Package javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12

Examples of javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Binding

                this.bindingType = BINDING_TYPE_SOAP;
            } else if (extElements.get(i) instanceof SOAP12Binding) {
                // we have a global SOAP binding!
                isSOAPBinding = true;
                SOAP12Binding soapBinding = (SOAP12Binding) extElements.get(i);
                if (RPC_STYLE.equals(soapBinding.getStyle())) {
                    // set the global style to rpc
                    isRPC = true;
                this.bindingType = BINDING_TYPE_SOAP;
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                    axisBinding.setProperty(WSDLConstants.WSDL_1_1_STYLE, style);

            } else if (wsdl4jExtensibilityElement instanceof SOAP12Binding) {

                SOAP12Binding soapBinding = (SOAP12Binding) wsdl4jExtensibilityElement;
                AxisBinding axisBinding = (AxisBinding) description;


                String style = soapBinding.getStyle();
                if (style != null) {
                    axisBinding.setProperty(WSDLConstants.WSDL_1_1_STYLE, style);

                String transportURI = soapBinding.getTransportURI();

            } else if (wsdl4jExtensibilityElement instanceof HTTPBinding) {
                HTTPBinding httpBinding = (HTTPBinding) wsdl4jExtensibilityElement;
                AxisBinding axisBinding = (AxisBinding) description;
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                this.bindingType = BINDING_TYPE_SOAP;
            } else if (extElements.get(i) instanceof SOAP12Binding) {
                // we have a global SOAP binding!
                isSOAPBinding = true;
                SOAP12Binding soapBinding = (SOAP12Binding) extElements.get(i);
                if (RPC_STYLE.equals(soapBinding.getStyle())) {
                    // set the global style to rpc
                    isRPC = true;
                this.bindingType = BINDING_TYPE_SOAP;
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                    } else if ("".equals(bid)) {
                        for (Object o : bfo.getExtensors().get()) {
                            if (o instanceof SOAP12Binding) {
                                SOAP12Binding soapB = (SOAP12Binding)o;
                                if ("".equals(soapB.getTransportURI())) {
                                    epfo = e;
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          if (binding instanceof SOAPBinding) {
            SOAPBinding sb = (SOAPBinding) binding;
            Assert.assertEquals(sb.getStyle(), "document");
            Assert.assertEquals(sb.getTransportURI(), "");
          } else if (binding instanceof SOAP12Binding) {
            SOAP12Binding sb = (SOAP12Binding) binding;
            Assert.assertEquals(sb.getStyle(), "document");
            Assert.assertEquals(sb.getTransportURI(), "");
          } else if (binding instanceof HTTPBinding) {
        List operations = b.getBindingOperations();
        for (int i = 0; i < eeList.size(); i++) {
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                        // One or two keyedReferences as required to capture the protocol
                        for (Object object : binding.getExtensibilityElements()) {
                                SOAPBinding sb = null;
                                SOAP12Binding sb12 = null;
                                HTTPBinding hb = null;

                                try {
                                        hb = (HTTPBinding) object;
                                } catch (Exception x) {
                                try {
                                        sb = (SOAPBinding) object;
                                } catch (Exception x) {
                                try {
                                        sb12 = (SOAP12Binding) object;
                                } catch (Exception x) {
                                if (sb != null) {
                    // If the wsdl:binding contains a soap:binding extensibility element from the
                                        // '' namespace then the categoryBag MUST
                                        //include a keyedReference with a tModelKey of the Protocol Categorization
                                        // category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of the SOAP Protocol tModel.
                                        SOAPBinding soapBinding = sb;
                                        KeyedReference soapProtocol = newKeyedReference(
                                                "", "uddi-org:protocol:soap", "");
                    // If the value of the transport attribute of the soap:binding element
                                        // is '' then the categoryBag MUST
                                        // include a keyedReference with a tModelKey of the Transport Categorization
                                        // category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of the HTTP Transport tModel.
                                        if ("".equals(soapBinding.getTransportURI())) {
                                                KeyedReference httpTransport = newKeyedReference(
                                                        "", "uddi-org:http", "");
                                        } else if (soapBinding.getTransportURI() != null) {
                        // TODO If the value of the transport attribute is anything else,
                                                // then the bindingTemplate MUST include an additional keyedReference with a tModelKey
                                                // of the Transport Categorization category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of
                                                // an appropriate transport tModel.
                                                log.warn("not implemented, binding transport is " + soapBinding.getTransportURI());

                                } else if (hb != null) {

                    // If the wsdl:binding contains an http:binding extensibility element from the
                                        // namespace then the categoryBag MUST
                                        // include a keyedReference with a tModelKey of the Protocol Categorization
                                        // category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of the HTTP Protocol tModel.
                                        KeyedReference soapProtocol = newKeyedReference(
                                                "", "uddi-org:protocol:http", "");
                                } else if (sb12 != null) {
                    // If the wsdl:binding contains a soap:binding extensibility element from the
                                        // '' namespace then the categoryBag MUST
                                        //include a keyedReference with a tModelKey of the Protocol Categorization
                                        // category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of the SOAP Protocol tModel.

                                        KeyedReference soapProtocol = newKeyedReference(
                                                "", "uddi-org:protocol:soap", "");
                    // If the value of the transport attribute of the soap:binding element
                                        // is '' then the categoryBag MUST
                                        // include a keyedReference with a tModelKey of the Transport Categorization
                                        // category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of the HTTP Transport tModel.
                                        if ("".equals(sb12.getTransportURI())) {
                                                KeyedReference httpTransport = newKeyedReference(
                                                        "", "uddi-org:http", "");
                                        } else if (sb12.getTransportURI() != null) {
                        // TODO If the value of the transport attribute is anything else,
                                                // then the bindingTemplate MUST include an additional keyedReference with a tModelKey
                                                // of the Transport Categorization category system and a keyValue of the tModelKey of
                                                // an appropriate transport tModel.
                                                log.warn("not implemented, binding transport is " + sb12.getTransportURI());

                                } else {
                                        log.warn("Unrecongnized binding type: " + object.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ". Generated"
                                                + "binding tModel may be missing the required (according to WSDL2UDDI spec) "
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                } else if (SOAP12Binding.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) {
                    SOAP12Binding soapBnd = (SOAP12Binding)e;
                    wsdlBindingType = soapBnd.getElementType().getNamespaceURI();
                    soapTransport = soapBnd.getTransportURI();
                } else if (HTTPBinding.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) {
                    HTTPBinding httpBnd = (HTTPBinding)e;
                    wsdlBindingType = httpBnd.getElementType().getNamespaceURI();
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                if (sp.getElementType().getNamespaceURI().equals("")) {
                    //todo:  how to we tell if it is MTOM or not.
                    bindingS =;
            } else if (o instanceof SOAP12Binding) {
                SOAP12Binding sp = (SOAP12Binding)o;
                if (sp.getElementType().getNamespaceURI().equals("")) {
                   //todo:  how to we tell if it is MTOM or not.
                    bindingS =;
            } else if (o instanceof HTTPBinding) {
                HTTPBinding sp = (HTTPBinding)o;
                if (sp.getElementType().getNamespaceURI().equals("")) {
                    bindingS =;
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                    axisBinding.setProperty(WSDLConstants.WSDL_1_1_STYLE, style);

            } else if (wsdl4jExtensibilityElement instanceof SOAP12Binding) {

                SOAP12Binding soapBinding = (SOAP12Binding) wsdl4jExtensibilityElement;
                AxisBinding axisBinding = (AxisBinding) description;


                String style = soapBinding.getStyle();
                if (style != null) {
                    axisBinding.setProperty(WSDLConstants.WSDL_1_1_STYLE, style);

                String transportURI = soapBinding.getTransportURI();

            } else if (wsdl4jExtensibilityElement instanceof HTTPBinding) {
                HTTPBinding httpBinding = (HTTPBinding) wsdl4jExtensibilityElement;
                AxisBinding axisBinding = (AxisBinding) description;
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                this.bindingType = BINDING_TYPE_SOAP;
            } else if (extElements.get(i) instanceof SOAP12Binding) {
                // we have a global SOAP binding!
                isSOAPBinding = true;
                SOAP12Binding soapBinding = (SOAP12Binding) extElements.get(i);
                if (RPC_STYLE.equals(soapBinding.getStyle())) {
                    // set the global style to rpc
                    isRPC = true;
                this.bindingType = BINDING_TYPE_SOAP;
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Related Classes of javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Binding

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