Examples of KnuthBox

Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

        //                   + " last=" + nLastLines
        //                   + " (condOpt=" + nConditionalOptionalLines + " condEl=" + nConditionalEliminableLines + ")");

        // creation of the elements:
        // first group of lines
        list.add(new KnuthBox(nFirstLines * constantLineHeight, elementPosition,
                              (nLastLines == 0
                               && nConditionalOptionalLines == 0
                               && nConditionalEliminableLines == 0 ? true : false)));
        if (nConditionalOptionalLines > 0
            || nConditionalEliminableLines > 0) {
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, nConditionalOptionalLines * constantLineHeight,
                                   nConditionalEliminableLines * constantLineHeight,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition,
                                  (nLastLines == 0 ? true : false)));

        // optional lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nOptionalLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));

        // eliminable lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nEliminableLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 1 * constantLineHeight,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));

        // inner lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nInnerLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, elementPosition, false));

        // last group of lines
        if (nLastLines > 0) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(nLastLines * constantLineHeight,
                                  elementPosition, true));
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

            lastTCPos = tcpos;
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(" - backtrack=" + rowBacktrackForLastStep
                        + " - row=" + activeRowIndex + " - " + tcpos);
            returnList.add(new KnuthBox(boxLen, tcpos, false));

            int effPenaltyLen = Math.max(0, penaltyOrGlueLen);
            TableHFPenaltyPosition penaltyPos = new TableHFPenaltyPosition(getTableLM());
            if (bodyType == TableRowIterator.BODY) {
                if (!getTableLM().getTable().omitHeaderAtBreak()) {
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox


    /** @see org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LayoutManager */
    public LinkedList getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
        log.debug("==> Columns: " + getTableLM().getColumns());
        KnuthBox headerAsFirst = null;
        KnuthBox headerAsSecondToLast = null;
        KnuthBox footerAsLast = null;
        if (headerIter != null && headerList == null) {
            this.headerList = getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(
                    headerIter, context, alignment, TableRowIterator.HEADER);
                    = ElementListUtils.calcContentLength(this.headerList);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("==> Header: "
                        + headerNetHeight + " - " + this.headerList);
            TableHeaderFooterPosition pos = new TableHeaderFooterPosition(
                    getTableLM(), true, this.headerList);
            KnuthBox box = new KnuthBox(headerNetHeight, pos, false);
            if (getTableLM().getTable().omitHeaderAtBreak()) {
                //We can simply add the table header at the start
                //of the whole list
                headerAsFirst = box;
            } else {
                headerAsSecondToLast = box;
        if (footerIter != null && footerList == null) {
            this.footerList = getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(
                    footerIter, context, alignment, TableRowIterator.FOOTER);
                    = ElementListUtils.calcContentLength(this.footerList);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("==> Footer: "
                        + footerNetHeight + " - " + this.footerList);
            //We can simply add the table footer at the end of the whole list
            TableHeaderFooterPosition pos = new TableHeaderFooterPosition(
                    getTableLM(), false, this.footerList);
            KnuthBox box = new KnuthBox(footerNetHeight, pos, false);
            footerAsLast = box;
        LinkedList returnList = getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(
                bodyIter, context, alignment, TableRowIterator.BODY);
        if (headerAsFirst != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

        //                   + " last=" + nLastLines
        //                   + " (condOpt=" + nConditionalOptionalLines + " condEl=" + nConditionalEliminableLines + ")");

        // creation of the elements:
        // first group of lines
        list.add(new KnuthBox(nFirstLines * constantLineHeight, elementPosition,
                              (nLastLines == 0
                               && nConditionalOptionalLines == 0
                               && nConditionalEliminableLines == 0 ? true : false)));
        if (nConditionalOptionalLines > 0
            || nConditionalEliminableLines > 0) {
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, nConditionalOptionalLines * constantLineHeight,
                                   nConditionalEliminableLines * constantLineHeight,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition,
                                  (nLastLines == 0 ? true : false)));

        // optional lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nOptionalLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));

        // eliminable lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nEliminableLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 1 * constantLineHeight,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));

        // inner lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nInnerLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, elementPosition, false));

        // last group of lines
        if (nLastLines > 0) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(nLastLines * constantLineHeight,
                                  elementPosition, true));
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public LinkedList getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("==> Columns: " + getTableLM().getColumns());
        KnuthBox headerAsFirst = null;
        KnuthBox headerAsSecondToLast = null;
        KnuthBox footerAsLast = null;
        if (headerIter != null && headerList == null) {
            this.headerList = getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(
                    headerIter, context, alignment, TableRowIterator.HEADER);
                    = ElementListUtils.calcContentLength(this.headerList);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("==> Header: "
                        + headerNetHeight + " - " + this.headerList);
            TableHeaderFooterPosition pos = new TableHeaderFooterPosition(
                    getTableLM(), true, this.headerList);
            KnuthBox box = new KnuthBox(headerNetHeight, pos, false);
            if (getTableLM().getTable().omitHeaderAtBreak()) {
                //We can simply add the table header at the start
                //of the whole list
                headerAsFirst = box;
            } else {
                headerAsSecondToLast = box;
        if (footerIter != null && footerList == null) {
            this.footerList = getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(
                    footerIter, context, alignment, TableRowIterator.FOOTER);
                    = ElementListUtils.calcContentLength(this.footerList);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("==> Footer: "
                        + footerNetHeight + " - " + this.footerList);
            //We can simply add the table footer at the end of the whole list
            TableHeaderFooterPosition pos = new TableHeaderFooterPosition(
                    getTableLM(), false, this.footerList);
            KnuthBox box = new KnuthBox(footerNetHeight, pos, false);
            footerAsLast = box;
        LinkedList returnList = getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(
                bodyIter, context, alignment, TableRowIterator.BODY);
        if (headerAsFirst != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

            if (returnList.size() == 0) {
                tcpos.setFlag(TableContentPosition.FIRST_IN_ROWGROUP, true);
            lastTCPos = tcpos;
            returnList.add(new KnuthBox(boxLen, tcpos, false));

            int effPenaltyLen = Math.max(0, penaltyOrGlueLen);
            TableHFPenaltyPosition penaltyPos = new TableHFPenaltyPosition(getTableLM());
            if (bodyType == TableRowIterator.BODY) {
                if (!getTableLM().getTable().omitHeaderAtBreak()) {
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

            // add the new elements
            addedBoxHeight += boxHeight;
            ListItemPosition stepPosition = new ListItemPosition(this,
                    start[0], end[0], start[1], end[1]);
            returnList.add(new KnuthBox(boxHeight, stepPosition, false));
            if (addedBoxHeight < totalHeight) {
                int p = 0;
                if (keepWithNextActive || mustKeepTogether()) {
                    p = KnuthPenalty.INFINITE;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

     * Tests ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaks().
     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void testRemoveElementPenalty1() throws Exception {
        LinkedList lst = new LinkedList();
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 200, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthGlue(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, -KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, null, false));
        boolean res = ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaks(lst, 9000);
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

     * Tests ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaks().
     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void testRemoveElementPenalty2() throws Exception {
        LinkedList lst = new LinkedList();
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthGlue(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, -KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, null, false));
        boolean res = ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaks(lst, 9000);
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox

     * Tests ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaksFromEnd().
     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void testRemoveElementFromEndPenalty1() throws Exception {
        LinkedList lst = new LinkedList();
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 200, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthBox(4000, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthGlue(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null, false));
        lst.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, -KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, null, false));
        boolean res = ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaksFromEnd(lst, 9000);
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