if (addAllowed) {
addAllowed = false;
// Check an exact match. Simple case as there are no templates.
ServerEndpointConfig sec = configExactMatchMap.get(path);
if (sec != null) {
return new WsMappingResult(sec,
Collections.<String, String> emptyMap());
// No exact match. Need to look for template matches.
UriTemplate pathUriTemplate = null;
try {
pathUriTemplate = new UriTemplate(path);
} catch (DeploymentException e) {
// Path is not valid so can't be matched to a WebSocketEndpoint
return null;
// Number of segments has to match
Integer key = Integer.valueOf(pathUriTemplate.getSegmentCount());
SortedSet<TemplatePathMatch> templateMatches =
if (templateMatches == null) {
// No templates with an equal number of segments so there will be
// no matches
return null;
// List is in alphabetical order of normalised templates.
// Correct match is the first one that matches.
Map<String,String> pathParams = null;
for (TemplatePathMatch templateMatch : templateMatches) {
pathParams = templateMatch.getUriTemplate().match(pathUriTemplate);
if (pathParams != null) {
sec = templateMatch.getConfig();
if (sec == null) {
// No match
return null;
if (!PojoEndpointServer.class.isAssignableFrom(sec.getEndpointClass())) {
// Need to make path params available to POJO
return new WsMappingResult(sec, pathParams);