// of the SOAP Request message. If a UDDI request
// message does not exist within the SOAP Body
// then throw a FatalErrorException and indicate
// that this is a Client-side (consumer) error.
SOAPBody soapReqBody = soapReq.getSOAPBody();
Element uddiReq = null;
Iterator itrChildElements = soapReqBody.getChildElements();
while (itrChildElements.hasNext()) {
Object obj = (Object)itrChildElements.next();
if (obj instanceof Element) {
uddiReq = (Element)obj;
if (uddiReq == null)
throw new FatalErrorException("A UDDI request was not " +
"found in the SOAP message.");
// Grab the local name of the UDDI request element
// from the UDDI Request. If a value isn't returned
// (either null or an empty String is returned) then
// throw a FatalError exception. This is probably a
// configuration problem related to the XML Parser
// that jUDDI is using.
String operation = uddiReq.getLocalName();
if ((operation == null) || (operation.trim().length() == 0))
throw new FatalErrorException("The UDDI service operation " +
"could not be identified.");
// Grab the generic attribute value (version value). If
// one isn't specified or the value specified is not "2.0"
// then throw an exception (this value must be specified
// for all UDDI requests and currently only vesion 2.0
// UDDI requests are supported).
String version = uddiReq.getAttribute("generic");
if (version == null)
throw new FatalErrorException("A UDDI generic attribute " +
"value was not found for UDDI request: "+operation+" (The " +
"'generic' attribute must be present)");
// Verify that the appropriate endpoint was targeted for
// this service request. The validateRequest method will
// throw an UnsupportedException if anything's amiss.
// Lookup the appropriate XML handler. Throw an
// UnsupportedException if one could not be located.
HandlerMaker maker = HandlerMaker.getInstance();
IHandler requestHandler = maker.lookup(operation);
if (requestHandler == null)
throw new UnsupportedException("The UDDI service operation " +
"specified is unknown or unsupported: " +operation);
// Unmarshal the raw xml into the appropriate jUDDI
// request object.
RegistryObject uddiReqObj = requestHandler.unmarshal(uddiReq);
// Grab a reference to the shared jUDDI registry
// instance (make sure it's running) and execute the
// requested UDDI function.
RegistryObject uddiResObj = null;
RegistryEngine registry = RegistryServlet.getRegistry();
if ((registry != null) && (registry.isAvailable()))
uddiResObj = registry.execute(uddiReqObj);
throw new BusyException("The Registry is currently unavailable.");
// Lookup the appropriate response handler which will
// be used to marshal the UDDI object into the appropriate
// xml format.
IHandler responseHandler = maker.lookup(uddiResObj.getClass().getName());
if (responseHandler == null)
throw new FatalErrorException("The response object " +
"type is unknown: " +uddiResObj.getClass().getName());
// Create a new 'temp' XML element to use as a container
// in which to marshal the UDDI response data into.
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = getDocumentBuilder();
Document document = docBuilder.newDocument();
Element element = document.createElement("temp");
// Lookup the appropriate response handler and marshal
// the juddi object into the appropriate xml format (we
// only support UDDI v2.0 at this time). Attach the
// results to the body of the SOAP response.
// Grab a reference to the 'temp' element's
// only child here (this has the effect of
// discarding the temp element) and append
// this child to the soap response body
catch(Exception ex) // Catch ALL exceptions
// SOAP Fault values
String faultCode = null;
String faultString = null;
String faultActor = null;
// UDDI DispositionReport values
String errno = null;
String errCode = null;
String errText = null;
// All RegistryException and subclasses of RegistryException
// should contain values for populating a SOAP Fault as well
// as a UDDI DispositionReport with specific information
// about the problem.
// We've got to dig out the dispositionReport and populate
// the SOAP Fault 'detail' element with this information.
if (ex instanceof RegistryException)
// Since we've intercepted a RegistryException type
// then we can assume this is a "controlled" event
// and simply log the error message without a stack
// trace.
RegistryException rex = (RegistryException)ex;
faultCode = rex.getFaultCode(); // SOAP Fault faultCode
faultString = rex.getFaultString(); // SOAP Fault faultString
faultActor = rex.getFaultActor(); // SOAP Fault faultActor
DispositionReport dispRpt = rex.getDispositionReport();
if (dispRpt != null)
Result result = null;
ErrInfo errInfo = null;
Vector results = dispRpt.getResultVector();
if ((results != null) && (!results.isEmpty()))
result = (Result)results.elementAt(0);
if (result != null)
errno = String.valueOf(result.getErrno()); // UDDI Result errno
errInfo = result.getErrInfo();
if (errInfo != null)
errCode = errInfo.getErrCode(); // UDDI ErrInfo errCode
errText = errInfo.getErrMsg(); // UDDI ErrInfo errMsg
else if (ex instanceof SOAPException)
// Because something occured that jUDDI wasn't expecting
// let's set default SOAP Fault values. Since SOAPExceptions
// here are most likely XML validation errors let's blame the
// client by placing "Client" in the Fault Code and pass
// the Exception message back to the client.
faultCode = "Client";
faultString = ex.getMessage();
faultActor = null;
// Let's set default values for the UDDI DispositionReport
// here. While we didn't catch a RegistryException (or
// subclass) we're going to be friendly and include a
// FatalError DispositionReport within the message from the
// SAX parsing problem in the SOAP Fault anyway.
errno = String.valueOf(Result.E_FATAL_ERROR);
errCode = Result.lookupErrCode(Result.E_FATAL_ERROR);
errText = Result.lookupErrText(Result.E_FATAL_ERROR) +
" " + ex.getMessage();
else // anything else
// All other exceptions (other than SOAPException or
// RegistryException and subclasses) are either a result
// of a jUDDI configuration problem or something that
// we *should* be catching and converting to a
// RegistryException but are not (yet!).
// Because something occured that jUDDI wasn't expecting
// let's set default SOAP Fault values. Since jUDDI
// should be catching anything significant let's blame
// jUDDI by placing "Server" in the Fault Code and pass
// the Exception message on to the client.
faultCode = "Server";
faultString = ex.getMessage();
faultActor = null;
// Let's set default values for the UDDI DispositionReport
// here. While we didn't catch a RegistryException (or
// subclass) but we're going to be friendly and include a
// FatalError DispositionReport within the SOAP Fault anyway.
errno = String.valueOf(Result.E_FATAL_ERROR);
errCode = Result.lookupErrCode(Result.E_FATAL_ERROR);
errText = Result.lookupErrText(Result.E_FATAL_ERROR) +
" An internal UDDI server error has " +
"occurred. Please report this error " +
"to the UDDI server administrator.";
// We should have everything we need to assemble
// the SOAPFault so lets piece it together and
// send it on it's way.
try {
SOAPBody soapResBody = soapRes.getSOAPBody();
SOAPFault soapFault = soapResBody.addFault();
// We're always going to include a DispositionReport (for