hash = basis for each octet_of_data to be hashed hash = hash * FNV_prime hash = hash xor octet_of_data return hash
hash = basis for each octet_of_data to be hashed hash = hash xor octet_of_data hash = hash * FNV_prime return hash
// Set the default segment factory this.setSegmentFactory(new MappedSegmentFactory()); // Set the default hash function this.setHashFunction(new FnvHashFunction()); // Load properties from the default configuration file File file = new File(homeDir, CONFIG_PROPERTIES_FILE); if(file.exists()) { this.load(file);
} catch(Exception e) { _logger.warn("Invalid HashFunction<byte[]> class: " + paramValue); } } if(hashFunction == null) { hashFunction = new FnvHashFunction(); } setHashFunction(hashFunction); // Create _dataHandler paramName = StoreParams.PARAM_DATA_HANDLER_CLASS;
super(TestFnvHashFunction.class.getSimpleName()); } @Override protected HashFunction<byte[]> createHashFunction() { return new FnvHashFunction(); }