JXPathBeanInfo is similar to java.beans.BeanInfo in that it describes properties of a JavaBean class. By default, JXPathBeanInfo classes are automatically generated by {@link JXPathIntrospector JXPathIntrospector}based on the java.beans.BeanInfo. As with JavaBeans, the user can supply an alternative implementation of JXPathBeanInfo for a custom class. The alternative implementation is located by class name, which is the same as the name of the class it represents with the suffix "XBeanInfo". So, for example, if you need to provide an alternative JXPathBeanInfo class for class "com.foo.Bar", write a class "com.foo.BarXBeanInfo" and make it implement the JXPathBeanInfo interface.
@author Dmitri Plotnikov
@version $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/03/11 00:59:12 $
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