se.getLinkedCause() == null);
// Make sure we get the proper ports
try {
Stub one = (Stub) service.getPort(portBOne, One.class);
Stub two = (Stub) service.getPort(portBTwo, Two.class);
Stub three = (Stub) service.getPort(portBTwoA, Two.class);
assertTrue("getPort(portBOne) should be of type One, instead it is " + one.getClass().getName(), one instanceof One);
assertTrue("getPort(portBOne) should have address http://localhost:8080/axis/services/portBOne,"
+ " instead it has " + one._getProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY),
assertTrue("getPort(portBTwo) should be of type Two, instead it is " + two.getClass().getName(), two instanceof Two);
assertTrue("getPort(portBTwo) should have address"
+ "http://localhost:8080/axis/services/portBTwo,"
+ "instead it has " + two._getProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)
+ ", port is " + two.toString(),
assertTrue("getPort(portBTwoA) should be of type Two, instead it is " + three.getClass().getName(), three instanceof Two);
assertTrue("getPort(portBTwoA) should have address "
+ "http://localhost:8080/axis/services/portBTwoA, "
+ "instead it has " + three._getProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY),
catch (ServiceException se) {
fail("unexpected failure: " + se);
} // testDoublePortService1