Examples of JobStory

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory


  protected abstract Thread createReaderThread() ;

  protected JobStory getNextJobFiltered() throws IOException {
    JobStory job;
    do {
      job = jobProducer.getNextJob();
    } while (job != null
        && (job.getOutcome() != Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values.SUCCESS ||
            job.getSubmissionTime() < 0));
    return null == job ? null : new FilterJobStory(job) {
        public TaskInfo getTaskInfo(TaskType taskType, int taskNumber) {
          return new MinTaskInfo(this.job.getTaskInfo(taskType, taskNumber));
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory

  void buildSplits(FilePool inputDir) throws IOException {
    long mapInputBytesTotal = 0L;
    long mapOutputBytesTotal = 0L;
    long mapOutputRecordsTotal = 0L;
    final JobStory jobdesc = getJobDesc();
    if (null == jobdesc) {
    final int maps = jobdesc.getNumberMaps();
    final int reds = jobdesc.getNumberReduces();
    for (int i = 0; i < maps; ++i) {
      final TaskInfo info = jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.MAP, i);
      mapInputBytesTotal += info.getInputBytes();
      mapOutputBytesTotal += info.getOutputBytes();
      mapOutputRecordsTotal += info.getOutputRecords();
    final double[] reduceRecordRatio = new double[reds];
    final double[] reduceByteRatio = new double[reds];
    for (int i = 0; i < reds; ++i) {
      final TaskInfo info = jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.REDUCE, i);
      reduceByteRatio[i] = info.getInputBytes() / (1.0 * mapOutputBytesTotal);
      reduceRecordRatio[i] =
        info.getInputRecords() / (1.0 * mapOutputRecordsTotal);
    final InputStriper striper = new InputStriper(inputDir, mapInputBytesTotal);
    final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
    for (int i = 0; i < maps; ++i) {
      final int nSpec = reds / maps + ((reds % maps) > i ? 1 : 0);
      final long[] specBytes = new long[nSpec];
      final long[] specRecords = new long[nSpec];
      final ResourceUsageMetrics[] metrics = new ResourceUsageMetrics[nSpec];
      for (int j = 0; j < nSpec; ++j) {
        final TaskInfo info =
          jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.REDUCE, i + j * maps);
        specBytes[j] = info.getOutputBytes();
        specRecords[j] = info.getOutputRecords();
        metrics[j] = info.getResourceUsageMetrics();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug(String.format("SPEC(%d) %d -> %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", id(),
              i, i + j * maps, info.getOutputRecords(), info.getOutputBytes(),
      final TaskInfo info = jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.MAP, i);
      splits.add(new LoadSplit(striper.splitFor(inputDir,
              info.getInputBytes(), 3), maps, i,
            info.getInputBytes(), info.getInputRecords(),
            info.getOutputBytes(), info.getOutputRecords(),
            reduceByteRatio, reduceRecordRatio, specBytes, specRecords,
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory

   * @throws IOException
  private int buildDistCacheFilesList(JobStoryProducer jsp) throws IOException {
    // Read all the jobs from the trace file and build the list of unique
    // distributed cache files.
    JobStory jobStory;
    while ((jobStory = jsp.getNextJob()) != null) {
      if (jobStory.getOutcome() == Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values.SUCCESS &&
         jobStory.getSubmissionTime() >= 0) {

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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory

  protected abstract Thread createReaderThread() ;

  //gets the next job from the trace and does some bookkeeping for the same
  private JobStory getNextJobFromTrace() throws IOException {
    JobStory story = jobProducer.getNextJob();
    if (story != null) {
    return story;
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory

    return story;

  protected JobStory getNextJobFiltered() throws IOException {
    JobStory job = getNextJobFromTrace();
    while (job != null &&
           (job.getOutcome() != Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values.SUCCESS ||
            job.getSubmissionTime() < 0)) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        String reason = null;
        if (job.getOutcome() != Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values.SUCCESS) {
          reason = "STATE (" + job.getOutcome().name() + ") ";
        if (job.getSubmissionTime() < 0) {
          reason += "SUBMISSION-TIME (" + job.getSubmissionTime() + ")";
        LOG.debug("Ignoring job " + job.getJobID() + " from the input trace."
                  + " Reason: " + reason == null ? "N/A" : reason);
      job = getNextJobFromTrace();
    return null == job ? null : new FilterJobStory(job) {
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory


            while (!loadStatus.overloaded()) {
              try {
                final JobStory job = getNextJobFiltered();
                if (null == job) {
                    conf, 0L, job, scratch, userResolver.getTargetUgi(
                        job.getUser())), sequence.getAndIncrement()));
                // TODO: We need to take care of scenario when one map/reduce
                // takes more than 1 slot.
                loadStatus.mapSlotsBackfill -=
                    loadStatus.mapSlotCapacity, job.getNumberMaps(), 0.0f);
                loadStatus.reduceSlotsBackfill -=
                    loadStatus.reduceSlotCapacity, job.getNumberReduces(),
              } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Error while submitting the job ", e);
                error = e;
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory

  void buildSplits(FilePool inputDir) throws IOException {
    long mapInputBytesTotal = 0L;
    long mapOutputBytesTotal = 0L;
    long mapOutputRecordsTotal = 0L;
    final JobStory jobdesc = getJobDesc();
    if (null == jobdesc) {
    final int maps = jobdesc.getNumberMaps();
    final int reds = jobdesc.getNumberReduces();
    for (int i = 0; i < maps; ++i) {
      final TaskInfo info = jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.MAP, i);
      mapInputBytesTotal += info.getInputBytes();
      mapOutputBytesTotal += info.getOutputBytes();
      mapOutputRecordsTotal += info.getOutputRecords();
    final double[] reduceRecordRatio = new double[reds];
    final double[] reduceByteRatio = new double[reds];
    for (int i = 0; i < reds; ++i) {
      final TaskInfo info = jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.REDUCE, i);
      reduceByteRatio[i] = info.getInputBytes() / (1.0 * mapOutputBytesTotal);
      reduceRecordRatio[i] =
        info.getInputRecords() / (1.0 * mapOutputRecordsTotal);
    final InputStriper striper = new InputStriper(inputDir, mapInputBytesTotal);
    final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
    for (int i = 0; i < maps; ++i) {
      final int nSpec = reds / maps + ((reds % maps) > i ? 1 : 0);
      final long[] specBytes = new long[nSpec];
      final long[] specRecords = new long[nSpec];
      for (int j = 0; j < nSpec; ++j) {
        final TaskInfo info =
          jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.REDUCE, i + j * maps);
        specBytes[j] = info.getOutputBytes();
        specRecords[j] = info.getOutputRecords();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug(String.format("SPEC(%d) %d -> %d %d %d", id(), i,
              i + j * maps, info.getOutputRecords(), info.getOutputBytes()));
      final TaskInfo info = jobdesc.getTaskInfo(TaskType.MAP, i);
      splits.add(new LoadSplit(striper.splitFor(inputDir,
              info.getInputBytes(), 3), maps, i,
            info.getInputBytes(), info.getInputRecords(),
            info.getOutputBytes(), info.getOutputRecords(),
            reduceByteRatio, reduceRecordRatio, specBytes, specRecords));
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory


        final String originalJobId = conf.get(Gridmix.ORIGINAL_JOB_ID);
        final JobStory spec = sub.get(originalJobId);
        assertNotNull("No spec for " + jobName, spec);
        assertNotNull("No counters for " + jobName, job.getCounters());
        final String originalJobName = spec.getName();
        System.out.println("originalJobName=" + originalJobName
            + ";GridmixJobName=" + jobName + ";originalJobID=" + originalJobId);
        assertTrue("Original job name is wrong.", originalJobName.equals(

        // Gridmix job seqNum contains 6 digits
        int seqNumLength = 6;
        String jobSeqNum = new DecimalFormat("000000").format(
            conf.getInt(GridmixJob.GRIDMIX_JOB_SEQ, -1));
        // Original job name is of the format MOCKJOB<6 digit sequence number>
        // because MockJob jobNames are of this format.
            originalJobName.length() - seqNumLength).equals(jobSeqNum));

        assertTrue("Gridmix job name is not in the expected format.",
                GridmixJob.JOB_NAME_PREFIX + jobSeqNum));
        final FileStatus stat =
            new Path(GridmixTestUtils.DEST, "" + Integer.valueOf(jobSeqNum)));
        assertEquals("Wrong owner for " + jobName, spec.getUser(),
        final int nMaps = spec.getNumberMaps();
        final int nReds = spec.getNumberReduces();

        // TODO Blocked by MAPREDUCE-118
        if (true) return;
        // TODO
        System.out.println(jobName + ": " + nMaps + "/" + nReds);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory


        final String originalJobId = conf.get(Gridmix.ORIGINAL_JOB_ID);
        final JobStory spec = sub.get(originalJobId);
        assertNotNull("No spec for " + jobName, spec);
        assertNotNull("No counters for " + jobName, job.getCounters());
        final String originalJobName = spec.getName();
        System.out.println("originalJobName=" + originalJobName
            + ";GridmixJobName=" + jobName + ";originalJobID=" + originalJobId);
        assertTrue("Original job name is wrong.", originalJobName.equals(

        // Gridmix job seqNum contains 6 digits
        int seqNumLength = 6;
        String jobSeqNum = new DecimalFormat("000000").format(
            conf.getInt(GridmixJob.GRIDMIX_JOB_SEQ, -1));
        // Original job name is of the format MOCKJOB<6 digit sequence number>
        // because MockJob jobNames are of this format.
            originalJobName.length() - seqNumLength).equals(jobSeqNum));

        assertTrue("Gridmix job name is not in the expected format.",
            GridmixJob.JOB_NAME_PREFIX + jobSeqNum));

        final FileStatus stat =
            new Path(GridmixTestUtils.DEST, "" + Integer.valueOf(jobSeqNum)));
        assertEquals("Wrong owner for " + jobName, spec.getUser(),

        final int nMaps = spec.getNumberMaps();
        final int nReds = spec.getNumberReduces();

        // TODO Blocked by MAPREDUCE-118
        if (true) return;
        // TODO
        System.out.println(jobName + ": " + nMaps + "/" + nReds);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory

      if (loggingEnabled) {
        LOG.debug("Job '" + jobId.getId() + "' already present ");
      return jobs.get(jobId).getStatus();
    JobStory jobStory = SimulatorJobCache.get(jobId);
    if (jobStory == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Job not found in SimulatorJobCache: "+jobId);
    SimulatorJobInProgress job = new SimulatorJobInProgress(jobId, jobSubmitDir, this,
    // Check whether the queue information provided is valid
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