Package jline.console

Examples of jline.console.ConsoleReader

        GeoGIG geogig = cli.getGeogig();

        if (!refSpecs.isEmpty()) {
            checkParameter(!(resolve_geogig_dir || is_inside_work_tree),
                    "if refSpec is given, --resolve-geogig-dir or --is-inside-work-tree shall not be specified");
            ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();
            for (String refSpec : this.refSpecs) {
                Optional<ObjectId> resolved = geogig
                checkParameter(resolved.isPresent(), "fatal: ambiguous argument '%s': "
                        + "unknown revision or path not in the working tree.", refSpec);

        boolean closeIt = false;
        if (null == geogig) {
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    private List<String> patterns = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void runInternal(GeogigCLI cli) throws IOException {

        ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();
        GeoGIG geogig = cli.getGeogig();

        ForEachRef op = geogig.command(ForEachRef.class);

        Predicate<Ref> filter = new Predicate<Ref>() {
            public boolean apply(Ref ref) {
                String name = ref.getName();
                if (!name.startsWith(Ref.REFS_PREFIX)) {
                    return false;
                boolean match = patterns.isEmpty() ? true : false;
                for (String pattern : patterns) {
                    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pattern)) {
                        match = true;
                    } else if (name.endsWith("/" + pattern)) {
                        match = true;
                return match;

        ImmutableSet<Ref> refs =;

        for (Ref ref : refs) {
            console.println(ref.getObjectId() + " " + ref.getName());
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    public void runInternal(GeogigCLI cli) throws IOException {
        checkParameter(paths.size() < 2, "Only one refspec allowed");
        checkParameter(!paths.isEmpty(), "A refspec must be specified");

        ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();
        GeoGIG geogig = cli.getGeogig();

        String path = paths.get(0);

        Optional<RevObject> obj = geogig.command(RevObjectParse.class).setRefSpec(path).call();
        checkParameter(obj.isPresent(), "refspec did not resolve to any object.");
        if (binary) {
            ObjectSerializingFactory factory = DataStreamSerializationFactoryV1.INSTANCE;
            ObjectWriter<RevObject> writer = factory.createObjectWriter(obj.get().getType());
            writer.write(obj.get(), System.out);
        } else {
            CharSequence s = geogig.command(CatObject.class)
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    public void runInternal(GeogigCLI cli) throws IOException {
        checkParameter(limit >= 0, "Limit must be 0 or greater.");

        ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();
        GeoGIG geogig = cli.getGeogig();

        StatusOp op = geogig.command(StatusOp.class);
        StatusSummary summary =;

        final Optional<Ref> currHead = geogig.command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.HEAD).call();
        checkParameter(currHead.isPresent(), "Repository has no HEAD.");

        if (currHead.get() instanceof SymRef) {
            final SymRef headRef = (SymRef) currHead.get();
            console.println("# On branch " + Ref.localName(headRef.getTarget()));
        } else {
            console.println("# Not currently on any branch.");

        print(console, summary);

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    private List<String> pathsToRemove = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void runInternal(GeogigCLI cli) throws IOException {

        ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();

        // check that there is something to remove
        if (pathsToRemove.isEmpty()) {
            throw new CommandFailedException();

         * Separate trees and features, and check that, if there are trees to remove, the -r
         * modifier is used
        ArrayList<String> trees = new ArrayList<String>();
        Repository repository = cli.getGeogig().getRepository();
        for (String pathToRemove : pathsToRemove) {

            Optional<NodeRef> node = repository.command(FindTreeChild.class)
            checkParameter(node.isPresent(), "pathspec '%s' did not match any feature or tree",
            NodeRef nodeRef = node.get();
            if (nodeRef.getType() == TYPE.TREE) {
                checkParameter(recursive, "Cannot remove tree %s if -r is not specified",
        int featuresCount = pathsToRemove.size() - trees.size();

        /* Perform the remove operation */
        RemoveOp op = cli.getGeogig().command(RemoveOp.class);

        for (String pathToRemove : pathsToRemove) {


        /* And inform about it */
        if (featuresCount > 0) {
            console.print(String.format("Deleted %d feature(s)", featuresCount));

        for (String tree : trees) {
            console.print(String.format("Deleted %s tree", tree));

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    @Parameter(names = { "--dry-run", "-n" }, description = "Don't actually remove anything, just show what would be done.")
    private boolean dryRun;

    public void runInternal(GeogigCLI cli) throws IOException {
        final ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();
        final GeoGIG geogig = cli.getGeogig();

        String pathFilter = null;
        if (!path.isEmpty()) {
            pathFilter = path.get(0);

        if (dryRun) {
            if (pathFilter != null) {
                // check that is a valid path
                Repository repository = cli.getGeogig().getRepository();

                Optional<NodeRef> ref = repository.command(FindTreeChild.class).setIndex(true)

                checkParameter(ref.isPresent(), "pathspec '%s' did not match any tree", pathFilter);
                checkParameter(ref.get().getType() == TYPE.TREE,
                        "pathspec '%s' did not resolve to a tree", pathFilter);
            Iterator<DiffEntry> unstaged = geogig.command(DiffWorkTree.class).setFilter(pathFilter)
            while (unstaged.hasNext()) {
                DiffEntry entry =;
                if (entry.changeType() == ChangeType.ADDED) {
                    console.println("Would remove " + entry.newPath());
        } else {
            console.println("Clean operation completed succesfully.");
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        InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
        // dumps output to a temp file if > threshold
        FileBackedOutputStream out = new FileBackedOutputStream(4096);
        try {
            // pass it a BufferedOutputStream 'cause it doesn't buffer the internal FileOutputStream
            ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(in, new BufferedOutputStream(out),
                    new UnsupportedTerminal());
            Platform platform = geogig.getPlatform();

            GeogigCLI geogigCLI = new GeogigCLI(geogig, console);
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    public GeogigPy4JEntryPoint() {
        listener = new SilentProgressListener();
        os = new ToStringOutputStream();
        stream = new PrintStream(os);
        try {
            consoleReader = new ConsoleReader(, stream);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(e);
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    public void runInternal(GeogigCLI cli) throws IOException {
        checkParameter(patchFiles.size() < 2, "Only one single patch file accepted");
        checkParameter(!patchFiles.isEmpty(), "No patch file specified");

        ConsoleReader console = cli.getConsole();
        GeoGIG geogig = cli.getGeogig();

        File patchFile = new File(patchFiles.get(0));
        checkParameter(patchFile.exists(), "Patch file cannot be found");
        FileInputStream stream;
        try {
            stream = new FileInputStream(patchFile);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
            throw new CommandFailedException("Can't open patch file " + patchFile, e1);
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        try {
            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new CommandFailedException("Error reading patch file " + patchFile, e);
        Patch patch =;

        if (reverse) {
            patch = patch.reversed();

        if (summary) {
        } else if (check) {
            VerifyPatchResults verify = cli.getGeogig().command(VerifyPatchOp.class)
            Patch toReject = verify.getToReject();
            Patch toApply = verify.getToApply();
            if (toReject.isEmpty()) {
                console.println("Patch can be applied.");
            } else {
                console.println("Error: Patch cannot be applied\n");
                console.println("Applicable entries:\n");
                console.println("\nConflicting entries:\n");
        } else {
            try {
                Patch rejected = geogig.command(ApplyPatchOp.class).setPatch(patch)
                if (reject) {
                    if (rejected.isEmpty()) {
                        console.println("Patch applied succesfully");
                    } else {
                        int accepted = patch.count() - rejected.count();
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        File file = new File(patchFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".rej");
                        sb.append("Patch applied only partially.\n");
                        sb.append(Integer.toString(accepted) + " changes were applied.\n");
                        sb.append(Integer.toString(rejected.count()) + " changes were rejected.\n");
                        BufferedWriter writer = Files.newWriter(file, Charsets.UTF_8);
                        PatchSerializer.write(writer, patch);
                        sb.append("Patch file with rejected changes created at "
                                + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\n");
                        throw new CommandFailedException(sb.toString());
                } else {
                    console.println("Patch applied succesfully");
            } catch (CannotApplyPatchException e) {
                throw new CommandFailedException(e);
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    private GeogigCLI cli;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        ConsoleReader consoleReader = new ConsoleReader(, System.out,
                new UnsupportedTerminal());
        cli = new GeogigCLI(consoleReader);

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Related Classes of jline.console.ConsoleReader

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