@RequestProcessing(value = "/console/user/", method = HTTPRequestMethod.POST)
public void addUser(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final HTTPRequestContext context)
throws Exception {
final JSONRenderer renderer = new JSONRenderer();
final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
try {
final JSONObject requestJSONObject = Requests.parseRequestJSONObject(request, response);
if (userQueryService.isAdminLoggedIn(request)) { // if the administrator register a new user, treats the new user as a normal user
// (defaultRole) who could post article
requestJSONObject.put(User.USER_ROLE, Role.DEFAULT_ROLE);
} else { // if a normal user or a visitor register a new user, treates the new user as a visitor (visitorRole) who couldn't
// post article
requestJSONObject.put(User.USER_ROLE, Role.VISITOR_ROLE);
final String userId = userMgmtService.addUser(requestJSONObject);
ret.put(Keys.OBJECT_ID, userId);
ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("addSuccLabel"));
ret.put(Keys.STATUS_CODE, true);
} catch (final ServiceException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, e.getMessage(), e);
final JSONObject jsonObject = QueryResults.defaultResult();
jsonObject.put(Keys.MSG, e.getMessage());