the cq prefix when serializing the column
// we should also remove it when pulling it from Accumulo
cq = cq.substring(columnMapping.getColumnQualifierPrefix().length());
// Keys are always primitive, respect the binary
LazyPrimitive<? extends ObjectInspector,? extends Writable> key = LazyFactory
.createLazyPrimitiveClass((PrimitiveObjectInspector) lazyMoi.getMapKeyObjectInspector(),
ColumnEncoding.BINARY == columnMapping.getKeyEncoding());
ByteArrayRef keyRef = new ByteArrayRef();
key.init(keyRef, 0, keyRef.getData().length);
// Value can be anything, use the obj inspector and respect binary
LazyObject<?> value = LazyFactory.createLazyObject(lazyMoi.getMapValueObjectInspector(),
ColumnEncoding.BINARY == columnMapping.getValueEncoding());
ByteArrayRef valueRef = new ByteArrayRef();
value.init(valueRef, 0, valueRef.getData().length);