public void testParameterizedIndex() throws Exception {
MockApplication<?> app = application("plugin.controller.view.parameterizedindex").init();
MockClient client = app.client();
MockViewBridge render = client.render();
String result = render.assertStringResponse();
Matcher m = P.matcher(result);
assertTrue("Was expecting " + result + " to match", m.matches());
assertEquals("0", m.group(1));
render = (MockViewBridge)client.invoke(m.group(2));
m.reset(result = render.assertStringResponse());
assertTrue("Was expecting " + result + " to match", m.matches());
assertEquals("1", m.group(1));
render = (MockViewBridge)client.invoke(m.group(2));
m.reset(result = render.assertStringResponse());
assertTrue("Was expecting " + result + " to match", m.matches());
assertEquals("0", m.group(1));