hash = ((JavaObjectTerm) a1).object();
} else {
throw new IllegalDomainException(this, 1, "hash_or_alias", a1);
if (!(hash instanceof HashMapOfTerm)) {
throw new InternalException(this + ": Hash is not HashtableOfTerm");
a2 = a2.dereference();
Term elem = ((HashMapOfTerm) hash).get(a2);
if (elem == null || elem.isNil()) {
return cont;
a3 = a3.dereference();
Term x = elem;
Term x0 = Prolog.Nil;
Term y, z;
while (!x.isNil()) {
if (!x.isList()) {
throw new InternalException(this + ": the valus of " + a2
+ " is not list structure");
y = ((ListTerm) x).car().dereference();
z = ((ListTerm) x).cdr().dereference();
if (y.equals(a3)) {