methods provide access to the internal Key objects: KeyInfo
was constructed from an Element (Signature verification), the lengthXXX()
methods searches for child elements of ds:KeyInfo
for known types. KeyInfo
was constructed from scratch (during Signature generation), the lengthXXX()
methods return the number of XXXs
objects already passed to the KeyInfoaddXXX()
methods are used for adding Objects of the appropriate type to the KeyInfo
. This is used during signature generation. itemXXX(int i)
methods return the i'th object of the corresponding type. containsXXX()
methods return whether the KeyInfo contains the corresponding type.
@author $Author: raul $
contains a list of {@link XMLStructure}s, each of which contain information that enables the recipient(s) to obtain the key needed to validate an XML signature. The XML Schema Definition is defined as: <element name="KeyInfo" type="ds:KeyInfoType"/> <complexType name="KeyInfoType" mixed="true"> <choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> <element ref="ds:KeyName"/> <element ref="ds:KeyValue"/> <element ref="ds:RetrievalMethod"/> <element ref="ds:X509Data"/> <element ref="ds:PGPData"/> <element ref="ds:SPKIData"/> <element ref="ds:MgmtData"/> <any processContents="lax" namespace="##other"/> <!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces --> </choice> <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/> </complexType>A
instance may be created by invoking one of the {@link KeyInfoFactory#newKeyInfo newKeyInfo} methods of the{@link KeyInfoFactory} class, and passing it a list of one or more XMLStructure
s and an optional id parameter; for example: KeyInfoFactory factory = KeyInfoFactory.getInstance("DOM"); KeyInfo keyInfo = factory.newKeyInfo (Collections.singletonList(factory.newKeyName("Alice"), "keyinfo-1"));
objects can also be marshalled to XML by invoking the {@link #marshal marshal} method.
@author Sean Mullan
@author JSR 105 Expert Group
@see KeyInfoFactory#newKeyInfo(List)
@see KeyInfoFactory#newKeyInfo(List,String)
methods provide access to the internal Key objects: KeyInfo
was constructed from an Element (Signature verification), the lengthXXX()
methods searches for child elements of ds:KeyInfo
for known types. KeyInfo
was constructed from scratch (during Signature generation), the lengthXXX()
methods return the number of XXX
objects already passed to the KeyInfoaddXXX()
methods are used for adding Objects of the appropriate type to the KeyInfo
. This is used during signature generation. itemXXX(int i)
methods return the i'th object of the corresponding type. containsXXX()
methods return whether the KeyInfo contains the corresponding type.
@author $Author: vdkoogh $