Package javax.xml.xpath

Examples of javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException

            return getResultAsType( resultObject, returnType );
        } catch ( java.lang.NullPointerException npe ) {
            // If VariableResolver returns null Or if we get
            // NullPointerException at this stage for some other reason
            // then we have to reurn XPathException
            throw new XPathExpressionException ( npe );
        } catch ( javax.xml.transform.TransformerException te ) {
            Throwable nestedException = te.getException();
            if ( nestedException instanceof javax.xml.xpath.XPathFunctionException ) {
                throw (javax.xml.xpath.XPathFunctionException)nestedException;
            } else {
                // For any other exceptions we need to throw
                // XPathExpressionException ( as per spec )
                throw new XPathExpressionException ( te );
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            Document document = getParser().parse( source );

            XObject resultObject = eval( expression, document );
            return getResultAsType( resultObject, returnType );
        } catch ( SAXException e ) {
            throw new XPathExpressionException ( e );
        } catch( IOException e ) {
            throw new XPathExpressionException ( e );           
        } catch ( javax.xml.transform.TransformerException te ) {
            Throwable nestedException = te.getException();
            if ( nestedException instanceof javax.xml.xpath.XPathFunctionException ) {
                throw (javax.xml.xpath.XPathFunctionException)nestedException;
            } else {
                throw new XPathExpressionException ( te );

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        String nameStr = "";
        NodeList nameList = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("./ns1:name/text()",
                document.getDocumentElement(), XPathConstants.NODESET);
        if (null != nameList && 1 < nameList.getLength()) {
            throw new XPathExpressionException("<faces-config> must have at most one <name> element.");
        if (null != nameList && 1 == nameList.getLength()) {
            nameStr = nameList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            if (0 < nameStr.length()) {
                ApplicationAssociate associate = ApplicationAssociate.getInstance(context.getExternalContext());
                try {
                    associate.relateUrlToDefiningDocumentInJar(definingDocumentURI.toURL(), nameStr);
                } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                    throw new XPathExpressionException(ex);
        for (int c = 0, size = flowDefinitions.getLength(); c < size; c++) {
            Node flowDefinition = flowDefinitions.item(c);
            String flowId = getIdAttribute(flowDefinition);
            String uriStr = definingDocumentURI.toASCIIString();
            if (uriStr.endsWith(RIConstants.FLOW_DEFINITION_ID_SUFFIX)) {
                nameStr = "";
            FlowBuilderImpl flowBuilder = new FlowBuilderImpl(context);
  , flowId);
            processViews(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processNavigationRules(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processReturns(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processInboundParameters(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processFlowCalls(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processSwitches(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processMethodCalls(context, xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            processInitializerFinalizer(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            String startNodeId = processStartNode(xpath, flowDefinition, flowBuilder);
            if (null != startNodeId) {
                FlowImpl toAdd = flowBuilder._getFlow();
                FlowNode startNode = toAdd.getNode(startNodeId);
                if (null == startNode) {
                    throw new XPathExpressionException("Unable to find flow node with id " + startNodeId + " to mark as start node");
                } else {
            } else {
                flowBuilder.viewNode(flowId, "/" + flowId + "/" + flowId + ".xhtml").markAsStartNode();
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        for (int i_navRule = 0; i_navRule < navRules.getLength(); i_navRule++) {
            Node navRule = navRules.item(i_navRule);
            NodeList fromViewIdList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:from-view-id/text()", navRule, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (1 != fromViewIdList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <navigation-rule> must have exactly one <from-view-id>");
            String fromViewId = fromViewIdList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            NodeList navCases = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:navigation-case", navRule, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            for (int i_navCase = 0; i_navCase < navCases.getLength(); i_navCase++) {
                Node navCase = navCases.item(i_navCase);
                NodeList toViewIdList = (NodeList)
                        xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:to-view-id/text()", navCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                if (1 != toViewIdList.getLength()) {
                    throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <navigation-case>, must have exactly one <to-view-id>");
                String toViewId = toViewIdList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                NavigationCaseBuilder ncb = flowBuilder.navigationCase();
                    NodeList fromOutcomeList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:from-outcome/text()", navCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (null != fromOutcomeList && 1 < fromOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <navigation-case>, must have at most one <from-outcome>");
                    if (null != fromOutcomeList && 1 == fromOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                        String fromOutcome = fromOutcomeList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                    NodeList fromActionList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:from-action/text()", navCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (null != fromActionList && 1 < fromActionList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <navigation-case>, must have at most one <from-action>");
                    if (null != fromActionList && 1 == fromActionList.getLength()) {
                        String fromAction = fromActionList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();

                    NodeList ifList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:if/text()", navCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (null != ifList && 1 < ifList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <navigation-case>, must have zero or one <if>");
                    if (null != ifList && 1 == ifList.getLength()) {
                        String ifStr = ifList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();

                    NodeList redirectList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:redirect", navCase, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (null != redirectList && 1 < redirectList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <navigation-case>, must have zero or one <redirect>");
                    if (null != redirectList && 1 == redirectList.getLength()) {
                        NavigationCaseBuilder.RedirectBuilder redirector = ncb.redirect();
                        Node redirectNode = redirectList.item(0);
                        String includeViewParams = getAttribute(redirectNode, "include-view-params");
                        if (null != includeViewParams && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(includeViewParams)) {
                        NodeList viewParamList = (NodeList)
                                xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:redirect-param", redirectNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                        if (null != viewParamList) {
                            for (int i_viewParam = 0; i_viewParam < viewParamList.getLength(); i_viewParam++) {
                                Node viewParam = viewParamList.item(i_viewParam);
                                NodeList nameList = (NodeList)
                                        xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:name/text()", viewParam, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                                if (null == nameList || 1 != nameList.getLength()) {
                                    throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <redirect-param> must have <name>.");
                                String nameStr = nameList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                                NodeList valueList = (NodeList)
                                        xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:value/text()", viewParam, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                                if (null == valueList || 1 != valueList.getLength()) {
                                    throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <redirect-param> must have <value>.");
                                String valueStr = valueList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                                redirector.parameter(nameStr, valueStr);
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            Node viewNode = views.item(i_view);
            String viewNodeId = getIdAttribute(viewNode);
            NodeList vdlDocumentList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:vdl-document/text()", viewNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (1 != vdlDocumentList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <view> exactly one child is allowed, and it must be a <vdl-document>");
            String vdlDocumentStr = vdlDocumentList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            flowBuilder.viewNode(viewNodeId, vdlDocumentStr);
        // </editor-fold>
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            Node returnNode = returns.item(i_return);
            NodeList fromOutcomeList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:from-outcome/text()", returnNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            String id = getIdAttribute(returnNode);
            if (null != fromOutcomeList && 1 < fromOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <flow-return id=\"" + id + "\"> only one child is allowed, and it must be a <from-outcome>");
            if (null != fromOutcomeList && 1 == fromOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                String fromOutcomeStr = fromOutcomeList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
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        for (int i_inbound = 0; i_inbound < inboundParameters.getLength(); i_inbound++) {
            Node inboundParamNode = inboundParameters.item(i_inbound);
            NodeList nameList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:name/text()", inboundParamNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (1 < nameList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <inbound-parameter> only one <name> child is allowed");
            String nameStr = nameList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            NodeList valueList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:value/text()", inboundParamNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (1 < valueList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <inbound-parameter> only one <value> child is allowed");
            String valueStr = valueList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            flowBuilder.inboundParameter(nameStr, valueStr);
        // </editor-fold>
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            String flowCallId = getIdAttribute(flowCallNode);
            NodeList facesFlowRefList = (NodeList)
                    flowCallNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null == facesFlowRefList || 1 != facesFlowRefList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <flow-call> must have exactly one <flow-reference>");
            Node facesFlowRefNode = facesFlowRefList.item(0);

            NodeList facesFlowIdList = (NodeList)
                    facesFlowRefNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null == facesFlowIdList || 1 != facesFlowIdList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <flow-reference> must have exactly one <flow-id>");
            String destinationId = facesFlowIdList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            NodeList definingDocumentIdList = (NodeList)
                    facesFlowRefNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null == definingDocumentIdList && 1 != definingDocumentIdList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <flow-reference> must have at most one <flow-document-id>");
            String definingDocumentId = "";
            if (null != definingDocumentIdList && 1 == definingDocumentIdList.getLength()) {
                definingDocumentId = definingDocumentIdList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            FlowCallBuilder flowCallBuilder = flowBuilder.flowCallNode(flowCallId);
            flowCallBuilder.flowReference(definingDocumentId, destinationId);
            NodeList outboundParameters = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:outbound-parameter",
                    flowDefinition, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null != outboundParameters) {
                for (int i_outbound = 0; i_outbound < outboundParameters.getLength(); i_outbound++) {
                    Node outboundParamNode = outboundParameters.item(i_outbound);
                    NodeList nameList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:name/text()", outboundParamNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (1 < nameList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <outbound-parameter> only one <name> child is allowed");
                    String nameStr = nameList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                    NodeList valueList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:value/text()", outboundParamNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (1 < valueList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <inbound-parameter> only one <value> child is allowed");
                    String valueStr = valueList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                    flowCallBuilder.outboundParameter(nameStr, valueStr);
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                for (int i_case = 0; i_case < cases.getLength(); i_case++) {
                    Node caseNode = cases.item(i_case);
                    NodeList ifList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:if/text()", caseNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (1 < ifList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <case> only one <if> child is allowed");
                    String ifStr = ifList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();

                    NodeList fromOutcomeList = (NodeList)
                            xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:from-outcome/text()", caseNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                    if (1 < fromOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                        throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <case> only one <from-outcome> child is allowed");
                    String fromOutcomeStr = fromOutcomeList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            NodeList defaultOutcomeList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:default-outcome/text()", switchNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null != defaultOutcomeList && 1 < defaultOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <switch> only one <default-outcome> child is allowed");
            if (null != defaultOutcomeList) {
                String defaultOutcomeStr = defaultOutcomeList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
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            String methodCallId = getIdAttribute(methodCallNode);
            MethodCallBuilder methodCallBuilder = flowBuilder.methodCallNode(methodCallId);
            NodeList methodList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:method/text()", methodCallNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (1 != methodList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <method-call> exactly one <method> child is allowed");
            String methodStr = methodList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
            NodeList params = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:parameter",
                    methodCallNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null != params) {
                List<Class> paramTypes = Collections.emptyList();
                if (0 < params.getLength()) {
                    paramTypes = new ArrayList<Class>();
                    List<Parameter> paramList = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
                    Parameter toAdd = null;
                    ExpressionFactory ef = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
                    ELContext elContext = context.getELContext();
                    ValueExpression ve = null;
                    for (int i_param = 0; i_param < params.getLength(); i_param++) {
                        Node param = params.item(i_param);
                        NodeList valueList = (NodeList)
                                xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:value/text()", param, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                        if (null == valueList || 1 != valueList.getLength()) {
                            throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <parameter> exactly one <value> child is allowed");
                        String valueStr = valueList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                        String classStr = null;
                        NodeList classList = (NodeList)
                                xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:class/text()", param, XPathConstants.NODESET);
                        if (null != classList && 1 < classList.getLength()) {
                            throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <parameter> at most one <class> child is allowed");
                        if (null != classList && 1 == classList.getLength()) {
                            classStr = classList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
                        Class clazz = String.class;
                        if (null != classStr) {
                            try {
                                clazz = ReflectionUtil.forName(classStr);
                            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                                clazz = Object.class;
                        ve = ef.createValueExpression(elContext, valueStr, clazz);
                        toAdd = new ParameterImpl(classStr, ve);
                Class [] paramArray = new Class[paramTypes.size()];
                methodCallBuilder.expression(methodStr, paramArray);
            NodeList defaultOutcomeList = (NodeList)
                    xpath.evaluate(".//ns1:default-outcome/text()", methodCallNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            if (null != defaultOutcomeList && 1 < defaultOutcomeList.getLength()) {
                throw new XPathExpressionException("Within <method-call> only one <default-outcome> child is allowed");
            if (null != defaultOutcomeList) {
                String defaultOutcomeStr = defaultOutcomeList.item(0).getNodeValue().trim();
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Related Classes of javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException

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