{@code }
attribute defines the name of the style which you can later use with {@link Skin#newLabel(String,String,String)}.font
attribute references a {@link BitmapFont} by name, to be used to render the label's text.fontColor
attribute references a {@link Color} by name, to be used to render the label's text.
For a general-purpose container for HTML content, use {@link com.smartgwt.client.widgets.HTMLFlow} or {@link com.smartgwt.client.widgets.HTMLPane} instead.
The contents of the label may contain simple formatting:
indicates the topological relationship of a component of a topology graph to a given Geometry
. This class supports labels for relationships to two Geometry
s, which is sufficient for algorithms for binary operations. Topology graphs support the concept of labeling nodes and edges in the graph. The label of a node or edge specifies its topological relationship to one or more geometries. (In fact, since JTS operations have only two arguments labels are required for only two geometries). A label for a node or edge has one or two elements, depending on whether the node or edge occurs in one or both of the input Geometry
s. Elements contain attributes which categorize the topological location of the node or edge relative to the parent Geometry
; that is, whether the node or edge is in the interior, boundary or exterior of the Geometry
. Attributes have a value from the set {Interior, Boundary, Exterior}
. In a node each element has a single attribute <On>
. For an edge each element has a triplet of attributes <Left, On, Right>
It is up to the client code to associate the 0 and 1 TopologyLocation
s with specific geometries.
@version 1.7
interface can act as a constituent, node, or word label with linguistic attributes. A Label
is required to have a "primary" String
(although this may be null). This is referred to as its value
. Implementations of Label split into two groups with respect to equality. Classes that extend ValueLabel define equality solely in terms of String equality of its value (secondary facets may be present but are ignored for purposes of equality), and have equals and compareTo defined across all subclasses of ValueLabel. This behavior should not be changed. Other classes that implement Label define equality only with their own type and require all fields of the type to be equal.
A subclass that extends another Label class should override the definition of labelFactory()
, since the contract for this method is that it should return a factory for labels of the exact same object type.
@author Christopher Manning
class provides the functionality for displaying a line of Text in the Processing Development Environment.Label
object is a component for placing text in a container. A label displays a single line of read-only text. The text can be changed by the application, but a user cannot edit it directly. For example, the code . . .
setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 10, 10)); add(new Label("Hi There!")); add(new Label("Another Label"));
produces the following labels:
@version 1.60, 10/31/08
@author Sami Shaio
@since JDK1.0
Form form = new Form("form"); .. form.add(new Label("hr", "<hr/>"));HTML output:
<tr><td colspan='2' align='left'><hr/></td></tr>
<s:label key="userName" />
<s:label name="userName" label="User Name" />
Exactly what is displayed as the body, depends on the model. The simplest case is a Label with a static String model, which can be constructed like this:
add(new Label("myLabel", "the string to display"))A Label with a dynamic model can be created like this:
add(new Label("myLabel", new PropertyModel(person, "name"));In this case, the Label component will replace the body of the tag it is attached to with the 'name' property of the given Person object, where Person might look like:
public class Person { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } }@author Jonathan Locke
Labels are generated by factory methods in the CodeBuilder class. If a label has any origin addresses, its location address must be set by the time the CodeBuilder's class file is output. @author Brian S O'Neill @see CodeBuilder
The following features are supported:
indicates the topological relationship of a component of a topology graph to a given Geometry
. This class supports labels for relationships to two Geometry
s, which is sufficient for algorithms for binary operations. Topology graphs support the concept of labeling nodes and edges in the graph. The label of a node or edge specifies its topological relationship to one or more geometries. (In fact, since JTS operations have only two arguments labels are required for only two geometries). A label for a node or edge has one or two elements, depending on whether the node or edge occurs in one or both of the input Geometry
s. Elements contain attributes which categorize the topological location of the node or edge relative to the parent Geometry
; that is, whether the node or edge is in the interior, boundary or exterior of the Geometry
. Attributes have a value from the set {Interior, Boundary, Exterior}
. In a node each element has a single attribute <On>
. For an edge each element has a triplet of attributes <Left, On, Right>
It is up to the client code to associate the 0 and 1 TopologyLocation
s with specific geometries.
@source $URL$
@version 1.7.2
This widget uses a <label> element.
<ul class='css'> <li>.mosaic-Label { }</li> </ul>@author georgopoulos.georgios(at)gmail.com
Default {@link #getZclass}: z-label. @author tomyeh