/* Ok, maybe the difference is just with endianness indicator?
* (UTF-16BE vs. UTF-16)?
// !!! TBI
XMLReporter rep = cfg.getXMLReporter();
if (rep != null) {
Location loc = getLocation();
String msg = MessageFormat.format(ErrorConsts.W_MIXED_ENCODINGS,
new Object[] { mFoundEncoding,
inputEnc });
String type = ErrorConsts.WT_XML_DECL;
/* 30-May-2008, tatus: Should wrap all the info as XMValidationProblem
* since that's Woodstox' contract wrt. relatedInformation field.
XMLValidationProblem prob = new XMLValidationProblem(loc, msg, XMLValidationProblem.SEVERITY_WARNING, type);
rep.report(msg, type, prob, loc);