Package javax.xml.rpc

Examples of javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException

     } // removeProperty

    public void setScopedProperty(String name, Object value) {
        if (name == null || value == null) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(
                    Messages.getMessage(name == null ?
                                         "badProp03" : "badProp04"));
        scopedProperties.put(name, value);
    } // setScopedProperty
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        URL urlAddress;
        try {
            urlAddress = new URL(address);
        catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(mue);
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        operationName = new QName(opName);

    public void setOperation(QName portName, String opName) {
        if ( service == null )
            throw new JAXRPCException( Messages.getMessage("noService04") );

        // Make sure we're making a fresh start.
        this.setPortName( portName );
        this.setOperationName( opName );
        this.setTargetEndpointAddress( (URL) null );
        this.setEncodingStyle( null );
        this.setReturnType( null );

        javax.wsdl.Service wsdlService = service.getWSDLService();
        // Nothing to do is the WSDL is not already set.
        if(wsdlService == null)

        Port port = wsdlService.getPort( portName.getLocalPart() );
        if ( port == null )
            throw new JAXRPCException( Messages.getMessage("noPort00", "" + portName) );

        Binding   binding  = port.getBinding();
        PortType  portType = binding.getPortType();
        if ( portType == null )
            throw new JAXRPCException( Messages.getMessage("noPortType00", "" + portName) );

        List operations = portType.getOperations();
        if ( operations == null )
            throw new JAXRPCException( Messages.getMessage("noOperation01", opName) );

        Operation op = null ;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < operations.size() ; i++, op=null ) {
            op = (Operation) operations.get( i );
            if ( opName.equals( op.getName() ) ) break ;
        if ( op == null )
            throw new JAXRPCException( Messages.getMessage("noOperation01", opName) );

        // Get the URL
        List list = port.getExtensibilityElements();
        for ( int i = 0 ; list != null && i < list.size() ; i++ ) {
            Object obj = list.get(i);
            if ( obj instanceof SOAPAddress ) {
                try {
                    SOAPAddress addr = (SOAPAddress) obj ;
                    URL         url  = new URL(addr.getLocationURI());
                catch(Exception exp) {
                    throw new JAXRPCException(
                            Messages.getMessage("cantSetURI00", "" + exp) );

        // Get the SOAPAction
        BindingOperation bop = binding.getBindingOperation(opName,
                                                           null, null);
        if ( bop == null )
            throw new JAXRPCException( Messages.getMessage("noOperation02",
                                                            opName ));
        list = bop.getExtensibilityElements();
        for ( int i = 0 ; list != null && i < list.size() ; i++ ) {
            Object obj = list.get(i);
            if ( obj instanceof SOAPOperation ) {
                SOAPOperation sop    = (SOAPOperation) obj ;
                String        action = sop.getSoapActionURI();
                if ( action != null ) {
                else {
                break ;

        // Get the body's namespace URI and encoding style
        BindingInput bIn = bop.getBindingInput();
        if ( bIn != null ) {
            list = bIn.getExtensibilityElements();
            for ( int i = 0 ; list != null && i < list.size() ; i++ ) {
                Object obj = list.get(i);
                if( obj instanceof javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEMultipartRelated){
                  javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEMultipartRelated mpr=
                  (javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEMultipartRelated) obj;
                  Object part= null;
                  List l=  mpr.getMIMEParts();
                  for(int j=0; l!= null && j< l.size() && part== null; j++){
                     javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEPart mp
                     = (javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEPart)l.get(j);
                     List ll= mp.getExtensibilityElements();
                     for(int k=0; ll!= null && k< ll.size() && part== null; k++){
                       part= ll.get(k);
                       if ( !(part instanceof SOAPBody)) part = null;
                  if(null != part) obj= part;

                if ( obj instanceof SOAPBody ) {
                    SOAPBody sBody  = (SOAPBody) obj ;
                    list = sBody.getEncodingStyles();
                    if ( list != null && list.size() > 0 )
                        this.setEncodingStyle( (String) list.get(0) );
                    String ns = sBody.getNamespaceURI();
                    if (ns != null && !ns.equals(""))
                      setOperationName( new QName( ns, opName ) );
                    break ;

        // Get the parameters
        List    paramOrder = op.getParameterOrdering();
        Input   input      = op.getInput();
        javax.wsdl.Message message    = null ;
        List    parts      = null ;

        if ( input   != null ) message = input.getMessage();
        if ( message != null ) parts   = message.getOrderedParts( paramOrder );
        if ( parts != null ) {
            for ( int i = 0 ; i < parts.size() ; i++ ) {
                Part    part = (Part) parts.get(i);
                if ( part == null ) continue ;

                String name = part.getName();
                QName  type = part.getTypeName();

                if ( type == null ) {
                    type = part.getElementName();
                    if ( type != null )
                      type = new QName("java","org.w3c.dom.Element");
                      throw new JAXRPCException(
                                  Messages.getMessage("typeNotSet00", name) );

                QName qname = new QName(type.getNamespaceURI(),
                ParameterMode mode = ParameterMode.IN;
                this.addParameter( name, qname, mode );

        // Get the return type
        Output   output  = op.getOutput();
        message = null ;

        if ( output  != null ) message = output.getMessage();
        if ( message != null ) parts   = message.getOrderedParts(null);

//      if (null != paramTypes) // attachments may have no parameters.
        if (operation != null && operation.getNumParams() > 0) // attachments may have no parameters.
          this.setReturnType( XMLType.AXIS_VOID );
        if ( parts != null ) {
            for( int i = 0 ;i < parts.size() ; i++ ) {
                Part part  = (Part) parts.get( i );

                if (paramOrder != null && paramOrder.contains(part.getName()))
                        continue ;

                QName type  = part.getTypeName();
                if ( type == null ) {
                    type = part.getElementName();
                    if ( type != null )
                      type = new QName("java","org.w3c.dom.Element");
                      throw new JAXRPCException(
                            Messages.getMessage("typeNotSet00", "<return>") );
                QName qname = new QName(type.getNamespaceURI(),
                this.setReturnType( qname );
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    public void invokeOneWay(Object[] params) {
        try {
            invokeOneWay = true;
            invoke( params );
        } catch( Exception exp ) {
            throw new JAXRPCException( exp.toString() );
        } finally {
            invokeOneWay = false;
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        // number of params passed in - if not throw an error
        numParams = operation.getNumInParams();

        if ( params == null || numParams != params.length )
            throw new JAXRPCException(
                    "" + params.length, "" + numParams) );

        log.debug( "getParamList number of params: " + params.length);
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     * @param name - Name of the property
     * @param value - Value of the property
    public void _setProperty(String name, Object value) {
        if (name == null || value == null) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(
                    Messages.getMessage(name == null ?
                                         "badProp03" : "badProp04"));
        else if (name.equals(Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            cachedUsername = (String) value;
        else if (name.equals(Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            cachedPassword = (String) value;
        else if (name.equals(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            try {
                cachedEndpoint = new URL ((String) value);
            catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(mue.getMessage());
        else if (name.equals(Call.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof Boolean)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[]
            maintainSessionSet = true;
            maintainSession = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
        else if (name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.")) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(
                    Messages.getMessage("badProp05", name));
        else {
            cachedProperties.put(name, value);
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            else if (name.equals(Call.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY)) {
                return maintainSessionSet ? new Boolean(maintainSession) : null;
            else if (name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.")) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp05", name));
            else {
                return cachedProperties.get(name);
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     * @param name  Name of the property
     * @param value Value of the property
    public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
        if (name == null || value == null) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(
                    Messages.getMessage(name == null ?
                                         "badProp03" : "badProp04"));
        else if (name.equals(AsyncCall.ASYNC_CALL_LISTENER)) {
            if (!(value instanceof Listener)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, Listener.class.getName(), value.getClass().getName()}));
        else if (name.equals(AsyncCall.ASYNC_CALL_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof Boolean)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.Boolean", value.getClass().getName()}));
        else if (name.equals(USERNAME_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            setUsername((String) value);
        else if (name.equals(PASSWORD_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            setPassword((String) value);
        else if (name.equals(SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof Boolean)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[]
            setMaintainSession(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
        else if (name.equals(OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            setOperationStyle((String) value);
        else if (name.equals(SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof Boolean)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[]
            setUseSOAPAction(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
        else if (name.equals(SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[]
            setSOAPActionURI((String) value);
        else if (name.equals(ENCODINGSTYLE_URI_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[]
            setEncodingStyle((String) value);
        else if (name.equals(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[]
            setTargetEndpointAddress((String) value);
        else if ( name.equals(TRANSPORT_NAME) ) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            transportName = (String) value ;
            if (transport != null)
                transport.setTransportName((String) value);
        else if ( name.equals(ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT) ) {
            if (!(value instanceof String)) {
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badProp00", new String[] {
                        name, "java.lang.String", value.getClass().getName()}));
            if(!value.equals(ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_MIME ) &&
               !value.equals(ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_DIME ))
                throw new JAXRPCException(
                        Messages.getMessage("badattachmenttypeerr", new String[] {
                        (String) value, ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_MIME + " "
                        +ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_DIME  }));
        else if (name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.")) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(
                    Messages.getMessage("badProp05", name));
        callProperties.put(name, value);
    } // setProperty
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     * @return Object value of the property or null if the property is not set
     * @throws JAXRPCException if the requested property is not a supported property
    public Object getProperty(String name) {
        if (name == null || !isPropertySupported(name)) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(name == null ?
                  Messages.getMessage("badProp03") :
                  Messages.getMessage("badProp05", name));
        return callProperties.get(name);
    } // getProperty
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      * @param name name of the property to remove
     public void removeProperty(String name) {
         if (name == null || !isPropertySupported(name)) {
            throw new JAXRPCException(name == null ?
                  Messages.getMessage("badProp03") :
                  Messages.getMessage("badProp05", name));
     } // removeProperty
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Related Classes of javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException

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