JXTaskPaneContainer taskpanecontainer = new JXTaskPaneContainer();
this._scr_ = new JScrollPane(taskpanecontainer);
// create a taskpane, and set it's title and icon
JXTaskPane tsk1 = new JXTaskPane();
tsk1.setTitle("My Tasks 1");
tsk1.setIcon(Images.Quit.getIcon(24, 24));
// add various actions and components to the taskpane
/*tsk1.add(new AbstractAction() {
putValue(Action.NAME, "task pane item 1 : an action");
putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "perform an action");
putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, Images.NetworkConnected.getIcon(32, 32));
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
_xlb1_.setText("an action performed");
// ---
// create a taskpane, and set it's title and icon
JXTaskPane tsk2 = new JXTaskPane();
tsk2.setTitle("My Tasks 2");
tsk2.setIcon(Images.Quit.getIcon(24, 24));
// add various actions and components to the taskpane
JPanel pnl2 = new JPanel();
//JScrollPane scr2 = new JScrollPane(pnl2); // same as scrollPane.setViewportView(table);
JButton btn2 = new JButton("btn2");