// only session beans and that too of type JBossSessionBean31MetaData
if (metaData.isSession() == false || (metaData instanceof JBossSessionBean31MetaData) == false)
return null;
JBossSessionBean31MetaData sessionBean = (JBossSessionBean31MetaData) metaData;
// create a named method metadata to represent the method being queried
NamedMethodMetaData namedMethod = new NamedMethodMetaData();
if (method.getParameters() != null)
MethodParametersMetaData methodParams = new MethodParametersMetaData();
// set the method params on the named method metadata
// get the concurrency method metadata for this named method
ConcurrentMethodMetaData concurrentMethodMetaData = sessionBean.getConcurrentMethods().get(namedMethod);
AccessTimeoutMetaData accessTimeoutMetaData = null;
// if this named method did not have concurrency metadata or access timeout metadata, then
// check for the method named "*" and see if that has the access timeout set
if (concurrentMethodMetaData == null || concurrentMethodMetaData.getAccessTimeout() == null)