Examples of JmxMonitorListener

Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener

      String jmxServerURI = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + jmxServerPort + "/jmxrmi";
      // Connect to the JMX Server, configure checkpoint frequency, create MBean proxies for
      // UIMA-AS MBeans and service input queues
      monitor.initialize(jmxServerURI, samplingFrequency);
      // Create formatter listener
      JmxMonitorListener listener = null;
      String formatterListenerClass = null;
      // Check if a custom monitor formatter listener class is provided. The user provides this
      // formatter by adding a -Duima.jmx.monitor.formatter=<class> parameter which specifies a class
      // that implements {@link JmxMonitorListener} interface
      if ((formatterListenerClass = System.getProperty(JmxMonitor.FormatterListener)) != null) {
        Object object = null;
        try {
          // Instantiate the formatter listener class
          Class formatterClass = Class.forName(formatterListenerClass);
          object = formatterClass.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                  .println("Class Not Found:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ". Provide a Formatter Class Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
          throw e;
        if (object instanceof JmxMonitorListener) {
          listener = (JmxMonitorListener) object;
        } else {
          throw new InvalidClassException(
                  "Invalid Monitor Formatter Class:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ".The Monitor Requires a Formatter Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
      } else {
        // The default formatter listener which logs to the UIMA log
        listener = new BasicUimaJmxMonitorListener(monitor.getMaxServiceNameLength());
      // Plug in the monitor listener
      // Create and start the monitor thread
      monitorThread = new Thread(monitor);

      // Start the monitor thread. It will run until the Spring container stops. When this happens
      // the UIMA_Service receives notication via a {@code onApplicationEvent()} callback. There
      // the monitor is stopped allowing the service to terminate.
      System.out.println(">>> Started JMX Monitor.\n\t>>> MBean Server Port:" + jmxServerPort
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Sampling Interval:" + samplingFrequency
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Formatter Class:" + listener.getClass().getName());
    } else {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                "startMonitor", JmsConstants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                "UIMAJMS_no_jmx_port__WARNING", new Object[]{});
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener

      String jmxServerURI = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + jmxServerPort + "/jmxrmi";
      // Connect to the JMX Server, configure checkpoint frequency, create MBean proxies for
      // UIMA-AS MBeans and service input queues
      monitor.initialize(jmxServerURI, samplingFrequency);
      // Create formatter listener
      JmxMonitorListener listener = null;
      String formatterListenerClass = null;
      // Check if a custom monitor formatter listener class is provided. The user provides this
      // formatter by adding a -Duima.jmx.monitor.formatter=<class> parameter which specifies a class
      // that implements {@link JmxMonitorListener} interface
      if ((formatterListenerClass = System.getProperty(JmxMonitor.FormatterListener)) != null) {
        Object object = null;
        try {
          // Instantiate the formatter listener class
          Class formatterClass = Class.forName(formatterListenerClass);
          object = formatterClass.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                  .println("Class Not Found:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ". Provide a Formatter Class Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
          throw e;
        if (object instanceof JmxMonitorListener) {
          listener = (JmxMonitorListener) object;
        } else {
          throw new InvalidClassException(
                  "Invalid Monitor Formatter Class:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ".The Monitor Requires a Formatter Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
      } else {
        // The default formatter listener which logs to the UIMA log
        listener = new BasicUimaJmxMonitorListener(monitor.getMaxServiceNameLength());
      // Plug in the monitor listener
      // Create and start the monitor thread
      monitorThread = new Thread(monitor);

      // Start the monitor thread. It will run until the Spring container stops. When this happens
      // the UIMA_Service receives notication via a {@code onApplicationEvent()} callback. There
      // the monitor is stopped allowing the service to terminate.
      System.out.println(">>> Started JMX Monitor.\n\t>>> MBean Server Port:" + jmxServerPort
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Sampling Interval:" + samplingFrequency
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Formatter Class:" + listener.getClass().getName());

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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener

      String jmxServerURI = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + jmxServerPort + "/jmxrmi";
      // Connect to the JMX Server, configure checkpoint frequency, create MBean proxies for
      // UIMA-AS MBeans and service input queues
      monitor.initialize(jmxServerURI, samplingFrequency);
      // Create formatter listener
      JmxMonitorListener listener = null;
      String formatterListenerClass = null;
      // Check if a custom monitor formatter listener class is provided. The user provides this
      // formatter by adding a -Duima.jmx.monitor.formatter=<class> parameter which specifies a class
      // that implements {@link JmxMonitorListener} interface
      if ((formatterListenerClass = System.getProperty(JmxMonitor.FormatterListener)) != null) {
        Object object = null;
        try {
          // Instantiate the formatter listener class
          Class formatterClass = Class.forName(formatterListenerClass);
          object = formatterClass.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                  .println("Class Not Found:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ". Provide a Formatter Class Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
          throw e;
        if (object instanceof JmxMonitorListener) {
          listener = (JmxMonitorListener) object;
        } else {
          throw new InvalidClassException(
                  "Invalid Monitor Formatter Class:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ".The Monitor Requires a Formatter Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
      } else {
        // The default formatter listener which logs to the UIMA log
        listener = new BasicUimaJmxMonitorListener(monitor.getMaxServiceNameLength());
      // Plug in the monitor listener
      // Create and start the monitor thread
      monitorThread = new Thread(monitor);

      // Start the monitor thread. It will run until the Spring container stops. When this happens
      // the UIMA_Service receives notication via a {@code onApplicationEvent()} callback. There
      // the monitor is stopped allowing the service to terminate.
      System.out.println(">>> Started JMX Monitor.\n\t>>> MBean Server Port:" + jmxServerPort
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Sampling Interval:" + samplingFrequency
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Formatter Class:" + listener.getClass().getName());

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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener

      String jmxServerURI = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + jmxServerPort + "/jmxrmi";
      // Connect to the JMX Server, configure checkpoint frequency, create MBean proxies for
      // UIMA-AS MBeans and service input queues
      monitor.initialize(jmxServerURI, samplingFrequency);
      // Create formatter listener
      JmxMonitorListener listener = null;
      String formatterListenerClass = null;
      // Check if a custom monitor formatter listener class is provided. The user provides this
      // formatter by adding a -Duima.jmx.monitor.formatter=<class> parameter which specifies a class
      // that implements {@link JmxMonitorListener} interface
      if ((formatterListenerClass = System.getProperty(JmxMonitor.FormatterListener)) != null) {
        Object object = null;
        try {
          // Instantiate the formatter listener class
          Class formatterClass = Class.forName(formatterListenerClass);
          object = formatterClass.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                  .println("Class Not Found:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ". Provide a Formatter Class Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
          throw e;
        if (object instanceof JmxMonitorListener) {
          listener = (JmxMonitorListener) object;
        } else {
          throw new InvalidClassException(
                  "Invalid Monitor Formatter Class:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ".The Monitor Requires a Formatter Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
      } else {
        // The default formatter listener which logs to the UIMA log
        listener = new BasicUimaJmxMonitorListener(monitor.getMaxServiceNameLength());
      // Plug in the monitor listener
      // Create and start the monitor thread
      monitorThread = new Thread(monitor);

      // Start the monitor thread. It will run until the Spring container stops. When this happens
      // the UIMA_Service receives notication via a {@code onApplicationEvent()} callback. There
      // the monitor is stopped allowing the service to terminate.
      System.out.println(">>> Started JMX Monitor.\n\t>>> MBean Server Port:" + jmxServerPort
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Sampling Interval:" + samplingFrequency
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Formatter Class:" + listener.getClass().getName());

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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener

      String jmxServerURI = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + jmxServerPort + "/jmxrmi";
      // Connect to the JMX Server, configure checkpoint frequency, create MBean proxies for
      // UIMA-AS MBeans and service input queues
      monitor.initialize(jmxServerURI, samplingFrequency);
      // Create formatter listener
      JmxMonitorListener listener = null;
      String formatterListenerClass = null;
      // Check if a custom monitor formatter listener class is provided. The user provides this
      // formatter by adding a -Duima.jmx.monitor.formatter=<class> parameter which specifies a class
      // that implements {@link JmxMonitorListener} interface
      if ((formatterListenerClass = System.getProperty(JmxMonitor.FormatterListener)) != null) {
        Object object = null;
        try {
          // Instantiate the formatter listener class
          Class formatterClass = Class.forName(formatterListenerClass);
          object = formatterClass.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                  .println("Class Not Found:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ". Provide a Formatter Class Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
          throw e;
        if (object instanceof JmxMonitorListener) {
          listener = (JmxMonitorListener) object;
        } else {
          throw new InvalidClassException(
                  "Invalid Monitor Formatter Class:"
                          + formatterListenerClass
                          + ".The Monitor Requires a Formatter Which Implements:org.apache.uima.aae.jmx.monitor.JmxMonitorListener");
      } else {
        // The default formatter listener which logs to the UIMA log
        listener = new BasicUimaJmxMonitorListener(monitor.getMaxServiceNameLength());
      // Plug in the monitor listener
      // Create and start the monitor thread
      monitorThread = new Thread(monitor);

      // Start the monitor thread. It will run until the Spring container stops. When this happens
      // the UIMA_Service receives notication via a {@code onApplicationEvent()} callback. There
      // the monitor is stopped allowing the service to terminate.
      System.out.println(">>> Started JMX Monitor.\n\t>>> MBean Server Port:" + jmxServerPort
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Sampling Interval:" + samplingFrequency
              + "\n\t>>> Monitor Formatter Class:" + listener.getClass().getName());
    } else {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                "startMonitor", JmsConstants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                "UIMAJMS_no_jmx_port__WARNING", new Object[]{});
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