* @see CCLicense
public Collection<CCLicenseField> getLicenseFields(String license, String language) {
JDOMXPath xp_LicenseField;
JDOMXPath xp_LicenseID;
JDOMXPath xp_FieldType;
JDOMXPath xp_Description;
JDOMXPath xp_Label;
JDOMXPath xp_Enum;
Document fieldDoc;
URL classUrl;
List results = null;
List enumOptions = null;
// create XPath expressions
try {
xp_LicenseField = new JDOMXPath("//field");
xp_LicenseID = new JDOMXPath("@id");
xp_Description = new JDOMXPath("description");
xp_Label = new JDOMXPath("label");
xp_FieldType = new JDOMXPath("type");
xp_Enum = new JDOMXPath("enum");
} catch (JaxenException e) {
return null;
// retrieve and parse the license class document
try {
classUrl = new URL(this.cc_root + "/license/" + license + "?locale=" + language);
} catch (Exception err) {
// do nothing... but we should
return null;
// parse the licenses document
try {
fieldDoc = this.parser.build(classUrl);
} catch (JDOMException e) {
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
// reset the field definition container
// extract the identifiers and labels using XPath
try {
results = xp_LicenseField.selectNodes(fieldDoc);
} catch (JaxenException e) {
return null;
for (int i=0; i < results.size(); i++) {
Element field = (Element)results.get(i);
try {
// create the field object
CCLicenseField cclicensefield = new CCLicenseField(((Attribute)xp_LicenseID.selectSingleNode(field)).getValue(),
((Element)xp_Label.selectSingleNode(field)).getText() );
// extract additional properties
cclicensefield.setDescription( ((Element)xp_Description.selectSingleNode(field)).getText() );
cclicensefield.setType( ((Element)xp_FieldType.selectSingleNode(field)).getText() );
enumOptions = xp_Enum.selectNodes(field);
for (int j = 0; j < enumOptions.size(); j++) {
String id = ((Attribute)xp_LicenseID.selectSingleNode(enumOptions.get(j))).getValue();
String label =((Element)xp_Label.selectSingleNode(enumOptions.get(j))).getText();