Examples of JBossResourceException

Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

      catch (Throwable t)
         if (trace)
            log.trace("Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object! " + cl, t);
         throw new JBossResourceException("Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!", t);
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

               if (xaResource.setTransactionTimeout(xaResourceTimeout) == false)
                  log.debug("XAResource does not support transaction timeout configuration: " + getJndiName());
            catch (XAException e)
               throw new JBossResourceException("Unable to set XAResource transaction timeout: " + getJndiName(), e);

      ConnectionListener cli = new TxConnectionEventListener(mc, poolingStrategy, context, log, xaResource);
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

   public Object createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager cm) throws ResourceException
      // check some invariants before they come back to haunt us
      if(driverClass == null)
         throw new JBossResourceException("driverClass is null");
      if(connectionURL == null && !getUseDataSource())
         throw new JBossResourceException("connectionURL is null");
      return super.createConnectionFactory(cm);
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

         String url = getConnectionURL();
         Driver d = getDriver(url);
         con = d.connect(url, copy);
         if (con == null)
           throw new JBossResourceException("Wrong driver class for this connection URL");        
         final String user = props.getProperty("user");
         final String password = props.getProperty("password");
         con = (user != null)
           ? getDataSource().getConnection(user, password)
           : getDataSource().getConnection();

         if (con == null)
             throw new JBossResourceException("Could not create connection from data source " + getDriverClass());        
       return new LocalManagedConnection(this, con, props, transactionIsolation, preparedStatementCacheSize);
     catch (Throwable e)
         if (con != null)
            catch (Throwable ignored)
       throw new JBossResourceException("Could not create connection", e);
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException


      // we have supposedly tried all the urls
    throw new JBossResourceException(
           "Could not create connection using any of the URLs: " + urlSelector.getAllUrlObjects());
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

      if (trace)
         log.trace("Checking driver for URL: " + url);

      if (driverClass == null)
         throw new JBossResourceException("No Driver class specified (url = " + url + ")!");

      // Check if the driver is already loaded, if not then try to load it

      if (isDriverLoadedForURL(url))
         return driver;
      } // end of if ()

         //try to load the class... this should register with DriverManager.
         Class clazz = Class.forName(driverClass, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
         if (isDriverLoadedForURL(url))
            //return immediately, some drivers (Cloudscape) do not let you create an instance.
            return driver;

         //We loaded the class, but either it didn't register
         //and is not spec compliant, or is the wrong class.
         driver = (Driver) clazz.newInstance();
         if (isDriverLoadedForURL(url))
            return driver;
         //We can even instantiate one, it must be the wrong class for the URL.
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new JBossResourceException("Failed to register driver for: " + driverClass, e);

      throw new JBossResourceException("Apparently wrong driver class specified for URL: class: " + driverClass
            + ", url: " + url);
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

   private synchronized DataSource getDataSource() throws ResourceException {
     if (dataSource == null)
           if (driverClass == null)
              throw new JBossResourceException("No DataSourceClass supplied!");
              Class<?> clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(driverClass);
              dataSource = (DataSource) clazz.newInstance();
              Class<?>[] NOCLASSES = new Class[] {};
              for (Iterator i = this.connectionProps.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                 String name = (String) i.next();
                 String value = this.connectionProps.getProperty(name);     
                 char firstCharName = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0));
                  if (name.length() > 1)
                       name = firstCharName+name.substring(1);
                     name = ""+firstCharName;                                                                                                  
                 //This is a bad solution.  On the other hand the only known example
                 // of a setter with no getter is for Oracle with password.
                 //Anyway, each xadatasource implementation should get its
                 //own subclass of this that explicitly sets the
                 //properties individually.
                 Class type = null;
                    Method getter = clazz.getMethod("get" + name, NOCLASSES);
                    type = getter.getReturnType();
                 catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
                       Method isMethod = clazz.getMethod("is" + name, NOCLASSES);
                       type = isMethod.getReturnType();
                    catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme)
                      log.warn("Property with name " + name + " could not be found for datasource class" + getDriverClass() + ". This property will be ignored.");

                 Method setter = clazz.getMethod("set" + name, new Class[] { type });
                 PropertyEditor editor = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(type);
                 if (editor == null)
                    throw new JBossResourceException("No property editor found for type: " + type);
                 setter.invoke(dataSource, new Object[] { editor.getValue() });
           catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
              throw new JBossResourceException("Class not found for DataSource " + getDriverClass(), cnfe);
           catch (InstantiationException ie)
              throw new JBossResourceException("Could not create an DataSource: ", ie);
           catch (IllegalAccessException iae)
              throw new JBossResourceException("Could not set a property: ", iae);
           catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
              throw new JBossResourceException("Could not set a property: ", iae);
           catch (InvocationTargetException ite)
              throw new JBossResourceException("Could not invoke setter on DataSource: ", ite);
           catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme)
              throw new JBossResourceException("Could not find accessor on DataSource: ", nsme);
        return dataSource;

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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

      return new WrapperDataSource(this, cm);

   public Object createConnectionFactory() throws ResourceException
      throw new JBossResourceException("Resource Adapter does not currently support running in a non-managed environment.");
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException

   protected Properties getConnectionProperties(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
      throws ResourceException
      if (cri != null && cri.getClass() != WrappedConnectionRequestInfo.class)
         throw new JBossResourceException("Wrong kind of ConnectionRequestInfo: " + cri.getClass());

      Properties props = new Properties();
      if (subject != null)
         if (SubjectActions.addMatchingProperties(subject, props, this) == true)
            return props;
         throw new JBossResourceException("No matching credentials in Subject!");
      WrappedConnectionRequestInfo lcri = (WrappedConnectionRequestInfo)cri;
      if (lcri != null)
         props.setProperty("user", (lcri.getUserName() == null)? "": lcri.getUserName());
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Examples of org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException


   public void associateConnection(Object handle) throws ResourceException
      if (!(handle instanceof WrappedConnection))
         throw new JBossResourceException("Wrong kind of connection handle to associate" + handle);
      ((WrappedConnection) handle).setManagedConnection(this);
      synchronized (handles)
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