public File getSourceWorkspacePath() { return new File(super.getSourceWorkspacePath(), PROJECT_BASE); } public void run(final TestResult result) { Protectable p = new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Exception { setUpSuite(); CodeAssistProjectTests.super.run(result); tearDownSuite(); }
} public void run( TestResult result ) { result.startTest( this ); Protectable p= new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Throwable { runBare(); } }; result.runProtected( this, p);
} public void run( TestResult result ) { System.out.println(document); result.startTest( this ); Protectable p= new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Throwable { DomTestXml.this.runBare(); } }; result.runProtected( this, p);
// get a hold of the test result originalResult = result; result.startTest(osgiJUnitTest); result.runProtected(osgiJUnitTest, new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Throwable { AbstractOsgiTests.this.runBare(); } });
try { osgiTestExtensions.osgiSetUp(); try { // use TestResult method to bypass the setUp/tearDown methods result.runProtected(rawTest, new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Throwable { osgiTestExtensions.osgiRunTest(); }
* * @see TestSetup#run(TestResult) */ public void run(final TestResult theResult) { Protectable p = new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Exception { try {
public TestSetup(Test test) { super(test); } public void run(final TestResult result) { Protectable p= new Protectable() { public void protect() throws Exception { setUp(); basicRun(result); tearDown(); }