LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
BlockLevelLayoutManager curLM; // currently active LM
BlockLevelLayoutManager prevLM = null; // previously active LM
while ((curLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager) getChildLM()) != null) {
LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
// curLM is a ?
.getStackLimitBP(), stackLimit));
// get elements from curLM
returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
if (childLC.isKeepWithNextPending()) {
log.debug("child LM signals pending keep with next");
if (contentList.size() == 0 && childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING, false);
if (prevLM != null) {
// there is a block handled by prevLM
// before the one handled by curLM
if (mustKeepTogether()
|| context.isKeepWithNextPending()
|| childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
//Clear keep pending flag
context.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING, false);
childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING, false);
// add an infinite penalty to forbid a break between
// blocks
contentList.add(new BreakElement(
new Position(this), KnuthElement.INFINITE, context));
//contentList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
// KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
// new Position(this), false));
} else if (!(((ListElement) contentList.getLast()).isGlue()
|| (((ListElement)contentList.getLast()).isPenalty()
&& ((KnuthPenalty)contentList.getLast()).getP() < KnuthElement.INFINITE)
|| (contentList.getLast() instanceof BreakElement
&& ((BreakElement)contentList.getLast()).getPenaltyValue() < KnuthElement.INFINITE))) {
// TODO vh: this is hacky
// The getNextKnuthElements method of TableCellLM must not be called
// twice, otherwise some settings like indents or borders will be
// counted several times and lead to a wrong output. Anyway the
// getNextKnuthElements methods should be called only once eventually
// (i.e., when multi-threading the code), even when there are forced
// breaks.
// If we add a break possibility after a forced break the
// AreaAdditionUtil.addAreas method will act on a sequence starting
// with a SpaceResolver.SpaceHandlingBreakPosition element, having no
// LM associated to it. Thus it will stop early instead of adding
// areas for following Positions. The above test aims at preventing
// such a situation from occurring. add a null penalty to allow a break
// between blocks
contentList.add(new BreakElement(
new Position(this), 0, context));
//contentList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
// new Position(this), false));
} else {
// the last element in contentList is a feasible breakpoint, there is
// no need to add a penalty
if (returnedList.size() == 0) {
//Avoid NoSuchElementException below (happens with empty blocks)
if (childLC.isKeepWithNextPending()) {
//Clear and propagate
childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING, false);
prevLM = curLM;
if (context.isKeepWithNextPending()) {