WARNING: As of 10/2010 this is one of the newer parts of ORMLite meaning it may still have bugs. Additional review of the code and any feedback would be appreciated.
NOTE: If you are using the Spring type wiring in Java, {@link #initialize} should be called after all of theset methods. In Spring XML, init-method="initialize" should be used.
NOTE: This class spawns a thread to test the pooled connections that are in the free-list as a keep-alive mechanism. It will test any dormant connections every so often to see if they are still valid. If this is not the behavior that you want then call {@link #setCheckConnectionsEveryMillis(long)} with 0 to disable the thread. You canalso call {@link #setTestBeforeGet(boolean)} and set it to true to test the connection before it is handed back toyou.
@author graywatson