Examples of JBPMethodCount

Examples of org.jboss.profiler.model.JBPMethodCount

    public static GraphCallings generateCallings(JBPProcess process, JBPMethod methodParameter) {

        java.util.HashMap spyMethods = process.getSpyMethods();

        JBPMethodCount consolidacao = process.consolidaCallings(methodParameter);
        java.util.Stack stack = new java.util.Stack();

        HashMap hashMethods = new HashMap();
        HashMap hashCallings = new HashMap();
        GraphCallings graph = new GraphCallings();

        // para ajudar na referencia entre chamadas
        GraphReference referenceKey = new GraphReference();

        long oldMethod = 0;

        int level = 0;
        // root
        GraphMethod methodKey = new GraphMethod();

        JBPMethod methodConsolidado = consolidacao.getSpyMethod();
        methodConsolidado = (JBPMethod) spyMethods.get(methodConsolidado);

        generateCallingsRecursive(level, oldMethod, methodParameter, consolidacao,
                hashMethods, hashCallings, referenceKey);
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Examples of org.jboss.profiler.model.JBPMethodCount

        GraphMethod keyMethod = new GraphMethod();
        Iterator iterValues = consolidation.getCountCalleds().values()
        while (iterValues.hasNext()) {
            JBPMethodCount subConsolidacao = (JBPMethodCount) iterValues.next();

            double percenptual = ((double) subConsolidacao
                    .getTotalElapsedClock() / (double) rootMethod
                    * (double) 100;
            if (percenptual < 1.00)


            if (hashMethods.get(keyMethod) == null) {
                GraphMethod newMethod = new GraphMethod(subConsolidacao
                        .getSpyMethod(), level, DEFAULT_URL);
                hashMethods.put(newMethod, newMethod);

        iterValues = consolidation.getCountCalleds().values().iterator();
        while (iterValues.hasNext()) {
            JBPMethodCount subConsolidacao = (JBPMethodCount) iterValues.next();

            GraphMethod graphMethod = (GraphMethod) hashMethods.get(keyMethod);

            double percenptual = ((double) subConsolidacao
                    .getTotalElapsedClock() / (double) rootMethod
                    * (double) 100;
            if (percenptual < 1.00)

            if (graphMethod == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected null method");

            referenceKey.setLevelCallee(level - 1);
            if (hashCallings.get(referenceKey) == null) {
                GraphReference ref = new GraphReference(level - 1,
                        methodIdCallee, level, subConsolidacao.getSpyMethod()
                                .getMethodID(), ((double) subConsolidacao
                                .getTotalElapsedClock() / (double) rootMethod
                                * (double) 100, (double) subConsolidacao
                                / (double) rootMethod.getTotalClock()
                                * (double) 100);
                graphMethod.setWeight(graphMethod.getWeight() + percenptual);
                hashCallings.put(ref, ref);

            generateCallingsRecursive(level + 1, subConsolidacao.getSpyMethod()
                    .getMethodID(), rootMethod, subConsolidacao, hashMethods,
                    hashCallings, referenceKey);


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