A base JAX-RS runtime processing exception. The exception of this type is thrown during HTTP request or response processing, to signal a runtime processing failure. Typical classes of failures covered by {@code ProcessingException} include
- failures in filter or interceptor chain execution,
- errors caused by missing message body readers or writers for the particular Java type and media type combinations,
- propagated {@link java.io.IOException IO exceptions} thrown byentity {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader readers} and {@link javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyWriter writers}during entity serialization and de-serialization.
as well as any other JAX-RS runtime processing errors. The exception message or nested {@link Throwable}cause SHOULD contain additional information about the reason of the processing failure.
Note that the exception is used to indicate (internal) JAX-RS processing errors. It is not used to indicate HTTP error response states. A HTTP error response is represented by a {@link javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException} class or one of it'ssub-classes.
@author Marek Potociar
@since 2.0