/*** Add the appropriate nodes and links in alignment graph ***/
List<SemanticType> typesList = new ArrayList<SemanticType>();
for (int i = 0; i < typesArr.length(); i++) {
try {
LabeledLink newLink = null;
JSONObject type = typesArr.getJSONObject(i);
String domainValue;
// For property semantic types, domain uri goes to "domainValue" and link uri goes to "fullTypeValue".
// For class semantic type, class uri goes "fullTypeValue" and "domainValue" is empty.
domainValue = type.getString(ClientJsonKeys.DomainId.name());
domainValue = type.getString("Domain"); //For backward compatibility to older models
String fullTypeValue = type.getString(ClientJsonKeys.FullType.name());
// logger.trace("FULL TYPE:" + type.getString(ClientJsonKeys.FullType.name()));
// logger.trace("Domain: " + type.getString(ClientJsonKeys.Domain.name()));
// Look if the domain value exists. If it exists, then it is a domain of a data property. If not
// then the value in FullType has the the value which indicates if a new class instance is needed
// or an existing class instance should be used (this is the case when just the class is chosen as a sem type).
// Label domainName = null;
boolean isClassSemanticType = false;
boolean semanticTypeAlreadyExists = false;
Node domain = null;
String domainUriOrId;
Label linkLabel;
// if domain value is empty, semantic type is a class semantic type
if (domainValue.equals("")) {
isClassSemanticType = true;
domainUriOrId = fullTypeValue;
linkLabel = ClassInstanceLink.getFixedLabel();
} else {
isClassSemanticType = false;
domainUriOrId = domainValue;
linkLabel = ontMgr.getUriLabel(fullTypeValue);
if (linkLabel == null) {
logger.error("URI/ID does not exist in the ontology or model: " + fullTypeValue);
if(domainUriOrId.endsWith(" (add)"))
domainUriOrId = domainUriOrId.substring(0, domainUriOrId.length()-5).trim();
domain = alignment.getNodeById(domainUriOrId);
logger.info("Got domain for domainUriOrId:" + domainUriOrId + " ::" + domain);
if (domain == null) {
Label label = ontMgr.getUriLabel(domainUriOrId);
// if (label == null) {
// logger.error("URI/ID does not exist in the ontology or model: " + domainUriOrId);
// continue;
// }
if (label == null) {
if(type.has(ClientJsonKeys.DomainUri.name())) {
label = new Label(type.getString(ClientJsonKeys.DomainUri.name()));
} else {
//This part of the code is for backward compatibility. Newer models should have domainUri
int len = domainValue.length();
if ((len > 1) && Character.isDigit(domainValue.charAt(len-1))) {
String newDomainValue = domainValue.substring(0, len-1);
label = ontMgr.getUriLabel(newDomainValue);
if (label == null) {
logger.error("No graph node found for the node: " + domainValue);
return new UpdateContainer(new ErrorUpdate("" +
"Error occured while setting semantic type!"));
domain = alignment.addInternalNode(label);
// Check if a semantic type already exists for the column
ColumnNode columnNode = alignment.getColumnNodeByHNodeId(hNodeId);
List<LabeledLink> columnNodeIncomingLinks = alignment.getIncomingLinks(columnNode.getId());
LabeledLink oldIncomingLinkToColumnNode = null;
Node oldDomainNode = null;
if (columnNodeIncomingLinks != null && !columnNodeIncomingLinks.isEmpty()) { // SemanticType already assigned
semanticTypeAlreadyExists = true;
oldIncomingLinkToColumnNode = columnNodeIncomingLinks.get(0);
oldDomainNode = oldIncomingLinkToColumnNode.getSource();
if (type.getBoolean(ClientJsonKeys.isPrimary.name())) {
if (isClassSemanticType) {
if (semanticTypeAlreadyExists && oldDomainNode == domain) {
newLink = oldIncomingLinkToColumnNode;
// do nothing;
} else if (semanticTypeAlreadyExists) {
// alignment.removeNode(oldDomainNode.getId());
newLink = alignment.addClassInstanceLink(domain, columnNode, LinkKeyInfo.None);
} else {
newLink = alignment.addClassInstanceLink(domain, columnNode, LinkKeyInfo.None);
// Property semantic type
else {
// When only the link changes between the class node and the internal node (domain)
if (semanticTypeAlreadyExists && oldDomainNode == domain) {
newLink = alignment.addDataPropertyLink(domain, columnNode, linkLabel);
// When there was an existing semantic type and the new domain is a new node in the graph and semantic type already existed
else if (semanticTypeAlreadyExists) {
// alignment.removeNode(oldDomainNode.getId());
newLink = alignment.addDataPropertyLink(domain, columnNode, linkLabel);
} else {
newLink = alignment.addDataPropertyLink(domain, columnNode, linkLabel);