Package javax.xml.rpc.handler

Examples of javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext

             * method.  As per the agreement between OpenEJB and the Web Service Provider
             * the MessageContex should have been passed into the container.invoke method
             * and the container should then ensure it's available via the SessionContext
             * for the duration of this call.
            MessageContext messageContext = ctx.getMessageContext();

            junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull("message context should not be null", messageContext);
            junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue("the Web Service Provider's message context should be used", messageContext instanceof FakeMessageContext);

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            return (EJBObject) EjbObjectProxyHandler.createProxy(di, threadContext.getPrimaryKey(), InterfaceType.EJB_OBJECT);

        public MessageContext getMessageContext() throws IllegalStateException {
            ThreadContext threadContext = ThreadContext.getThreadContext();
            MessageContext messageContext = threadContext.get(MessageContext.class);
            if (messageContext == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Only calls on the service-endpoint have a MessageContext.");
            return messageContext;
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   private org.jboss.invocation.Invocation getMBeanInvocation(Invocation inv)
      // EJB2.1 endpoints will only get an JAXRPC context
      MessageContext msgContext = inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(MessageContext.class);
      if (msgContext == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain MessageContext");

      SPIProvider spiProvider = SPIProviderResolver.getInstance().getProvider();
      SecurityAdaptor securityAdaptor = spiProvider.getSPI(SecurityAdaptorFactory.class).newSecurityAdapter();
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        // web service provider.  The web serivce provider needs supply
        // the MessageContext and an interceptor to do the marshalling as
        // the arguments of the standard container.invoke signature.

        // So let's create a fake message context.
        MessageContext messageContext = new FakeMessageContext();

        // Now let's create a fake interceptor as would be supplied by the
        // web service provider.  Instead of writing "fake" marshalling
        // code that would pull the arguments from the soap message, we'll
        // just give it the argument values directly.
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             * method.  As per the agreement between OpenEJB and the Web Service Provider
             * the MessageContex should have been passed into the container.invoke method
             * and the container should then ensure it's available via the SessionContext
             * for the duration of this call.
            MessageContext messageContext = ctx.getMessageContext();

            junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull("message context should not be null", messageContext);
            junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue("the Web Service Provider's message context should be used", messageContext instanceof FakeMessageContext);

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    public MessageContext getMessageContext() throws IllegalStateException {
        ThreadContext threadContext = ThreadContext.getThreadContext();
        MessageContext messageContext = threadContext.get(MessageContext.class);
        if (messageContext == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Only calls on the service-endpoint have a MessageContext.");
        return messageContext;
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   private org.jboss.invocation.Invocation getMBeanInvocation(Invocation inv)
      // EJB2.1 endpoints will only get an JAXRPC context
      MessageContext msgContext = inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(MessageContext.class);
      if (msgContext == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain MessageContext");

      SPIProvider spiProvider = SPIProviderResolver.getInstance().getProvider();
      SecurityAdaptor securityAdaptor = spiProvider.getSPI(SecurityAdaptorFactory.class).newSecurityAdapter();
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    public MessageContext getMessageContext() throws IllegalStateException {
        ThreadContext threadContext = ThreadContext.getThreadContext();
        MessageContext messageContext = threadContext.get(MessageContext.class);
        if (messageContext == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Only calls on the service-endpoint have a MessageContext.");
        return messageContext;
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        // web service provider.  The web serivce provider needs supply
        // the MessageContext and an interceptor to do the marshalling as
        // the arguments of the standard container.invoke signature.

        // So let's create a fake message context.
        MessageContext messageContext = new FakeMessageContext();

        // Now let's create a fake interceptor as would be supplied by the
        // web service provider.  Instead of writing "fake" marshalling
        // code that would pull the arguments from the soap message, we'll
        // just give it the argument values directly.
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             * method.  As per the agreement between OpenEJB and the Web Service Provider
             * the MessageContex should have been passed into the container.invoke method
             * and the container should then ensure it's available via the SessionContext
             * for the duration of this call.
            MessageContext messageContext = ctx.getMessageContext();

            junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull("message context should not be null", messageContext);
            junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue("the Web Service Provider's message context should be used", messageContext instanceof FakeMessageContext);

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Related Classes of javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext

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