/* process the binding faults */
for (Iterator bindingFaults = bindingFaultsMap.values().iterator();
bindingFaults.hasNext();) {
BindingFault bindingFault = (BindingFault) bindingFaults.next();
if (bindingFault.getName() == null) {
throw new AxisFault("Binding name is null for the binding fault in " +
" binding operation ==> " + wsdl4jBindingOperation.getName());
} else {
Fault wsdl4jFault = wsdl4jOperation.getFault(bindingFault.getName());
if (wsdl4jFault == null){
throw new AxisFault("Can not find the corresponding fault element in " +
"wsdl operation " + wsdl4jOperation.getName() + " for the fault" +
" name " + bindingFault.getName());
} else {
Message wsdl4jFaultMessge = wsdl4jFault.getMessage();
AxisMessage faultMessage = findFaultMessage(