hasJaxwsAnnotation = true;
// Process @WebServiceProvider annotation - JCA_11015, POJO_8034
WebServiceProvider webServiceProviderAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class);
if (webServiceProviderAnnotation != null) {
// if the implmentation already has a service set, use it's name
// and the new service, which uses the implementation as an interface,
// will be replaced
String serviceName = clazz.getSimpleName();
if (type.getServices().size() > 0){
serviceName = ((Service)type.getServices().get(0)).getName();
// the annotation may specify a service name
serviceName = getValue(webServiceProviderAnnotation.serviceName(), serviceName);
String wsdlLocation = webServiceProviderAnnotation.wsdlLocation();
// Make sure that there is a service with an interface
// based on the implementation class and have it replace
// any service with the same name
try {