Examples of JoinpointException

Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

         MethodInfo result = locateMethodInfo(current, name, paramTypes, isStatic, isPublic);
         if (result != null)
            return result;
         current = current.getSuperclass();
      throw new JoinpointException("Method not found " + name + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " for class " + classInfo.getName());
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

/*     */           }
/*     */         }
/*     */       }
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 736 */     throw new JoinpointException("Property " + name + " not found for " + info);
/*     */   }
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

/* 269 */       for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++)
/*     */       {
/* 271 */         if (equals(paramTypes, constructors[i].getParameterTypes()))
/* 272 */           return constructors[i];
/*     */       }
/* 274 */       throw new JoinpointException("Constructor not found " + classInfo.getName() + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " in " + Arrays.asList(constructors));
/*     */     }
/* 276 */     throw new JoinpointException("Constructor not found " + classInfo.getName() + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " no constructors");
/*     */   }
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

/* 294 */       FieldInfo result = locateFieldInfo(current, name);
/* 295 */       if (result != null)
/* 296 */         return result;
/* 297 */       current = current.getSuperclass();
/*     */     }
/* 299 */     throw new JoinpointException("Field not found '" + name + "' for class " + classInfo.getName());
/*     */   }
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

/* 391 */       MethodInfo result = locateMethodInfo(current, name, paramTypes, isStatic, isPublic, strict);
/* 392 */       if (result != null)
/* 393 */         return result;
/* 394 */       current = current.getSuperclass();
/*     */     }
/* 396 */     throw new JoinpointException("Method not found " + name + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " for class " + classInfo.getName());
/*     */   }
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

         for (ConstructorInfo constructor : constructors)
            if (equals(paramTypes, constructor.getParameterTypes()))
               return constructor;
         throw new JoinpointException("Constructor not found " + classInfo.getName() + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " in " + Arrays.asList(constructors));
      throw new JoinpointException("Constructor not found " + classInfo.getName() + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " no constructors");
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

         FieldInfo result = locateFieldInfo(current, name);
         if (result != null)
            return result;
         current = current.getSuperclass();
      throw new JoinpointException("Field not found '" + name + "' for class " + classInfo.getName());
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Examples of org.jboss.joinpoint.spi.JoinpointException

         MethodInfo result = locateMethodInfo(current, name, paramTypes, isStatic, isPublic, strict);
         if (result != null)
            return result;
         current = current.getSuperclass();
      throw new JoinpointException("Method not found " + name + Arrays.asList(paramTypes) + " for class " + classInfo.getName());
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