* @throws Throwable for any error
public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
MethodInvocation mi = (MethodInvocation) invocation;
KernelControllerContext context = (KernelControllerContext) mi.getArguments()[0];
boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
Password passwordAnnotation = (Password) invocation.resolveClassAnnotation(Password.class);
if( trace )
log.trace("Checking method: "+mi.getMethod()+", bindingInfo: "+passwordAnnotation);
// If this is the setKernelControllerContext callback, set the password
if ("setKernelControllerContext".equals(mi.getMethod().getName()) && passwordAnnotation != null)
//Get the password
String securityDomain = passwordAnnotation.securityDomain();
char[] passwd = this.passwordManagement.getPassword(securityDomain);
Object target = context.getTarget();
this.setPassword(target, passwordAnnotation, passwd);
// If this is the unsetKernelControllerContext callback, unbind the target
else if( passwordAnnotation != null )